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Remain alone

Remain alone

Monday, December 31, 2018

7:19 AM


To remain strong

you got to be among

the people who daily face the struggle

still remain among the people


it gives the courage to withstand

and understand

the real difficulties faced

and its origin traced


to go away from the mainstream

may not provide you any beam

or hope of any kind

this must b...

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The human tendency

The human tendency

Monday.31st December 2018


It is playing with the fire

we can't admire

such things in life

as life is full of strife


no one can remain complacent

and pretend to be innocent

as the danger is always lurking around

and safe passage must be found


but the human brain is super

it gets near

when the self-interest is preserved

and go ...

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Single aim of love

Single aim of love

Thursday,27th December 2018


Love is sacrifice

love is a clear promise

to stand by in the time of crisis

and depends on no thesis


love is no bed of roses

but misses

some kind of an attachment

it has been taken as sex at present


true love gives pain

and maintains

its holy core

and stays longer


Love needs no definition


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Global poets

Global poets

Friday,28th December 2018


We are a sacred cow

and should know how

to set the precedent

with motives and not by an accident


the mind should be liberal enough

to cough out bad ideas and

look with an open mind

you shall always find an escape route


the tolerance and mutual respect

it is what we generally expect

from the fellow brethren


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Secret of life

Secret of life 

Tuesday,25th December 2018


How best it can be explained?

in words and defined

yes, you need to go deep

and peacefully keep the factors in mind 


Life can be useless

unless you can bring smiles 

on the face with good humor 

and lead the life with an honor 


life can be called worthwhile 

if wife co-operated with you in each mile


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X-mas tree for all

X-mas tree for all those

Tuesday,25th December 2018


Yes, remember all those

who are supposed

to be with their families and kids

but doing duties and read stars in the night


let God shower

with best award and flowers

that their life smells

and tells us about fragrance


how best can you enjoy?

and give goodbye

to the existing year

that has given u...

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The noble work


The noble work

Sunday, December 23, 2018

7:08 AM


Beware of pride and respect

base everything of your acts

expect nothing in return

then it shall be worthwhile to turn


give no unasked advice

or render promises

that shall always find miss

and have no morning breeze


human nature is like dew drops

and that shall go non-stop

it may witness and ...

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Keep clear


Keep clear

Sunday,23rd December 2018


Keep one thing in mind

and always find

the happiness

on the face


don't refer as another man

he is human too

don't restrict to one domain

and invite the pain


yes, it is good to be loyal

and remain royal

with the commitment

but not with the resentment


You are wife and woman beside it,

you are g...

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The true path

The true path

Sunday,23rd December 2018


It is reasonable

for a people

to accept the reality

to demonstrate the will and ability


the person becomes great

when he relates to

another person as an equal

and treats as good individual


if he extends the hand of friendship

and tries to keep

your past as a bad dream

make him the member in your team



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Let us unite

Let us unite

Saturday,22nd December 2018


Wait for me

until I am free

from other misgivings

I want to be the real human beings


I needn't tell

and dwell upon

how much I care

but today I dare


I am on the path

that goes ahead with each count of the breath

with equal and solid faith

and shall remain so till the death


I have found in you


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Life is a chance

Life is a chance

Saturday,22nd December 2018


The sun shines on this side

for us to decide

how to start the day

and find the way


yes, we are aware

that somewhere

it shall be downing of the day

for others to pack up and stay at home


This cycle may go on

and we shall be shown

what to do for the day

and extend our sway


for all those who hav...

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I am my own woman

I am my own woman

Saturday, December 22, 2018

6:50 AM


I am my own woman

responsible and fully grown

to realize the present status

with full of trust


I have my sentiments

and desires too

I shall be pleased if someone admires

and doesn't put our dignity on fire


I need no explanation

how should the human relation be shaped

it is our inherent quali...

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Hidden beauty

Hidden beauty

Saturday,22nd December 2018


Life has hidden beauty

as showered by an almighty

it is our duty

to see, look and maintain its dignity


Especially the ladies deserve our care

and we need to remain very fare

she has selfless devotion

towards the human relation


what an important part does she play?

we have no words to say!

she may be feelin...

