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Courage Is Yours

We are creatures of habit us humans

Staying safe there in our comfort zones


Naturally, there will be exceptions

To this unwritten rule

Going off the roadmap most of us follow

Gung-ho types charging forth into life

Into any new situation full of bravado

Fearlessly shaking the tree of wisdom

Extracting every last gram of excitement

From this adventure we all signed up...

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Heart Chakra

Chakra cleansed heart

Negativity now depart

In beauty walking

Inner voice talking

Interconnected soul

At once whole

Ways of living

Caring easily giving

Gentle words spoken

Three eyes open

Easily to fathom

Harmony energy atom

Through each action

In every reaction

Peacefully deeply blessed

Love made manifest

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Echoes of Tech

Imagine creating this hand-held device

available for all to enjoy.

Pacifying vast swathes of the population.

The people would voluntarily spend most of their time investing their attention on this device to the detriment of observing the reality of genuine life going on around them.

Regardless of this being direct interaction with fellow humans.

Changes in their rights as citizens.


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Kiss Me Quick - Tangerine Dream

Standing next to the library a gallery of art

Nourishing the soul, culture they impart

Paintings, sound, all arts it embraces

Taking us to many far away places


Streets a mix of Victorian architectural hints

Mixing harmoniously with all the glitz and chintz

What should be a total clash somehow blends in its uniqueness

Becoming quite sublime to the senses in its completenes...

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Once They're Gone

Irresistible the two-hundred-year-old mills

I would love to collect them in all honesty

Like Clough William-Ellis made Portmeirion

I would have my own industrial history village

Silk, cotton and any other mill is welcome

I would rescue neglected gems of architecture

The derelict, unloved, soon to be demolished

I would restore them to their former glory

This was our ancestor...

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Blue plaque sits upon wall

Arthur Stanley Jefferson it proclaims

Born 16th June 1890

Telling of where his journey started

A walking manifestation of talent

Known to the world as Stan Laurel

Comedy legend

Here his story began

His family soon moving away

As he would later relocate to another continent

A partnership with Ollie only half the story

Movie director, scree...

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The Old Straight Track

The greenest valley spread far and wide

Slowly settlement starts on either side

Bronze age people, eventually two villages grew

Looking from a distance at one another, what next to do?

Great plans are conceived, as elders confer to discuss

To be better able to trade, a track we’ll make between us

The Dodman by description, early surveyor of the land

Making sure the track was s...

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To Be Alone - Grizedale

The story is the same

It’s always the same

The need takes me, and I must act

Overwhelming need to escape

Escape from wall to wall people

Desiring a different experience

Hear my heartbeat

Truly breathe clean air

Solitude where are you?


Compulsion to be truly alone

Wanting ways to seek

Seek and we will find

One cold December day finds me in Grizedale Forest


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Stoneproof in Avebury

 “Why I’m not feeling the energy, man?”

Hmmm this has to be a mystery

How does mysterious Avebury

Somehow mysteriously elude me…

Oh how I endeavoured to do the right thing

Even camped but a stones throw from the village

Walk the avenue of standing stones

Ensure I’m within the right energy

Continue around the circle of standing stones

Seemingly it doesn’t matter

Clock ...

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Castlerigg Stone Circle

A circle made of thirty-eight volcanic stones

Like monumental cards that have been thrown

By some giant dealing out his giant deck

The Cumbrian landscape to bedeck


To sit within the circle, reaching to the past

Those Neolithic builders, a legacy to last

Castlerigg as the sun rises in the sky

The reason it was built, still to wonder why?


Warm sun drying the stones ...

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Druid’s Temple - Inspired by the Birkrigg Stone Circle near Ulverston

Connection to nature

Living by the seasons

Four thousand years

Finding rhyme and reason

Revering the old ways

Stones of the circle

Down through eons

Journey internal

Dare to care

Feel them today

Druids calling us

Energy stays

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The River & The Sea

A canoe launches into shallowest water

All but a stream

High in the mountains

Forward motion begins

Avoiding rocks

Patiently progress is made

Slowly yet surely

Widening and then

In an instant transformed

A cacophony of noise fills his ears


With long-won skill, he traverses

Shooting onwards


Yet in control

Then calm returns


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Be Beautiful...

It's all around if we open our eyes to see

Today I saw a gorgeous tree

Growing out of an old crumbling wall

There lies beauty 

It's everywhere around

And it costs nothing

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Here's a poem I wrote to celebrate the launch of Rise! Spoken Word at The Bureau (filmed before lockdown but only just released)




May you rise like the phoenix from the ashes.

Reignite your precious embers.

Break from your constraints to dance on air.

Rise like the swelling tide, the harvest moon.

