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Bull In A China Shop

Bull In A China Shop


‘all breakages must be paid for’

She told the bull in the china shop

As he stamped his hooves impatiently

And snorted through his ringed nostrils


So he tiptoed around glass cabinets

Admiring the fine white porcelain

The delicate hand painted vases

The plates and cup and saucers


Until he saw the red beating heart

Pumping rhythmically...

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napowrimo2017day29(90)bullchina shopfeelingslovecontrolheartbreakending relationships

The Dawning of Understanding

So many feel the need to fight

Living life without inner light

Why do so many appal

Simple fact that Love is all                                    

My desire all lost souls see

Potential for all they can be

Life make of what we will

Finding our own truths until

Our future to be shaping, moulding

Parallel with our learning unfolding

Emotional balance only natural


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Arrows of Rain

On the empty wall of my room

I think I'll put a picture of the rain. --


Hitting the ground,

And getting up to ankles,


The rain will be wetting my socks

And trousers from below;


Then my eyes will follow




...tick, tick, tick...

Everything in the picture,


Until catching a black brolly,

And the shiny enamel shoes...

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May peace be with you,

the whole day through.


May aches and pains

sail away with the blues.


May sunrise open your eyes, 

experience make you wise.


May your soul find its way home

on the wings of love.

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Not-So-Happy Father’s Day

Jealousy pokes at me 

like a schoolyard bully,

as I scroll social media greetings 

professing undying love, 

to fathers here and above. 


I can’t help but feel cheated 

to not have a father’s love.


I cringe at the dissonance

between my children

and their father. 


How can fate be so cruel,

to curse multiple generations 

with dysfunctional fathers. 


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abuseFather’s Daylifelossloverelationships

The Same Thing Anyway

Our perception of reality

Our place in the world

Reality bubbles

Peering outward

From fathoms deep within


Sometimes overnight

Maybe a lifetime

Or more than one

Dismantle our own bubble

Take a good long look at you


Then the world

Created around and within us

Transformation underway


Awakening from spiritual amnesia




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So Many Words




So many words

Words of threat

Words of bullying

Words of thoughtlessness

Words can crush any potential





So many words

Words of encouragement

Words of support

Words to lend a Loving hand

Words can move any mountain

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Art Of Being

To fathom all the depths

The art of being

Harmonious communication with every atom spiralling

The multi-dimensional way of truth

The river so to carry

Intuition intelligence

Emotional maturity

Existing beyond dimensions

Simultaneously exuding love

Living within love



Dean Fraser - The Quantum Poet (

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Was it so hard to love her?

She was broken,

her soul was falling apart.


You were the cause,

yet she kept on loving you.


She took all the pain, all the suffering,

in hope that you'll change one day.


Months passed by,

and her soul became hollow.


She was getting suffocated,

but all she craved was your love.


You betrayed her not once not twice but so many times,

but she t...

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I would be lying if i say I didn’t miss you

Because deep inside i know i did


You were the love of my live

But soon I realised it was best to let you go 


Pain was piercing my soul with each passing day

And it was time for me to say my last goodbyes to you


It’s been two years and 

Life has been good lately no pain no sorrow

But deep inside the thought of you st...

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In the ruins

Of my temple

My fireplace

Once in control



My warmest kiss

In the arms of

My arsonist


To face new growth

Beyond pardon

The path across

Burning demons

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I was reading a story

When i felt a sudden spark of pain in my heart

I was feeling like someone was piercing needles deep inside my soul

It was unbearable and tears were rolling down 

I closed my eyes, it was all dark

And then i saw you

I tried opening my eyes but I couldn’t 

Because deep inside I still wanted to see you for maybe one last time even when nothing was real 


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emotionsfeelingsfirst lovelovePainpastrandom

Music Makers

I will miss music most,
when I leave this life. 

Yes, I will miss family,
friends, spirit guides.

But words, set to melody,
is champagne for my soul. 

Vibrating space 
between the lines

diminishes strife, 
makes me high on life. 

It's a magic carpet ride
to the other side,

where angels annoint wounds,
dreams circle the moon.

Long live music makers,
I love you!


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Alexis karpouzos : The mystic journey

Our home, a pale blue dot in the vastness of universe's untouched beauty, a tiny, spherical world, afloat in a immensity of space and time. Here for a moment, and then we're leaving for the eternity. In the school of mortality we learn to acrobat over the abyss.
Alexis karpouzos

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Grasping at straws

I’m wondering what happened this time

You were here one day and gone the next

You took root in my mind again and I let you

Then you leave me hanging

I can’t even question why you are doing this

I keep telling myself you owe me no explanation

But then you left this breathless space in my chest

And I don’t know what to do with it

Feels like goodbye is in order

But I’m not ...

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Pinning Hearts

You are what I wanted so much but couldn’t have

What I had to let go of no matter how scared I felt about losing

You crawled up on my pavements

And grew on my walls stirring me up

Deciphered my moods and thoughts with your beautiful brain

Spoke to the inner me of your intentions

I miss the invisible force between us

I cherish those little moments

How simple your words were ...

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I can see it in your eyes

I can feel it in your soul

The path seems so confusing and you just don’t know 

I tried to fight your battles

I tried to keep you safe

I tried to give you love but you just ran away

Then I opened my eyes and realized

The battle isn’t mine 

So I closed my eyes with a broken heart and cried 

And then I prayed to God that he shows you the way back ...

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BattleloveBroken heartsGodlightsadness



Pruned, miniature, shrub, bush or tree

climbing, rambling, wild, growing free

A natural beauty, with a heavenly bouquet

a gift of celebration for that special day

A silent token, that can represent so much

petals like velvet, soft and gentle to touch

Each colour signifies its own special meaning

a show of emotion and how we are feeling


Romantic red, a passionate l...

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In a world that is broken and full of crime and hate

There are people who still have faith

Faith that can move mountains and make things well

There are people who believe with all their heart that things can heal

They believe that with faith anything and everything is possible

Through pain, death, and brokeness we must always remember to have a little bit of FAITH

Let God take th...

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Breathe Again

"I can't breathe."

How those words
now haunt me. 

Suffocating reminder 
of the curse 
on humanity. 

I want no part
of this evil plan,
man against man.

Let me stowaway
with paper and pen 

until we get past 

to a safe place, 

where kindness,
compassion, love 
rules the land, 

where we can 
breathe again.

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equalitylovepeaceracism; police brutalityrelationships

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