War (Remove filter)
In Infamy
Yesterday, a day which now, will live amongst us for all time,
For history has changed its path
And we must fall in line.
For we at peace, with guarded arms, we chose to watch this from afar,
But we, deliberately attacked,
Must no more stand apart.
An Emperor, through wicked lies, convinced us of continued peace,
But sickening deceit was this,
As they slipped underneath.
For yesterday ...
Monday 9th December 2013 10:36 am
My observation of a man and my thoughts on how war affected him.
Tapping cigarette packet.
Casting imaginary incense
Praying that the past.
Will not come back
What did he see.
What does he feel
Mind blocked
Wandering, torn spirit
Thinking of the dead.
He was found under
A pile of bodies.
Darkened liquid terror
Voices of killers.
Smell of blood
Lie still, survive.
Saturday 30th November 2013 7:58 pm
Those who win the war fire the last bullet
Those who die breathe the last sigh
Those who live on say a prayer
And those who never fought call hurrah
Those who stand in battle stand with courage
Those who pin the medals show respect
Those who fall in battle will never fear
And those who lose their loved ones shed a tear
Those who lose the war bow their head
Thursday 14th November 2013 3:45 pm
THEATRE OF WAR (11/11/2013 – 11.am)
If death is thought the ultimate
what price a part or two?
To be left as a mindless torpid trunk
the Elephant in the room.
And a limb’s not a limb – it’s a piece of shit
when blown into a muddy pit.
The scalpel only adds subtraction
in that theatre; sealing disconnection.
If death yields a hero – is life shame?
Return, with only self to blame?
Nobody t...
Monday 11th November 2013 11:16 am
(This poem was born of a Newsnight blogger's comment in 2008. Serendipity in 'spades'.)
The arms of the world reach up in despair
A desperate child, with no mother there;
As the armaments industry fashions war-ware
There is not much call for ploughshares.
The artisan’s hand cupped Britain’s prowess
When the smith made and mended the tools of success;
His arms now hav...
Saturday 9th November 2013 2:32 pm
As war’s abrasion strips his fine veneer
man’s inhumanity his ilk defines.
Bi-pedal dog, scent-primed, unleashed, packed off
he brings a licking to some wrong-tongued foe.
While back in civvy-street, his leaders rise
short-slept from tasting civilized excess
this day newborn in sinless rectitude
to move their boarded pawns with gifted guess.
In blinkered ignorance of C...
Friday 8th November 2013 9:14 pm
The Futility Of War
Thursday 31st October 2013 3:25 am
Mind Men
Men with brilliant minds fought a war in the ether, fighting an invisible war.
Using maths to crack enemy codes of unbelievable complexity.
Making sure they were never found out.
Enigma and Lorenz were cracked by pure brain power.
Mathematics being the power of intelligence, enemy codes saying everything.
Hidden no more.
Lists of army units and air force ord...
Sunday 22nd September 2013 11:54 pm
the striking serpent
in my left
hisses and spits
the rabid wolf
in my right
froths and foams
for freedom
and either of these
sly predators
could have delivered
the fatal bite
that caused parents
and children
to weep blister
burn and die
a black man
with skin of grey
and eyes bloodshot
Monday 9th September 2013 4:13 pm
I hear them,
I hear them calling out in the street
Issuing calls of despair and asking for help
And I would,
If I could,
If I had the power of legions
And armies and,
No, that just wouldn’t do
Any good at all,
Not anymore where
We are - fearing the worst
For a world where war,
Has become the only winner?
You ...
Friday 6th September 2013 11:58 pm
Library Girl
She worked in the local library part time.
And liked to read Harry Potter books.
She liked a lad who popped in fortnightly.
He was quiet just like her.
Her eyes sought him out whenever he was there.
A shyness inhibited her asking him out.
In time he stopped go...
Sunday 30th June 2013 10:59 pm
The 7th City
The 7th City
The warplane lay broken on the barren desert floor utterly broken, forgotten and forlorn. Painted on her side are the names of six cities; next to each is a faint but distinct image of a mushroom cloud. There were six in all each next to a city name written in their native language they read: Moscow, Berlin, London, Shanghai, New York and Rio de Janeiro. Next to the s...
Sunday 2nd June 2013 3:10 pm
Karma Kill
I wanna see 2 jet fighters go air to air.
Trying to kill each other.
Full range of weapons.
Beyond visual range.
Dodge the missile volley.
Short range heat seekers.
Get past that.
Guns baby...
Knife fight in a fucking phone box.
