The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Heart Of Kindness



Love and sun rays come from a kind heart.

The flowers blossom in the Eden Garden.

Even in storms, wars, and horrible illness

Impossible to break the heart of kindness.


In the darkness, they shine like candles,

They are ready to know different forms.

They are always reliable handles,

They can overcome horrible storms,


They meet those who always bring happ...

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The Love Of An Autumn Lady


The spring is certainly beautiful

Though sometimes impatient.

She can be even untrustful.

But she can never be ancient.



When Autumn is an older lady.

She is wise and values the past.

Her views are always steady.

She knows that years run fast.



The autumn wakes up early in the morning

Sometimes she likes walking on dew.

She looks, compared with...

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I Want The Days Of Peace And Love


I want the days of peace and silence,

The days of kind and good looks.

The days of supportive reliance,

The Days Without War hooks.



I don't want to see the people's fears,

I don't want to speak about money.

In the world of bloody ideas

You won't hear the word "honey".



I just want to keep silent.

I don't expect the answer,

I want to live on a ...

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Fire-Breathing Dance Of Love

The beginning is timid,

Time has got no limit,

Magic movements are slow,

We dance the tango of love.



It’s the music you feel,

Bliss and passion reveal,

Dance of flight and dove.

Dance of hidden love.



The beginning is timid

And is not so vivid,

Then it turns into a wild

And grasping dance.



We go deep into music.

We go deep into...

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To Be Spoiled By Love Is Impossible

You are the most beloved one from the tale.

About you, I will write my favorite book.

I will overcome any sea storm and a gale,

I can stand any frightening look.


I don't need cool cars for my happiness,

I don't need the diamonds or fabulous coats.

All these expensive things bring loneliness.

They are only for weak and foolish goats.


A woman needs only love and att...

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There where the Love Settled Down No Need For the Words.

Offensive words flew with such speed

Sweeping away everything in their way.

Only tears and hurts could my heart feed.

I was like a rusty anchor in the sea-bay.



"We won't see each other"- I've heard.

These were his last the cruelest words.

I wanted to howl like a wolf in the forest.

At that time even the sun was the borest.



Those words like the knives cut...

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The Partings Always Break My Heart.

The autumn sky began to sound like rain again

The drops of the rain will water the ground.

My thoughts and desires for sure will remain.

Perhaps romance nowadays was found.

I don’t like partings and sad glances so much,

I don't like saying "farewell" as such.



I know it's not forever but I don't like to part.

The partings always break my heart.

If only we were allo...

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You Can't Be Offended By Love

“You can't be offended by love

Whoever dreams about happiness

We are offended by indifference.”

(Lopez de Vega)


You can't be offended by love.

Love shouldn't hurt or punish.

Love should only give.

Love must help the grief vanish.



Love shouldn't bring pain,

Neither with evil nor with hell.

Love must forgive and remain

As a gift for the soul and bell.


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I'll Overcome the Oceans, Mountains, and Seas


I love the warmth of rain in summertime,

It's so nice and pleasant in any clime.

I love the golden autumn when it dances blues,

When I let my imagination loose.

I love the whiteness of the snow when winter comes,

I don't feel any cold when I am in your arms.

But when the blossom of the spring comes

I'll overcome the oceans, mountains, and seas

And on the wings of love,...

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The Melody of Love

One day I said: Love, you are so strong!

It answered: but I sometimes can be wrong.

Only fools are always right

And with anyone they can fight.


I said: when you are near my heart sings.

You are the one who happiness brings.

Love answered with a cunning smile:

To make lovers happy is my style.


- But I want to ask you once more:

Why were you so cruel...

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The Most Powerful Force in the Universe …



The most powerful force in the universe …

What force is it?

Do you want to say someone’s full purse?

You are blind.

Foolish things are on your mind.


There is a force that lives in me and you,

This force is well-known and is not new.

Some people lack this energy,

They live with different strategies.


This force is like a beautiful flower,


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My Dreams Shamlessly Inspire

My dreams shamelessly inspire,

My beauty shamelessly causes desire,

My truth causes exasperation

My kindness causes hesitation.


I never play the others’ roles,

I never sing the others’ songs.

Why should I sew up the others’ holes?

My mind only to me belongs.


I never play, I never pretend,

I am inspired by my love and live on the Land.

I fall in love agai...

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The Lonely Willow

Willow’s over the river

A tear quietly drops

She is too tired to shiver,

I wasn’t born in a thicket.


No one is around here

No one to embrace…

Only the wind has found her.

Is she in such disgrace?


How hard it is for the willow

To stay here all alone,

Looking at the swallow,

Which all the trees know.


She has no one to talk with,

There is no one i...

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I Lived and Believed in a Fairy Tale

They laugh at me because I live in tales,

And he plays with you and then he sails.

And I follow him without any fear.

He loves me and I can this love bear.

I love him truly and with all my heart,

I cannot stand to live apart.

I can withstand any difficult test,

And I promise God to be the best.

They laughed and said: He is not your dear.

It would be better if you had ...

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I Am the Happiest One On This Land,

I am the happiest one on this land,

Even if sometimes I feel sad,

I remember the day you gave me your hand,

And became the most adorable lad.



It took me so long to find the only one.

Before I breathed the dust of human vanity,

How many I met those who just had fun!

Without even a hint to humanity.


I can't express myself in words,

It's hard to find the righ...

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