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Say hello

Say hello

Friday, December 21, 2018

6:50 AM


Say hello

and allow

the new day

to pave the way 


With sun's rise

always surprise

with the promise  

that it shall comprise new resolve


with prayers to an almighty

grow with anxiety 

that it shall be for the cause of humanity 

along with the spirit of the divinity 


No individual shall suffer


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Make it happen

Make it happen 

Friday,21 December 2018


Yes, make it happen

and the world shall look like heaven 

as good human 

grow with noble intention


Nothing shall take place

when you groom with a fine race

make no wild chase

and champion the human race 


love the people around

something special shall be found

the hatred shall disappear 

and so the fear


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Steady silence

Steady silence

Friday, December 21, 2018

7:04 AM


When you need the silence?

is it necessary when you feel tense?

silence is medium where you peace

get enough time to live at an ease


you are not burning with the rage

but opening the new pages

to imprint with a new slogan

and commitment to begin


you have sufficient time at disposal

not getting dragg...

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Never complains

Never complains

Wednesday,19th December 2018


How runs the show today?

we have to find out the way

nothing has changed in love game

only males are blamed


it is the real truth

and we need no proof

men are to be condemned

for what they employ and get damned


I have seen and observed

the girls have always served

with honesty and the sincerity

as the...

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The human psychology

Human psychology

Wednesday,19th December 2018


It is human psychology

that functions silently

when something goes wrong

he murmurs the sad sings


if the situation turns beyond the control

he calls upon self and prefers

the silent environment

and evaluates the moment


still, if that is not addressed

and heart is still not obsessed

he prefets to be com...

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The purpose of life

Nice one ... good to think of 

Purpose of life
Thursday,20th December 2018

Man proposes but God disposes 
Human beings choose
but implementation becomes very much difficult 
as strong negative desire is inbuilt 

the moment you go for prayers
the greed and ego layers activate
they divert your immediate attention 
and bring in things of unnecessary mention 

no doubt, many people c...

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Something to ponder

Something to ponder

Wednesday,19th December 2018


This is really something to ponder over

and provide morality cover

to our future generation

and build a strong nation


until you are mentally strong

it will always go wrong

when you start becoming soft

and make shifting of views often


as you have clear views

and many more things are due

to interpret ...

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No boundary for love

No boundary

Monday,17th December 2018


It is nice to love

and also believe

that it is one of the finest hours

if you emerge as the lover


love has no definition

it has the only ignition

where desire inflames

and plays the love game


love can avoid wars

its destination is a star

even though they shine from the far distance

still people take the cha...

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Precious tears

Precious tears

tuesday,18th December 2018


Yes, tears are precious

when do they fall continuously?

we just disregard and laugh at

but the tragic stage is set


especially for the man in general

ladies bear it as a special individual 

as they have tremendous power

to withstand the shock and suffer


a man stands bravely to some extent

and keeps himself awa...

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Fragrance be smelt

Fragrance be smelt

Tuesday,18th December 2018


We may err

and create terror

at the cost of an honor

with no worry to suffer later


Nature is so close

but we fail to choose

any of the options

for our internal satisfaction


"What does it matter"?

we may think and pass on the onus on others

with no slight thought

and let on get caught


The sun...

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The poetry and mass

The poetry and mass

Saturday,15th December 2018


The poem has no end

it has to send

only the messages

to bring out disturbed souls from the cages


we are imprisoned by cast, creed

and above all, by the greed,

the deception is being called big brother

and as result, we all suffer


the poetry has to offer

and suggest altering the life's style

adjust to...

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Malkign the humanity

Malign the humanity

Saturday,15th December 2018


Opt out for ignorance

and take the full chance

of being an ignorant

and present self as a weak human being


For any mistake,

you claim to be not fake

but simple clay man

and powerless human


God has made you

pass through the uncertainties

and face the consequences

with no immediate clues



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Spiritual enjoyment

Spiritual enjoyment

saturday,15th December 2018


I think about the world family

and vow to obey an almighty

for His blessings

for well being


The mind and heart are intertwined

and the role is well defined

where only good things are harbored

and everything is labored


it sees only good things

and tries to bring

harmony with peace

and also life to ...

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Worthless life

Saturday,15th December 2018

Life is lovely and precious
we need to make it continuous 
make our name famous
and lead others

it may not be the cakewalk
but we need to talk to
others and find solutions
that have to be our resolution 

life is to treasure
our own moments for sure
and assure others 
that they lead it sans fear 

the life you consider it as luxury
and mak...

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Worthless life

Saturday,15th December 2018

Life is lovely and precious
we need to make it continuous 
make our name famous
and lead others

it may not be the cakewalk
but we need to talk to
others and find solutions
that have to be our resolution 

life is to treasure
our own moments for sure
and assure others 
that they lead it sans fear 

the life you consider it as luxury
and mak...