Rise like you will dare.


Rise like you're awakened from a hun...

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Performance Poetsriseinspirationhopevideospokenword

Farming Through Time

He remembers his great grandfather

Wisdom etched in all the lines creasing his face

He said

“we don’t own this land, we look after it for our sons and the sons of our sons”

And this is how history unfolded

Down through countless generations

His own father before him


Right back

The farm

Cared for


By those with the same surname

Passed down once...

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Please help open my mind
Rationality limits potential

Quieten pointless ponderings

Let my mind be free

A thousand random thoughts vie for attention

Only the chatter of mundaneness

Never did mean anything

Time for a new paradigm

Overdue awakening within

Intuition then inner knowing

To be still from inside out

To listen to nothing

Calmness permeates

At last…


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City Life - Follow Your Bliss

His friends thought what a pity

Abandoning his job in the city

They judged him to be quite mad

Early mid-life crisis, how sad

Next, he distributed some of his wealth

Considered it essential for good health

Trinkets of a life he had turned away from

And pretty soon he will also be long gone

A Scottish island to be his new home

Clean air, wildness, freedom to roam

He wi...

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A Gift For You

Some people say that they cannot use the power of their mind

they say it is impossible to vision anything

Nothing to inspire them, nothing deep inside for them to seek

nothing to make their heart and soul sing

Think of a beautiful tropical island looking like paradise on Earth

palm trees gently swaying in the sea breeze

The healing warmth of the sun as it kisses lightly upon your...

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The Water Diviners

Treading the fields with his hazel twig

Showing farmers exactly where to dig

Parched crops wilting as far as eyes can see

Water hidden, over there, by the old yew tree

The water diviner struck liquid gold once again

A well sunk, the crops lifeblood soon to regain

Year after year, the farmer’s gratitude enough

Brian the village legend always did his stuff


Is water divin...

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A Healing For Gaia

Arbor Low Stone Circle a new day is dawning

Transcendent sunrise welcomes in the morning

Sunshine warming us and the dew laden ground

At one with nature we are chanting sacred sound

Resonating with the landscape, the stones, at last

Through our ancestor’s legacy reaching into the past

Vibrations of aeons locked within the circular aspect

There is wisdom here for those affordin...

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Magic Gems

Rock Crystal of purest energy

Smoky Quartz creating good chi

Amethyst powerful healer

Apache Tear karmic revealer

Rose Quartz the love stone

Carnelian “in the zone”

Tigereye Gold attracts wealth

Malachite the aid to health

Amazonite for lucky days

Sunstone sunshine rays

Bloodstone the blood tonic

Snowflake Obsidian life harmonic

Moonstone sweet dreams

Black O...

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Acting Upon a Dream

A vision of another time

Feeling the landscape

Reaching into the past

Mineral rich

Quarry his location


Seeking to communicate

Follow his intuition

Off the well walked track

Reading the ground

With closed eyes, he sees

And walks with purpose

Yes, it is just as he saw



Hidden under long grass

This hollowed out depression

He drops to th...

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The Shaman In The Park

He walks as he chants, feeling the grass beneath his feet

Smiling inwardly, he knows who he came here to meet

Sacred sounds reverberate, into air and within the ground

Soon it happens, by him they swoop, begin to fly around

Warmer weather is here, swallows confirming this

As by fractions of a centimetre our shaman they miss

Feeling his energy, chanting he continues, projecting lo...

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Turning Back Time In Margate

A journey to the settings of his art

Essence of his inspiration to impart

Travelling as our schedule can accommodate

Emotionally travelling back in time to appreciate

Would the man himself recognise the views?

If he perhaps stood here now, wearing our shoes

Genius of two centuries past, legacy living on

The prize named after him, this artistic paragon

Wandering and wonderin...

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Blue plaque sits upon wall

Arthur Stanley Jefferson it proclaims

Born 16th June 1890

Telling of where is journey started

A walking manifestation of talent

Known to the world as Stan Laurel

Comedy legend

Here his story began

His family soon moving away

As he would later relocate to another continent

A partnership with Ollie only half the story

Movie director, screen...

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My Martello

Incredible views standing looking out to sea

Always though what a great home it might be

No1 and 2 both residentially converted long ago

No3 invitingly waiting for me to give it a go

Round Buildings work for me in an appealing way

Windmills, lighthouses, and it will happen some day

A Martello Tower in Folkestone all of my own

Who could possibly want any other kind of home?


