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A Song for Europe

In fifteen eighty eight the Spanish navy came to fight

To claim the crown King Philip thought was his god-given right

Now millions of us fly to Spanish islands in the sun

The wars are long forgotten, the Armada is long gone


So sing for Europe, sing for peace, and sing to make amends

Let’s raise a glass of sangria to all our Spanish friends


The French are nearer neighbou...

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Bohemian Rhapsody

To live free
Not on dirty streets
Full of bigotry
Where you're spit upon
With worst of insults
Where the spoiled brat's vomit
Hits face and smarts weary eyes
Where the filthy rich's neatly groomed French poodle
Pisses and shits upon your humanity

To live free
Not in a shelter for the homeless
Where urine-perfumed air stings the nostrils
And freshly released vomit smells like stale ju...

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A Life's Existence

When I awaken
From drunken stupor
And see morning light
Whispering new sight

When in morning's slumber
I struggle in wander
No longer in thunder
And yet I still blunder

When in afternoon delight
My popsicle now melting
My sole fear surmounting
My love life now cradling

When in the grasp
Of the blue moon
The cocaine's high
Becomes a lie

When in the depths
Of profound sleep

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Peace is a Place..

Peace is a road leading to the place

where the green of winter is holding fast

against the browns of summer’s advance..

Peace is stepping on wood old as life

on a path damp and wet

and filled with colour, reflections and

the smell of nature in cycles

Peace is listening to the lapping water that

edges and amplifies the sounds

of birds settling all a-rustling on the banks


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A Message of Hope

               A Message of Hope

This is a message of hope, of peace, of justice

Of the pieces of me that are not taken

Not trapped, Not tapped of sourceful energy. 

And the resources of friendship and kindness and love

Of the part of me that is alive and breathing and being. 

With Nature and trees and sun

With butterflies and hummingbirds and eyes open

Watching the glow of...

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Adolencia- from my new collection MUMB


They are going to bend minds-

they’ve thought of all kinds of things that we have never seen,

they will sustain environments and grow fruit in arid deserts

they will go to great and unseen efforts to save the planet,

they’ll shape this world into the word FRIEND.

Starvation will end and they will study the moon

and its correlation to the womb and will study women from cradle...

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For Peace & For Pride

On two summer days
in 1945
were casualties of Hell itself embodied on Earth
the pride of a foreign power
raised cities to ashes
scorched shadows into the soil
for peace

Between October 1962
and November 1983
the World faced exinction
day to day
minute to minute
all for the sake of
the pride of two foreign powers 

On July 18th 2016
an unelected...

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CNDpunk poetrypunkpoliticalpolitical poempolitical poetrypunk poemNuclearnuclear disarmamentpeace

Diffrent toungues but the same speech

Though they have
Different tongues
All religions
Have the same speech,
Peace,Love, Considerateness
And Hope
Are what each preach!

Is it not  then
A glitch
Under the guise of religion
To teach
"Spell death!'
To s/he who has
a different faith!///

Terrorism under the guise of religion doesn't work for it is a glitch that contradicts religiosity.Hopefully it will ebb out soon!

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The calm that I seek,

Still blue sea,

Anxious waves that crash over me,

Making me hardy to future attack,

The peace that I seek is setting me back


Maybe it doesn't exist?

Maybe that is where my peace lies? 

In accepting that it can't be sought?

Is it already here?


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When a child asks about the cruelty in the world.

Switch off the TV’s

Cover their ears

Wrap them in cotton wool

Drink all their tears

Drown them in fairy tales

Sing them sweet songs

Take them to places

The bad don’t belong

Bathe them in sunshine

Shower them with love

Serve them their childhood

Wearing kid gloves.

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I will not be defined by ancient Gods,

or the archaic teachings in their books.

I will tread warily around their words

and avoid the hidden traps and snaring hooks.


I will not stand behind a coloured flag

and spout my blunt imperialistic views

or drape it on a coffin when I die

or burn it on the early evening news.


I will not make a choice that’s...

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