The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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For a poem about motivation

I find myself lacking real inspiration.


After a period of procrastination

It’s become a source of great frustration.


Is this real artistic creation

Or just intellectual masturbation?


But following quiet contemplation

I had a sudden revelation:


What I am lacking is

The title.

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SRCSaturday Rhymers ClubSaturday funMotivationrhyme

Writing in Rhyme

Please consider watching this slam live on Youtube (with subtitles):


I can’t help writing in rhyme. I do it all the time.

Rhymes sneak into my texts unbidden

Or if they’re not there, or are too well hidden

Their absence clangs like a bell

And I feel compelled to find them somewhere… bear, care, dare, hair, tear… repair, despair…


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Sleeping through earthquakes

If I am your world

with my head lying on your chest,

then is the b-beat b-beating tectonic plates?

Is your heart safely caged?

Can I lift my head or will you break?

You are the love between my legs.

You are my love, between my legs.

Are you the birthmark on my flesh?

It beats: s-stay s-stay...

Is your heart safely caged?

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lovephilosophyrhymerhythmvulnerabilityword playworry

Many sides of the truth

Why do things have to be only one way
Do you really believe we experience the same days?
Our lives take different twists and turns
And most of all we all truly do learn
So will you listen to me when I tell you
That your experiences are only one truth?
Your knowledge might truly be great
But it doesn't foretell everyone's fate
When I write, it's from one kind of perspective
But I am not sa...

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differencesexperienceindivivisualno right or wrongopinionspoetryrhymesome people relate others do nottake it with a pinch of saltUnique

Make sure you don't have it

If you can check for nasties 
To make sure you don't have it
Then why  would you say no,
You're silly, opening the door
Saying "hello, come through,"
Or " I'm not scared of you"

The needle might be scary 
Or perhaps you're rather weary,
that the procedure they require
Is not one that you desire 
It won't be as bad as you fear
When it's over, have a cold beer

A stool sample might ...

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diseasedon't be afraid to send your stoolget checkedinfectionmake sure you sonr have itnastiesPrevention is better than a curerhymeslightly comedic?

Dead Fathers

They say we carry the dead with us,

And most are surprised by the weight.

We hoist them up on our shoulders,

And imagine our strength is adequate.


But invariably we fault and stumble.

We stagger and trip and fall

We can’t see a way out of this trouble

Each partition becomes a wailing wall


We drop them in the middle of our marriage.

We trip over them when we try...

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Playing the Game called Life

We live for what we have,

We live with what we’ve got,

We live through all our troubles,

We live no matter what.


Till that day of sorrow,

Till all comes to a pause,

Then all we see is darkness

And wonder what once was.


Then it is too late to care

You’ve died without a clue.

So what you do now that you live,

Well, that is up to you.


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Nonsense by Nina  Langias 


On a sunny day,

I met an ant,

I told her to stay,

But she said that she can't


I asked her why?

She anwsered "because" 

She made me cry

She started to applause


I went back home

To the east 

Of Rome,

At last, 





Nonsense by Emma Lanier


Roses are red 

Violets are blue 

I ...

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No Questions Answered.

If I went to a professional they'd probably say it started when I was younger
Which begs the question why it didn't affect my older brother

Maybe it's just the way my brain is wired
I'm just so god damn sick and tired
Of being so damn sick and tired
Why am I always so fucking tired?

I just go through the motions
All the days just blend together
The only thing keeping me going
Is the h...

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