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Christmas (Remove filter)


Christmas has gone like a flatulent fart

      silent night is just a mattress

the hosannas that rang no longer ring true

      three ships sailed over the bright horizon

while the sales are flexing and long overdue.


Family groups have dispersed once again

      the elders tucked safely away

an alcoholic haze drifts by

      on the back of the special day.



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Christmas Eve

Hearts heave a relief

of homecoming.

Anticipation smiles

on silent beds

of every young child.

Wreaths of activity

yearning for a peace

that never arrives.


Following evening star

in slipshod time

of glittered hope

and gifted uncertainty

that reflects

in each other's eyes.


©  Katypoetess 2015

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At the end of another day

the Antarctic fields tell no story


the researchers move slowly

conserving heat in the blistering cold


with their late flaring mirages of haloed breath

as the air peels away.


      The ice maiden has wandered

      far from her glassy hide

      leaving an impression behind

      where a freezing moon scythe

      divides the ti...

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I Love You Mum

Mum, you are my candlelight,

my angel, and my Silent Night.

More precious than a gift of gold

who wraps me up when I am cold.


Mum, you are my Christmas Day,

my North Star, and my snow bouquet.

You are my joy, my verse, my rhyme,

who I love more each Christmas time.

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ChristmasChristmas PoemI Love You MumChristmas children

An Explanation To My Son

An Explanation To My Son
Mum sat bolt upright in the bed,
‘What was that noise downstairs?’ she said.
‘Schhnoorrrr!’ said Dad, still in deep slumber,
He too quickly felt effect of this unintended blunder,
As he was elbowed in the ribs with womanly force.
‘Aaaaah!’ Dad cried. ‘Shhhhh!’ Mum hissed and just to reinforce,
She clamped a hand upon his mouth and hissed through gritte...

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Where I am

Where I am

The festive lights sparkle

Glistening in

The eyes of my strangers

I assimilate insensibly

For it is dark where I am

And they do not understand

Why there is no tree


Innocent laughter tears

Excitement free

From warm-hearted tokens

My gift is emptiness

For it is cold where I am

And he doesn’t understand

Why there is no tree


Smiles of c...

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Poetry Space Winter Showcase

Lovely news this morning.  Just heard that my poem, 'Minced Lies' has been selected by poet, Di Coffey, to appear in the Winter Showcase of publishing house, Poetry Space Ltd. 

You can see the ten poems chosen by Di Coffey HERE.  Go and have a look.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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Poetry SpaceWinterChristmaspoems

Spirit Of Christmas


Christmas fun, christmas cheer
It comes around every year
Presents, tree and food to buy,
It's more expensive, the questions why?
Smellies for mum, a tie for dad,
What about the kids? Let's not go mad.
Christmas morning kids awake
Bleary eyed parents their beds vacate
Christmas wrapping torn to shreds
Whilst sensible folk are still in bed 
Who bought that for who...

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