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Marla Joy on Miracles
12 hours ago

The day she found herself 

Breaking all the shackles

Throwing away all the chains

that were holding her

she finally got rid of the  pain


She drew strength

just  from within

that was the day she found herself

and realized chasing dreams was not a sin


Pleasing everyone

was not her wish anymore

focusing on herself

became her aim of soul


It was very taxing

To identify her tr...

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StrengthChangelifemotivationmy wordsstrong womenwoman powerpoor young girl



What is it?

Who defines strength?

Is it someone who  still stands after their -

heart has been broken mulitple times?

Is it someone who refuses to give up their -

virginity even though their peers tell them to?

What about a man who can lift three hundred -

and fifty pounds?

Or maybe a single parent striving to take care -

of their child/children?


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In a year long

I'll be laughing in the hot sun
When this is all gone
In a year long
This will be my song
I'll  finally feel strong

Today I might ache
But it will not stay
Tomorrow, I'll be okay
And one day, I pray
It'll go forever away

I'll be laughing in the hot sun
When this is all gone
In a year long
This will be my song
I'll finally feel strong

Yesterday was scary
My head tried to hurt ...

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can do thishurtmental healthmental painoptimismoptomisticPainpastpeoplephysical healthphysical painsongstrengthstrongtime healswe got thisyear

Compulsive Manipulation

The monster digs it's claws in tight
I can't escape it, with all my might
I want to run away or hide
But today, with you, I stand to fight
The dark won't win, only light

I can feel the thread, moving my limbs
Like a puppeteer is pulling the strings
I see myself saying and doing these things
As the pied pipers' flute continues to sing

The voices that speak so clearly to me
Try to chan...

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Compulsive liarcompulsive manipulationcontroldeceptionfacadeknow when to walkliesmanipulationmental gamesmind gamesnot all actions require a reactionpuppeteerreactionstrengthwalk away

I am Both (with audio by me)

I am not the fat girl

I am not the skinny girl.


I am both.


I am both the bingeing in the night

And the starving from pure fright.


I am both


In the mirror I am both.


I am the always too thin pile of bones

And the body too big to call home.


I am both.


In the shops I am both.


I am the girl who is too curvy to wear cute clothes


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Audioeating disorderempowermentfatpoempoem with audiopoetryread aloudskinnystand as onestigmastrengthweight issueswomenwomen about women

Battle Cry

You think you rule this whole damn town
But I can tell you for sure, I'm stealing the crown
You may have won before, but I won't back down
I deserve to finally be free now.

You walk with attitude, like women in heeled shoes
But it doesn't take a genius to know you haven't got a clue
You fought well though, so don't feel blue
When you see the tables turning, against you.

You think you r...

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Battle crydefeat is no optiondeterminationfighting backhad enoughmanipulationmental warphysical warpowersocial warstrengthstrongeranxiety


She smells like the smoke she consumes everynight, 

She looks a bit hopeless but she does have hope inside,

She lives with the dead monsters who creeps her at night,

But she knows one day she will kill the monsters of light.

She knows, one day she will definitely smile...



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strengthpoetrystrong women

Obsessed With You

I'm addicted to, all the

Things you do. The way

You look at me, make me

Breathe. I can face this now,

With you I now know how.

Your words enlighten me,

Your eyes, they help me see,

I've never felt this free.


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addicted to youfreefreedomloveunconditional lovelusthappysafehopestrengthgroundedenlightenedpoetrylove poemsromanticromancelove poetry

Shouty Face

I think that you are quite unique,

From ear to ear, then down to feet

Sat atop your mind you speak,

Sometimes funny, sometimes sweet


Lots of people seem the same,

They live their lives and play their games

Now and then they use their brains

But not too often, ain't that insane?


You are you and that's what matters

So ignore, the chitter chatter

Small minded t...

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Individualindividualityself worthself beliefthick skinpersonalityconvictionmotivationinspirationinspirationalstrong mindedstrengthwillfulnessunique

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