The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Undying Flame

Images and words 
suddenly appear, 
words longed for 
hitting deep 
as they wrap around 
and envelop me,
overwhelming yet satisfying.

Since our last meeting 
your ghostly presence arrived 
in the oddest of places: 
romantic restaurants, 
quaint cafes, 
art galleries, 
long car drives, 
concert halls, 
walking in a park, 
every room of the house, 
and late at night in bed. 


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artistsdesiresreunitedloversmemoriespassionlost love

Love Bites

Love bites mark what occurred this week 
Turns out I couldn’t mask the distance between
Ending up with someone else
Added another notch in my belt
But he didn’t mean anything
Because you see 
I was after someone else
My love adventure turned out to be my worst realized dream
Caught between lovers of convenience, lust, and longing 


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Lost and Found

Let me help you flip the switch
Scratch that itch 
that’s been burning 
For some time we’ve been yearning 
for each other
Under the moonlight
we reach for a lover
that’s been like no other

I’ve longed to hold you,
to have you close to me
to feel you envelop me
to have our hands intertwine
to graze my fingers across your body and across your lips
to rest my hand on your cheek
to loo...

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