The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

ilkley (Remove filter)

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it's not litter - per se - that annoys me
   rather the thoughtless impulse behind it

she busks on saturdays
   with a friend on guitar
and I always send my son
   to drop fifty pence in the case
and sometimes he dances
   to show his affection
      for the music
      for the sunshine
      for being alive

and I always say hello
   to the african with the oud
who gets free tea

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Musing in Ilkley Cemetery

Musing In Ilkley Cemetery

No more on the hill the Middleton clan,
     now resting apart in municipal plot.
He to the left with the Romans and Catholics,
     she to the right among Protestant stock.

He passes his time amongst sisters and Irish,
     she spends her days with the cream of the mill.
And were they to rise, and meet on the pathway,
     they could look through the Ash t...

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