Helmet mounted sights, off bore sight missiles.
of pilot and jet.
Friday 24th May 2013 9:41 pm
Unto the Somme
Behind failing lines,
These curtains of shrapnel and sharp steel
Conceal my misery,
So seamlessly, absently
I go on, numb, alone,
For sensation no longer blesses me.
Relentlessly, I force back my fear,
The absent tears never reach my cheeks
And thick blankets of earth and sand
Choke my cries, damp, pitiful.
I fall to the boards clotted with death
As my bre...
Saturday 27th April 2013 12:32 pm
the ack-ack-ack
of sobbing children
a tear
for every bullet
the roll of pressure
heal to toe
erasing limbs
flies swarming on open wounds
picking at the scabs
of wounded families
the searing pain
of widows and orphans
scorched flesh
hurt is local currency
guns from foreign currency
Friday 19th April 2013 1:05 pm
and spat it out
and for many years it crawled
before it learned to stand
where it said “I will make you now a fresh bowl,
from my family’s blood”
Friday 19th April 2013 7:43 am
You can't Streep poverty under the carpet... - NaPoWriMo Day 9
A silence fell upon the city,
contorted shadows twisting moonlight.
Stuttering in a speakeasy seemed so misplaced
bottles rattled flickering like Fedora feathers
in an unforgiving wind.
The wretched odour of deprivation
a stench that sticks and degrades ones existence.
Even by day this city remains a lifeless sap
and by night the vampires feast on th...
Tuesday 9th April 2013 4:44 pm
what crisis?
what crisis?
nowadays they have to pinch the ends
of their cigarettes before they cross the threshold
no longer allowed to herd the crumbling swarms
of ash across the gingham veldt
outside the window, on the pavement, lies a bible
and the radio declares their readiness is high
seems like a good night to let the smokers
in and warm around a last ember...
Friday 5th April 2013 8:39 pm
Support the troops
Support the troops they say, well I do,
When I stand here and tell you politicians real values,
Now how about some support from the government too?
The injured wait years for benefit payments to come through.
That's why there's soldiers sleeping on the streets of our cities,
Victims of war deserve more after those attrocites.
Support the troops, says Obama from the...
Sunday 24th March 2013 5:01 pm
Humanity Lost
And fall to my knees.
The earth is cold tonight, my sight
Is sorrowed as I place my hands on its frozen surface,
No furnace to warm me, but bereft.
Here, on the borrowed hour
Of my death.
The frost seeping through my clothes
Chills my bones, I am lost here, alone.
The precipice in front of me is wide, and deep,
But full. I keep my head dipped,
Knowing they wat...
Thursday 21st March 2013 9:59 pm
The sabres are rattling again,
Big hefty meat cleavers
That shrink flesh
And fry the soul,
I thought,
We thought this was done,
No more the battle
For whom has the biggest gun,
But it seems the powers
That be are once again
Playing a treacherous game,
A game we know
Can never be won,
X on X off,
Your t...
Thursday 21st March 2013 1:02 am
Waves (A Final Letter Home)
I lie and let the waves wrap 'round my feet,
As midnight skies perform the second act,
Where black and blue so effortlessly meet
And force the waters cold around my back.
I feel the sand bequeath my buried toes;
To let the grit defy my sodden skin
And as the open door to my soul grows
I let the frothy waters trickle in.
The moonbeams push my head into a daze
And buckle up t...
Tuesday 5th March 2013 10:57 am
Natalie is a unique lady who we can all identify with. She's a warrior woman who fought in the Malvinas/Falklands war and was badly wounded. Many of her friends were murdered for having different views, they were a few of The Disappeared. Over time she believes in peace and moves away from war. Natalie has a goth band and a red stunt aeroplane both called Mayo. Check Nat's story out. She ...
Friday 1st March 2013 11:47 pm
I felt nothing at first.
Just the loud crack of a distant whip, the echo
Bouncing through the crumbling streets and fetid alleyways,
Painted with the stench of unintentional sacrifices
And scorched by the Middle Eastern sun.
He can see me, this one, even now,
Staring down the lens like a wayward sailor scanning distant rocks for Sirens,
Tempting him to death.
He’s watching me cr...
Sunday 27th January 2013 11:59 am
Daddy's Poem by unknown poet
Daddy's Poem
Her hair was up in a pony tail,
Her favourite dress tied with a bow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school,
And she couldn't wait to go.
But her Mummy tried to tell her,
That she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand,
If she went to school alone.
But she was not afraid;
She knew just what to say.
Tuesday 8th January 2013 9:14 pm
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