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Bench Looking Out To Sea On The Kent Coast

I am here before dawn

A halo of light appears on the horizon

As the sun slowly rises

Nature’s morning light show plays out before me

Crimson, purple and yellow hypnotically colour the sky

Making way for azure blue on this summer’s day


Daylight reveals highways of the sea shimmering in the heat

Dover to Calais ferries dart between the wake of mammoth container ships


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The Boots

Walking boots are donned early morn

Into nature witness the rising dawn

Spring Solstice what could inspire more?

Forgotten stone circle upon empty moor

Coolness felt upon my essentially bare feet

Eyes closed, sense sunrise, harmony complete

Warming rays invigorating body and soul

Oneness with all elements at once whole

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There she was sitting in her chair

The passage of time seen in her gray hair

She sits not in a chair on a throne of honor


Tea cookies and lemonade the silent child ate

Cookies salty-sweet this is how she will grow to be

Lemonade just enough tart you can see it from her heart


Words of wisdom in a melodious feminine tone

Encouraging us to rise up and tell me ...

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CookiesdreamsEncouraginginspirationLemonadeMaya AngelouPoetry 2020

Turning Back Time In Margate

A journey to the settings of his art

Essence of his inspiration to impart

Travelling as our schedule can accommodate

Emotionally travelling back in time to appreciate

Would the man himself recognise the views?

If he perhaps stood here now, wearing our shoes

Genius of two centuries past, legacy living on

The prize named after him, this artistic paragon

Wandering and wonderin...

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Exercising Mind, Body And Soul

Beeston Castle is a ruin now

Once proudly standing atop its hill

Now a pay to view tourist attraction

Still appealing nonetheless

Our past facsimiled into stone

The lives of ancestors

Tuning in, as ascent is made

Walking and feeling

Hours spent communing


And then a picnic

Overlooking rolling Cheshire countryside

Carrots are munched

Hummus enjoyed

And the...

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To hear my voice in the silence of my mind

Unaware on the outside the passing of time

In these dark crevices, what is it that I hide


The sound of mid-tones words

As the prayer wheel turns

A Mantra for me, I must learn.


The superstitions of religion created in the past

Stained glass images are not what they seem.

Contradictions of the forgiver will condem...

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inspirationOm ShantiSpirituality

The Dancers Of Life

Sticks clash together as the bells ring

Heralding Centuries old rites of spring

Morris Men dancing in each season

Each well-rehearsed step for a reason

The fiddle player keeping with tradition

Lending the dance for all his rhythm

Denizen of all things beauteous and green

The village has chosen The May Queen

Morris Men dancing good harvest to bring

Then the fool is crowne...

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Totally Fitness

The temple of the body beautiful, with a strain and tremble

Music pumping, yet not really noticed

As bodies are pumping, to be noticed

Machines activated by human power

Working up a sweat “just another hour”

Seeking to become just a little more physically decked

Body mass index and calorie counting minutely checked

Gaining bulging muscles or loosing bulges they want to shed


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The Phoenix

I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me 

I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me 


They say 

Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix 

The flame…


Being refined by fire

Through it, I’ll rise higher

The flames provide the fuel 

As I soar to my strength


Refined by fire

Gold purified 

A faith that stands.


By Faith Olaju...

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Holly Hagg

Pen devoid of poems
adventure long overdue
living room carpet
growing long in the tooth
I’m pining for movement
so keen to get out
I’ll go walking down
to Holly Hagg

Little glimpses at normality
haloed by golden rays
There’s no poison 
in the idle river
no politics
in the quiet horse
cantering to 
another chew

The clouds of working day
part while I’m out walking
bathed in nat...

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Summer Rain

To walk in the cleansing summer rain

Nirvana for humans and parched ground

Pine trees, roses, the damp earth

And a thousand other scents

All at once brought alive

Teasing senses with their beauty

Thoroughly soaking wet and caring not

Simple joys of being alive…

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Inspiration In A Rose

Inspiration…where to seek pure inspiration?

That innermost creative beauteous elation

Living the urban life and wondering how

Is inner connection possible here and now?

Walking these city streets looking around

It’s alive in the buildings, people and sound

Yet here is nature, she never quite goes

Find yourself a park and go smell a rose

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Small Gem

 Make small gems,

Don't get angry.

There will always be houses,

Otherwise the car will be crushed.

You are my little gold,

And don't be angry.

You will learn to read and write,

There will be many famous and expensive.

Fill my chest,

There will be no more sorrow.

My daughter Hajera,

Pigeons of pride.

His anger in small words,

Who will explain the wire anymore.


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Today in this 21st Century

Today I pull up the drawbridge

My domain

My castle

None may enter


Today I go to the mountain

My niche

My cave

None may find me


Today I commune with nature

My forest

My seashore

None may follow


Today I bid adieu for a while

My freedom

My retreat

None may know

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It took me a while

Yet there is not a clock ticking here

Looking outwards I observed life

Pondering inwardly

When the student is ready


I know the answer now

Oh finally, the truth is revealed

The great unanswered mystery

A “How to” manual to life

Well, it is all about questions


Every time we think

We ask ourselves questions

Even opting out of making de...

