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grief (Remove filter)

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Hélène on not to the swift
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Hélène on CORRA
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David RL Moore on Of sorrowful songs there is no fear
4 hours ago

David RL Moore on CORRA
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David RL Moore on Tits
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Mike McPeek on not to the swift
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Graham Sherwood on Tits
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Flyntland on MY MAN
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Flyntland on Tits
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Tom Doolan on Cancer Touched Me
17 hours ago

Blues For David.

A song I wrote a while ago, I played the guitar when I still could, arthritis in my hands has ended that, My cousins son sang and played the Harmonica and clapped.we never sat down and played it just sent stuff back and forth on the internet until we had something he could mix at his studio. Its about my son who died of a rare bone cancer, Ewings Sarcoma at eighteen years of age.

Blues for Davi...

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Ashes Are Better Than Nothing

All that's left is wreckage

Debris from what's over

The time when I loved

No more the idle rover


Ashes are better than nothing

Half a loaf better than crumbs

Yet memories burn painfully

What's forfeited still numbs


Years that went quickly

Days that ran into sand

Left poignant memories

Your soft yielding hand


That May day at the beach

Sand caugh...

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A Lullaby of Loss

(Inspired by Death With Dignity, Sufjan Stevens)

Stoic and sober silence, I can feel you,
Like a blanket draped 'round me
When I'm down with flu.
Why don't you speak?
Decimated dreams, I can see you
Even in the stark bleak.
The color of coal.
When will you heal?
Whispers of floating phantoms, I can hear you,
When you hover over my cot
And sing a berceuse.
Why did you stop?
Flowers p...

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it’s mostly sadness, overall

it’s mostly sadness overall 

though every time i turn that corner, i think of her smile.


                        i only have words for her 


though i cannot speak them so she will hear, i wish i would have said them. 



                                i love you. 


and the dirt couldn’t say it back, so silence is my gift from her. silence, and the way i still th...

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i love yousad poemsgrief



Dry and numb. 


Grief cannot be duplicated, though it can be felt, again and again. 

We’ll just go to sleep and never cry again. so it shall be dreamed, not wept. 

It will fade, but right now, we sleep. 


Numb and dry. 


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Grievinggriefnumbsad poetryi’ve said goodbye

The Cost Of Your Hand

I awake on a bed of roses, 

Whose petals crunch like orphaned autumn leaves.

A ray of sunlight towards me approaches,

Dancing in the light are muddy speckles aplenty.


​I can feel the air around me toy with my locks,

Which is as feeble as your grasp on my hand.

But I hold on

To you, this very second, this very moment.


The mere sight of you sugarcoats my disill...

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The Last Goodbye

Resting his knee,
he holds his face
to bury his sobs
as she is laid to rest

We hold hands
as I gently squeeze
knowing too well 
this may be our last embrace

Feeling his warmth,
his mighty strong hands,
he held us together 
when she left this land

It’s only one slip away 
before you’re gone too soon

On the drive home, 
our last goodbye became true

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They took her exuberance and fled away

Let her sink in never ending milky way

Prancing here and there with utmost misery

She couldn't resist, merely

they are her love once again 

Only thing she can do 

Sway away from mighty grief and never go back again

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grieflove oncemiseryresist

Al-Barr (The generous and most courteous)

He was generous he was sweet
He fed us well, we were meat

Yet somehow as others hobbled towards his call
To feed, to fatten, to round, to fall

I saw myself getting sick and more frail
I felt death near, I felt pale

I saw the colors of existence washing away like dirt in a shower
I saw Him as he was, generous with the meat yet not generous with His power

Thus this was the cu...

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The Oak Tree

The oak tree

Unwavering and sturdy

Tells us how to be:

Don’t break so easily

In the slightest change of wind


Climbing back through my childhood bedroom window

Landing on shards of broken glass

Crimson oozes slowly

As I pray each stab is its last

So much has shaken me since my first landing

Each step taken cuts deeper than the beginning


Looking back 


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for each life lost

a broken heart for friends,

a sadness that never goes away

but gnaws at nerves and silent moments

 the desolate times of memory cast hurt shadows

dancing on the twilight walls at the edge of your vision

a friend’s laughter that bonded like mortar holds together bricks

 those happy tears can also flow in torrents in a recolle...

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concrete poetryday 9griefhopeloseenapowrimo2020sadnesstears


Wave after wave of grief washed over me,
sadness so profound 
the world seemed desolate and forlorn,
like being exposed to the stinging rain 
and blistering wind
on wave crests at the height of a storm

Between bleak crests were moments
of consolation offered by caring friends, 
or comforting memories,
perhaps a joke to soften the pain, 
like valleys between waves 
give some respite 

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