The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Musing in Ilkley Cemetery

Musing In Ilkley Cemetery

No more on the hill the Middleton clan,
     now resting apart in municipal plot.
He to the left with the Romans and Catholics,
     she to the right among Protestant stock.

He passes his time amongst sisters and Irish,
     she spends her days with the cream of the mill.
And were they to rise, and meet on the pathway,
     they could look through the Ash to the pile on the hill.

Walking once more, hands crossed behind me,
     the A plots, the B plots and C's tucked behind,
reading the stones, somber and solid,
     eaten by moss and losing their shine.

Now here's a baby resting with mother,
     daffodils, and brambles over their head.
Laying untended, their family departed,
     'gone safe to the Lord', the legend there says.

A squirrel picks crisps from littered green packet,
      vinegar, bites and claws at its tongue.
Skirting the line of war fallen heroes
      into conformists I gladly move on.

Past teachers and doctors, inventors and shepherds,
     he was a pal of George Bernard Shaw,
her flag she raised with Garibaldi,
     his soul he saved building homes for the poor.

At last, I complete my ambling circuit,
     back once again beside Middleton sun.
Surely despite religious contention,
     husband and wife might lay here as one.


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Laura Taylor

Fri 21st Mar 2014 10:40

Yes, another one of yours that I really enjoyed reading.

And it comes hot on the heels of my re-reading V by Tony Harrison yesterday, so I like that synchronicity.

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John Coopey

Thu 20th Mar 2014 21:34

Nice work, Jeremy. Skillful accentual rhythms complement the subject.

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Thu 20th Mar 2014 16:36

Hi Jeremy

A most appealing poem expertly accomplished, in good old fashioned rhyme.

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