night (Remove filter)
The Ghost of Christmas Passed
Twas the night before Christmas
When starless darkness held the night
With howling wind and sleet;
All through the house was ne'er a light
Dark, and a door that creaked
And despite the fire, twas cold as snow
Only the low fire flicker
Could lend the room a ghostly glow
And light the undecked tree.
I crept towards the bottom stair
Mouse-still and watching
A creak, a...
Friday 14th December 2018 2:17 pm
From Two Windows
At dusk
a pink moon
low over the sheds
in a cold clear sky -
ice blue, yet light
hiding stars
a leaf fall
the pond water stills
but does not freeze
Much later
that same moon
lights my bedroom
in the cold night air -
velvet black, the sky
glints stars
an owl flash
my blood chills
but does not freeze
Thursday 22nd November 2018 10:49 am
I am transported by
a narrow orange moon
and a million stars
the still cool air
the silence of the yard
I am welcomed by
a single ghostly owl swoop
over the sheep fields
the creak of my gate
the scratch of my key on the lock
the silent click...
Sunday 18th November 2018 12:23 pm
Last night the moon
orange sickle bright
seemed too large, low
hung over hedges
briefly eclipsed
by passing trees
dimmed by
closer light yet
always the lit
its umbral orb
to me -
I was driving
in the moondark
Thursday 13th September 2018 5:26 pm
In The Light
As it is always been
For the world to see
Crystal ball,
I have been admiring
In the light,
Paths are shown..
The king looks old
Rays of light,
Passing through him
Crown he's been gifted
In the light,
Paths are shown..
Dark clouds,
Cover the light
The winds,
Push them away
Sliver of light,
Comes blazing again
In the light,
Paths are s...
Monday 23rd July 2018 4:47 am
A Dark Night
Kneeling at the window as if in prayer
He looks out at the night
The surrounding trees are black shadows
Barely seen against the indigo of the sky
No stars shine tonight
But an unrisen moon lightens the air a little
With an almost imagined spectral light
Somewhere over the distant lake an owl calls
And calls again
A late moth blunders against the open window
Wednesday 18th July 2018 12:40 pm
in their bed
beneath the slates
as in a dream
slowly aware
in the window airs
in the hush
of the night
palely lit by her lucent light
the night
calls to him
and he walks out
the night
absorbs him
summer dew wet on his feet
her cool breath on his naked flesh
the quiet mysterious night
Saturday 7th July 2018 6:28 pm
He is the light to my day and I am the peace to his night.
Without him the cold would set in and the dark all around
but without me the rest does not come and the world wont go round.
We rise and fall like the bounce of a ball but never do we stand still.
And in the dark he rests his light, while mine beats to the sill.
His light is yellow, orange, and white,
But never ...
Friday 15th June 2018 2:26 am
My Sunset Haiku as a Sunset Englyn
My Sunset Haiku [1] as a Sunset Englyn [2]
A green flash from the setting sun - and night
Now sea and sky are one
Dusk from the gold orb is spun
Thus this mystic day is done
Where sea and sky meet
a green flash from the set sun
Lighting distant shores
The Welsh englyn unodl union is a straight one-rhymed englyn consi...
Tuesday 22nd May 2018 10:20 am
Fake Believe
Fake Believe
I walk these majestic corridors of the huge tower block
Skyscraper clawing down the sky into the earth
Thirty two floors above ground
And ten below where anything goes
Tell me, what’s down there?
Ornate toilets fit for a king
That I use three times a night
When I have a right big shit
And wash my armpits, tonsils and nipples on the bidet
Saturday 14th April 2018 8:40 am
Nocturne/Julia Caroline/Translation in Amharic/Alem Hailu/በምሽት
Bird beneath the midnight sky
As on my lonely couch I lie,
I hear thee singing in the dark,
Why sing not I?
No star-gleams meet thy wakeful eye;
No fond mate answers to thy cry;
No other voice, through all the dark,
Makes sweet reply.
Yet never sky-lark soaring high
Where sun-lit clouds rejoicing lie,
Sang as thou singest in the dark,
Not mute as I!
O lone, sweet spirit! tell me ...
Monday 19th March 2018 2:57 pm
For Gwen, Anne and Eryl
In that happy heady grass-green Spring of my years
A time of lambent lamb slow lamb full days around a whited cottage
Lent us space and ease beneath the sun long sky
Golden glorious hours together in a single thought
With close chicken scrape and distant herd
When the swallows dipped to the fly buzz
When the kite climbed to a gliding speck
Thursday 22nd February 2018 12:30 pm
Those Nights
It’s one of those nights again
Can it really be one of those nights
If I feel like this most nights
Those nights become every night becomes how I'm forced to live my life
Temporary solutions are my saving grace
Smothering my emotions to save face
Two beers in, smile wide, i’m feeling fine
A few hits in, you’d never know I’m dead inside
The pilot light is out and things are ...
Tuesday 6th February 2018 1:30 am
Ever thought about how the midnight sky
looks like a womans face
Peeking at you with a single open eye
silver and milky
Her complexion is infinite - endless planets and galaxies are hidden within her skin
Dotted with billions of freckles that gleam and shine; her favourite feature, actually
People always seem to wish upon them
Saturday 3rd February 2018 9:09 pm
Night Next to Day
The rustle of the leaves in the air so dark
The black color of the autumn falls
The whistle of the wind, cool and covert
The striking chill, or lack thereof
The brightness of the moon that shines dull
The freshness of the invigorating air
The comeliness of the sky in bloom
The absence of invalid existence
The want for peace and quietude
The calmness and almost everlastin...
Friday 2nd February 2018 3:13 am
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