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Solitude Where Are You?

The story is the same

It’s always the same

Escape from wall to wall people

Festivities, trivialities

Desiring a different experience

Hear my heart beat

Truly breathe

Solitude where are you?


For once to be truly alone

Ways to seek

Seek and you will find

New Year’s Day finds me in a forest

Far from the moderate crowd

Rain lashes down and I care not

The ...

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Finding Himself In Nature

Deep in the heart of the forest

He lingers a moment to rest

He knows well his destination

Two hours meander his estimation

Finding the oldest tree of all, he hesitates

Sat, leant against the trunk he meditates


High within the mountain peaks

Within himself answers he seeks

All the world below somewhere

Quietly he finds his spot up there

Sheltered by cairn, thought...

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The street infused with an amber glow

Changing moods and colours into a twilight reality

Of half remembered days before

When night was dark and a panorama of stars stretched out across the sky

All the constellations existing as everyday entities

The Pole Star…re-assuring in its certainty to guide the way

Whole Oceans being crossed using only the night sky as a map

Compasses b...

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The Ancient Tree

A thousand years or more it’s lived so they say, at least

Centuries before it became guardian for the deceased

These ancient builders of the church all knew

The magical and deadly power of the yew


Locked deep inside the secret of immortality

Pure poison within the yew, result fatality

Sitting in quiet contemplation, “tell me fine tree

A thousand years lived, what did you ...

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Returning to innocence

Our inner you of you

Innocent as a small child

Attuned to learn from nature

The clearest sky

The breeze cleansing

Warm sun on your back

Guided by the stars at night

Infinity mirrored within

Purest beauty

The beauty of pure love

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If I Take My Leave

If I take my leave of the green green wood

Home to Herne the Hunter and Robin Hood

Sunlight finding its way through the branches…magical

A living breathing ecosystem starting with the botanical

The symphony of nature provided by operatic birdsong

Natural balance perfecting, every creature does belong


If I take my leave of the green green wood

Would it cease to exist? I wo...

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Back in the mists of time we walked these shores

This view we have seen

Meditated on this rock

To the sound of waves lapping gently

Footsteps, walking in our own past


Back in the mists of time we walked in this forest

These trees our friends

Meditated leant against the old oak

To the sound of the birdsong chorus

Footsteps, walking in our own past


Back in th...

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She had journeyed far from the valley below

Through many trials compelled to undergo

Ascent the hardest choice and yet no choice

Listening as she had to her own inner voice

Her focus, her life spent climbing upwards

Often two steps forward, one backwards

Determinedly she continued her endless quest

Grateful to know the mountain, deeply blessed

Looking back she sees obstacle...

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Intuiting multi-dimensional truths

The art of being

Harmonious communication with every atom spiralling

The highest vibrational energy

Illuminated pathway

Intuition followed

Emotions guiding

Existing beyond dimensions

Being love

Living love

Limitless within love

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Are You Ready?

Spend your life dreaming about trivia and that's what you end up with
Make your dreams big ones...big, bold and in glorious technicolour
Paint them across your imagination and go wild.
And if the dream is possible, however remotely, there is a good chance the way will be made available to achieve your dream.
It will happen...the choice is then much do you want it? and how brave do ...

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Let's Talk

How we communicate with others

those vibes we send out

our personal power

creates our life

our relationships

our World

energy, pure and simple



lifeforce energy

our emotions sending out these waves of power all the time...creating and

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All Roads Leading To The Eternal Now

PART ONE – So Many Changes

Born into this World of mystery

Exploring into greater understanding

Schooling according to someone else’s plan

Nature teaching infinitely more

Night sky fascinates

Stars and moon familiar friends

Healing others in innocence


Rediscovering who I am

Telling others of my dreams

Falling mainly upon closed ears

Yet keeping the dreams all ...

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Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

alexis karpouzos on Amazon

alexis karpouzos on Goodreads

alexis karpouzos on youtube

alexis karpouzos on spotify

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Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

alexis karpouzos on amazon

alexis karpouzos on Goodreads

alexis karpouzos on instagram

alexis karpouzos on twitter

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So many words

So many words

So many words

Words of threat

Words of bullying

Words of thoughtlessness

Words can crush any potential





So many words

So many words

So many words

Words of encouragement

Words of support

Words to lend a Loving hand           

Words can move any mountain


Taken from poe...

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The Busy Fool

From poetry album A Healing For Gaia

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