The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Price













The price of freedom

is it to much to pay.

To allow someone to come ashore

to live another day.


Allow these people to some dignity

and have a chance at a decent life.

They've suffered enough

they've had enough strife.


Dedicated to the

Syrian refugees



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Tongue and Cheek

It has taken ahold of me once more.

Basking and marinating;

my life is in limbo.

At a halt,

with a glance,

Hope arises,

and then just as quickly sets as the sun.

Moments are cherished 

but then despised with a gun.

Feeling the chambers loaded with each shell,

the thought it so real, 

so quick,

so painless.

So easy.

But where does that leave us?

Going fo...

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gunreal lifespiritualityspiritlet golovelossbeautifulfreefreedomsuicide


Memories of old,

flooding fast through my mind,

some tinged with sadness

and some, sweet sublime.


A fireside reverie shared

with eyes so bright,

an audience of innocence

and excited delight.


The crackling logs        

on the fires of time,

the little rapt faces as

you feed them a line.


Of thunder, lightning,

and rain as we run!

Football, toy...

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one saint patrick's day

Where did you get that hat!?

Folks grind on me each day.

"Keep it off, tis not funny!"

Sorry, but it's staying on this way!

Tis the hat my father never wore

on St. Paddy's day, you'd swore

Tis but me spiked up hair, y'seen

Doused with a lot o'spray on green!

I haven't me a hat, let alone respect;

So I'll bug off with me head erect.

And just as well, I'm on me way

I haven't a shamro...

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Who Am I?

I am noise and thought,
I am not who I ought.
I am freedom,
I am fight,
I am the smallest glimpse of starlight,
In the deepest, darkest, stormy night.
Because of fear,
I am,
In spite of fear,
I thrive,
The death of hate and ignorance,
Is what keeps me alive.
I speak for the minority,
A voice for words feared spoken.
With ink and web,
My words are spread,
And your weak bullets are b...

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choicefearfightfreedomje suis charliequestionunitywho

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