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   How dare you
Raise my hopes once again
Shatter them on the concrete
Leave  me breathless and bleeding

And you don't even see it
Not the tears, or the anger,
The hopelessness
That steals my emotions 

Because of you I am a shell
I am the worst part of me
Outwardly beautiful
Inside a bloody ghoul

Empty pits for eyes
Unending cavern of a soul
Ravenous hands
Greed filled mind


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I see too much

You had me finally sleeping

Of you I started dreaming

they were made up images

My eyes haven't had the chance

To witness your vivid image.

What happen for me to ache so bad?

I don’t understand this.

How is it you I miss

You are no where

I cant be there

I've never held your hand

Your eyes I have not stared into

Though you are every where.

Without you I can not...

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newtruelovewhats happeningi dont understandwhyrelationshipswrongrightfeels right


I understand, I know.

When you look at me

I'm not much else but a ghost.

That needs to let go…

Not everything you've done to me

I've been trying so hard to fix my problems

I've turned are lives into one

Its not you

Understand this for me


You work hard for your girls

I understand I'm disappointing

My words hurt I know

I wish you could see the dark place


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im sorryforgive mesadrelationshipsloveendingheartsicklost


Its so much easier

not thinking for yourself

To not be yourself

To not care for yourself.


You hurt less people

You don’t get in the way

You make people happy

Your feelings just go away.


Deep down inside

You know you are screwed

That one day soon

Someone is going to wake

Something inside of you.


Confusing how its not yourself

That opened up t...

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selfishsadhateturn aroundseparationtimedoneloverelationshipsend


At first love was a pump, a needle,

Eyes wide when your high

...Or see someone you like.

Stifled, we always rivalled

Till no more, the beat became sore

And we spiralled, overdosed,

Hot headed, cold blooded.

Passion became blown out,

The anticlimax of a candle...

Like the heroin ran through her heart,

Like the cocaine contorted her chest,

Like the salvia had shaken ...

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How it ends

Staring blank-faced at each other 

From across the room

The space between us, a few feet,

Feels as a thousand miles now

Emotionally exasperated

The tears tore through the facade

That we wore for so long

Telling ourselves "we're ok"

We were dead long ago

We were only being buried now.

How did we get here?

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My Misses has a Mistress

My Misses has a mistress

She comes here then and now

She always sneaks in quietly

And when she leaves she's loud

She lives here some nights

On the other side of the bed

She stays here with my misses

She lives inside her head

I watch her leech away her life

She slyly steals her smile

And when she wants to make love

She takes my misses for a while

She didn't come ...

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They lay

They lay

as distant in their sleep

as cars upon the street

bums and bumpers

back to back

double parked

in a life

as empty

as the words 

they spoke

at their wedding


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Women lie

Synonymous with vulgarity
No filters from thoughts to words
No impediments when set a course
Your very existence should be a verb  

And she
She never lies-unless you want her to
Does not divulge 
Who she is 
She becomes whomever you want her to
And women lie

Be she-She doesn’t, 
A lost for word she isn’t
Cold to your advances
Unflinching at your demands
A twister of words and cir...

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That crazy friendrelationshipsthat one chick

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