The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.


He is the light to my day and I am the peace to his night.

Without him the cold would set in and the dark all around

but without me the rest does not come and the world wont go round.

We rise and fall like the bounce of a ball but never do we stand still.

And in the dark he rests his light, while mine beats to the sill.


His light is yellow, orange, and white,


But never is seen at night.


Mine a hue of silver and blue,


But somehow his light is my light too. 



◄ Sun

Grand betrayal ►


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Jerrica Badgett

Tue 3rd Jul 2018 01:33

Thank you Hannah! I appreciate you as an audience, and I'm glad you like it. Your writing is an inspiration, and thats what this is all about. ?

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 27th Jun 2018 18:11

Love this one.
The title is so true.
Beautifully written.


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