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Silly poems (Remove filter)

More silly stuff....

1.Which is worse?


I’m not sure which I dread the most:-

“We need to talk”

Or, possibly

“There’s something I need to tell you”


Would it not just be better

If we didn’t talk

Didn’t have that conversation

Just let it quietly slide on by


Would it matter all that much

If you didn’t tell me,

You kept it to yourself

Just left me to carry on, problem free...

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Silly poems


1.Just words


Cliché ridden? Not sure. Can I ‘phone a friend?

Patience? No. Haven’t got time for that.

Tolerance?  No.  Couldn’t bear that.

Empathy?  Well, I suppose I could be persuaded.

Sympathy?  Yes of course.  There, There.

Obedience?  Me? You’ve got to be kidding.

Sarcasm?  Yeah, Right.

Egotism?  Yes, I know I can pull that one off.

Modesty?  Me? Surely not? No...

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Silly poems




A giraffe fell from a spaceship

and landed in my bath.

I told my friends about it,

but all they did was laugh.


They struggled to believe me

until they saw the truth.

A giraffe with a telescope

appearing from my roof!


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GiraffeSurreal poetryUnbelievable PoetrySilly poems

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