The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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My Cheery Story!

My Cheery Story!

Ujjal Mandal, WB, India

When I cast my eyes to a butterfly, 
The vernal freshness glows and I
Fly to the open blue by the sea
To tell my cheery and buoyant story. 

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The Fuscous Sky!

The Fuscous Sky!

Ujjal Mandal, India

The sky looks fuscous and heavy 
When the sun hides his cheery face 
Into the cloak of clouds as like
The air loses his sweet rhythm when
Nightingale stops her healing songs. 

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Paper Friends


Leaving seems so hard

Until you actually leave


The peculiar truth is

Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic

Leaving the places which seemed to matter

Leaving the paper people I once met

Leaving, forgiving & moving forward


What a trouvaille I encountered

To leave the paper connection

Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic

Leaving them in the ocean ...

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Eagle Eye

My eagle eye sweeps
The room nursing maimed dreams 
And stifled memories
Which make walls bleed 
When drubbed by the hollow breeze.

Who am I except a mute bystander?
Unfazed by the detritus,
My steady gaze punctures
The flesh of aged and nascent delusions.

Stay, stay with me,
Before I leave, 
And catch a train 
To a place where summer rains 
Submerge mundane lands 
And bleached s...

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Poetrydreamseagle eyememoriesmundanerainsskytrain

Winter In The Sky

Steady beats the pulse of the sun

Wonder still leaps from its beams

Yet beneath a mask of bonhomie

That sad star is not what it seems


Watching its favourite run to waste

Hot tears escape that burning eye

Bound by nature to fry its offspring

Torch forests, put winter in the sky


What treasure this greedy satellite

Down the ages pillaged from space

Squandering ...

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winterskysunstartorch forestsgreedyhabitatsrising seas



Love is like the sky on a rainy day trying to show the sun

the sun peaking in the sky waiting its turn 

they fight until one of them has won 

once the fight is won it all is forgotten 

what the fight was about has faded and the rainbow appears

giving beauty to the grounds exterior. 

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The leaves of the tree

Behind the house of glass are falling

With each step of the wind

They liberate themselves from the branches

From the complexity of the connections

Connection of the root with the trunk

Of the trunk with the branches

Of the branches with the leaves

The leaves liberated themselves

From the connections

From the dependence


The leaves of the ...

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independenceLifeRealrunawaypoemstrongindependentbeautifulfreedomfreepoetrynaturecontrailsskywomanbreakfreehappyliberatedconnectionsismy lifebestbeyourselfselflove

Tenant of the Sea

He witnessed the rise and fall of the tides

Of the sea that seemed so milky in the moonlight.

Gloating over its graceful strides,

The rumble of the colossal sea was all he could hear that silent night.

The stars twinkled in the darkness,

And the moon in the blackness

Gazed dotingly at him and his boat,

As the decrepit carrier carted its master swiftly afloat.

How long...

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Sunsets Are For Walking Into

I always took the sky for granted

Never really cared about the stars

Stuck strictly to the daily round,

Women and booze and fast cars


Sunsets are for walking into with you

At last I see the magic in the sky

Sunsets are for walking into with you

How did sunsets ever escape my eye?


You taught me about love and nature

How they go hand in hand together

Giving lo...

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What Lies Above And Below Us

Far above us

The sky bursts into colours-

Blue, purple, grey, orange,

With red and all the hues in its range.


Miles beneath our feet

Are secrets buried,

Arcane and deep.

Their ampoules once known to everybody.


What goes overhead

Suffuses stars and their milky shells.

The departure from earth melancholic but serene,

Leaves behind shimmering trails that spe...

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Hansel's Universe

I don’t want to look up at the sky anymore
for it terrifies me
the stars have never been more than crumbs of the universe
laymen wish upon
and suddenly I find myself
tracing your eyes
and the bottom of your chin
along constellations complex
crumbs that leave a path
tiny pieces of you
that lead me home

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Clouds Dancing in the Sky

Looking up at the clouds so high

Watching colors stretch across the sky

As they combine and spread apart gracefully

An ever-changing work of art slowly slips by


As the sun first wakes

Golden hues are painted on the tips

I’m struck by the beauty

How lucky I am to be a witness


As the sun slowly dances across the sky

The image changes as clouds come and go


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