fear (Remove filter)
Express yourself, they said.
Somehow I knew, but went ahead.
And as they recoiled, in shock
At the horrors under my bed
The fear and shame upon their faces
I've added to my box of haunted places
I join them, as me they mock
and hide my words when in their spaces
Thursday 29th December 2016 7:33 am
Fistfuls of teething,
hot and wet like sand,
a mocking curse, screeching
and grinding over one another,
flooding through windows and baseboards,
cascading over chandeliers and
down hallways, clashing and clattering
chattering like the frosty duels of rutting
November bucks
filling me up, burning hot
like a drill from dentists' days
skewered and chewed
caught and crushed
a mor...
Wednesday 28th December 2016 11:22 am
Formidable Love
After a heartbreak you never thought would surpass
After definitively stating you would never allow yourself to be in a position of vulnerability again
After truly giving up on the idea of love
Letting a person in again is terrifying
Allowing someone the capability to destroy you further
But trusting them not to
Delegating your feelings, sharing your secrets and ultimate...
Monday 21st November 2016 10:35 pm
rudely interrupted
It is the assumption that people tend to reflect and contemplate in the dawn of the night
When noones awake to hear the sorrow in your sobs
When it's too dark to see the weakness in your eyes
And your lonliness enables your imprisoned vulnerability to surface
But what happens when this negativity suddenly seep its way into the happenings of your everyday life
When these mor...
Wednesday 16th November 2016 8:36 pm
Trust is an illusion
Trust is an illusion. A systematically flawed word. A total forgery of a statement. Trust assumes infallibility - without errors, mistakes or fuck ups. How do we trust others when we can't even trust ourselves .. If the potential gain outweighs the potential risk we're likely to oblige. Whether the repercussions be momentary or long standing, we're going to indulge in whatever we feel is beneficia...
Tuesday 11th October 2016 8:40 pm
World's end
Suffocating under the rhythm of your heart beat
Like drowning beneath a sea of thumping marbles.
You are the ball pit, the sand pit, without end – falling!
But who can ever stand when they are - head – over – heels – for someone –
And you pulled me in like a rip tide, a whirl wind, a sinking pool,
Wrapped me up like pig in blanket with your tangled hair
And the salt of it...
Wednesday 17th August 2016 9:21 pm
Still at shore with the weight of gaffes around my dreams
Afraid to set a course
At odds with all but how it seems
Perception sits on the thrown of what is
What is not cannot stand to the claims of what should be
With demise almost a certainty
Almost - becomes the theme that moves me
Fastened to procrastination
Circumventing the truth
Giving ear to assumptions
Off the...
Friday 29th July 2016 8:34 pm
Can't let go
You're all I see
You're all I breath
You're all I feel
And all I need
Every morning I wake
You're the pain I receive
Love is such a damned word
But baby please come back to me
Sunday 24th July 2016 12:15 am
words formed at waking
a muttering crowd gathers
'round a well of human tears
they lower dirt-sodden buckets to recover
the wet product of night terrors,
tumult and nascent fear
an ejaculate shower glistens
on the dead leaves and automobiles
while nature howls
then hunkers down in silence
posturing for the next kill
Friday 29th April 2016 1:36 am
Failed Buddha
Life must be held suspended in a glance
That moves backwards, forwards, holding
Your life together, ceaselessly
Reminding that you are
Something; this thing.
You stop looking: You fall
From a vacant gaze
Into vacant skies
Or even less.
That time is now and truth outside
You can assent to abstractly,
While the watchman in your eyes
Saturday 13th February 2016 4:22 pm
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