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I Know Who I Am

Eyes that seek truth,

A heart that knows no bounds

A mind that eludes and intimidates

A soul that is and always was free

Determined and passionate

Emotional but strong

I can get through anything

Even when I don't want to


There are times when I do not know myself

These times are hard

Patience will show my path

I'm so grateful I was not alone

I'm still not al...

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meself loveloveselflovingi amsoulmindhearteternal loveemotional

How Are You

How are you?
What are you thinking about?
Why are you thinking that?
Where does your heart go?
Does your soul fly?
Can you see clearly?
Did it help?
What didn't help?
How is your soul?
How is your heart?
What do you think about?
How are you?

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how are youzachlovewhyheartsoullovelorn soulmateworriedi love you

Soul (10/16/2017)

I can feel you from so far away

Suffering in silence

Asking my patience that I gladly give

Your happiness is more important.

My love is strong, my mind is weak

Yet for you, I would put my own

Stress aside if it meant helping you.

My body, mind, and soul are yours

When you need them.

I love you in every sense on the word.

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Last Night...

Last night I dreamt I lost you Between oceans of dreams and Storms of thoughts I searched through the waves of panic but Found no trace of you_ My thoughts blank and dark, Oh my dreams…my dreams… So empty Impossible as it seems I fought against my own rage Yelling Refusing to accept… Last night I dreamt I lost you Between the madness and mundane. A sob escaped my lips Evidence of m...

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The Devil Don't Own Me

The Devil Don’t Own Me


He may have saluted the corrupted cross

In Hitler’s Germany,

or whispered to Judas Iscariot,

hanging from a tree,

he could have pulled the trigger finger

back in nineteen sixty three,

he may own the soul of rock and roll

but the Devil don’t own me.


He may pollute the air we breath

or the raging, deep blue, sea.

He may breath on pola...

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DevilpoliticsSelling Your SoulSoulTory

The Alchemist (Incinerated Spirit)

The architecture of my heart spread the alchemy of love. The structure of my soul has been weighed down by metaphysical cinder blocks, carried by doves. I venture this twisting path a kin to the roots and branches of a rotten oak tree. The black soot and ashes leave a trail of footprints, as I gaze into the illusion of the past the whispers of my shadow turn over a new leaf, only to succumb to thi...

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My heart beats fast for you

My heart aches for you

My heart glows warm whenever I think of you

It fills my brain and soul like a drug

The best drug of all

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Shroedinger's Poet

It is a curse

To have a flying soul

And a cinderblock mind

To feel the call of the sky

But to be afraid of heights


I am Schrödinger's cat

Alive and dead

At the same time

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catshroedingercinderblockmindheightsalivedeadskyflying soulsoulafraid of heightsat the same timealive and dead


What looks like truth

often is not.

Looking thru the keyhole

often does not tell

the full story.


He had it all

we had little


We found joy in our little

he miserable with his all.


He stood in his Armani suit, pearly white teeth, Salvatore Ferragamo dress shoes

we in our Levis, dirty nails and tattered tennis shoes.

Our hearts full

his empty. 


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