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No prelude

No prelude

Saturday,15th December 2018


The words shall not be enough

even though

they are needed

you shall be angered if not conceded


love must have an expression

with the real confession

about the feelings

and real loving


even though. it has no relevance

with using the words at the given chance

sometimes it becomes necessary

to please anybody


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Global concept

Global concept

Friday,14th December 2018


people often say

"poetry is hell to stay with "

where are head and tail?

I just watch their anger and fail


All the times they write about the moon

dream about under the spell of blazing sun

beat around the bush

and try to the rubbish ideas


It pains me a lot

as I have sought several times

their attention and...

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Selfless creature

Selfless creature

Friday,14th December 2018


I may not be educated

my points might not have been related

even my existence might have been questioned

yet, there is a point to score and to be mentioned


One this is pretty sure

and I can ensure

that I am in a position

to look after everybody and maintain the relation


For me, this is the use of formal educat...

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The life is

The life is

Friday,14th December 2018


I brush aside

and decide

to keep away

the feelings of pain and stay


So lovely feelings

for being a human being

for a simple gift from an almighty

how could it have been possible to know humanity?


The ripples rise from the inner chamber

causing so much of an anger

yet, that doesn't devastate me

I feel very m...

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With red rose

With red rose and heart

Monday,10th December 2018


You made me not only happy

but took to the new height already

it was your reluctance to talk face to face

and I made frantic insistence


It was your logical stand

and I really tried to understand

but your personality was dominant

and I wished it to happen big way and tried to present


even though it reflec...

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Corruption and

Corruption and

Wednesday,12th December 2018


How long shall we define corruption?

as it is existent since inception

with no control or regulation

we are in a hopeless situation


it affects our economy

it also increases deficit balance in the country

the debt payment issue also grow

we all must take steps to behave responsibly


it is possible

not only fo...

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Natural instinct

Natural instinct

Sunday,9th December 2018


That is natural

so it is expected from all the individuals 

to play an original role 

with no morality fall 


the human gesture shall be no less

if the happiness

reflects on the face 

of others in all the cases


it is the real rhythmic call

that invites all

to fall in the peace spell 

to perform for human...

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An intimate love

An intimate love

Monday,10th December 2018


Respond to an intimate love

and honestly believe

in its holiness

with the smile on the face


if you are feeling here

same urge shall also be there

with an equal amount of an eagerness

and worry on the face


you know what he or he will be dreaming

and leaning on

an idea of bonding closer

and try to come n...

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Holy body

Holy body

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

4:54 AM


My beat beats are heard

and felt word by word

what does it say?

listen to it in any way


Oh man! beats go on

its magic is shown

the blood flows in vain

with feelings divine


what are we here for?

almighty, we don't fear

the moment your prayer has been just prayed

we are not at all dismayed



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Vow with

Vow with

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

5:21 AM


Nothing is to felt at heart

as we are part

of such a set up

where you will be told to keep shut


even with good work,

the people will bark

shout at you and insult

this is their inhuman cult


do good things

and try to bring

harmony at heart

with noble human art


no one may notice

and take th...

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Life's idelogy

Life's ideology

Monday,10th December 2018


Time really matched

with growing age and reached

it is a climax

with no relaxation


the sky overcast

with so much of feeling and trust

it was now time to say bye

even it tried so much to stay on


it was no gloom

but bloom for the life,

life was to switch over to the new birth

without fearing death



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Time bound


Monday,10th December 2018


Everything happens by chance

just have the keen observance

it is all around us

with so much of blessings


the river makes a silent sound

when go all around

birds match with heir rhymes

and so also follow the flowers


it is in abundance

giving peaceful appearance

for us to adopt

and prompt our behavior



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Clear funcation

Clear function

Saturday, December 8, 2018

7:06 AM


It is a function

that guides the direction

in which our body moves

and behaves


what is good!

or what is bad

that is ordered by the mind

and the heart has sanction behind


the mind prepares an action

and weighs in favor or against the reaction

it echoes the true reflection

when comes to the sel...

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Stay with

Stay with 

Saturday,8th December 2018


It is not easy to walk away

and stay

in readiness 

to move on the surface


whatever the worries are

they are far from our fear

we try to get rid of

but finally laugh at our folly 


they are so interwoven

with our life that threatens

our mental stability

and proves our inability 


for time being 


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Own stability

Own stability

Saturday,8th December 2018


Human beings like no uncertainty

as they have their own ability

to come out of the blue

and get the due


whether in the good or bad time

he or she always comes out

and plans for further action

with full dedication


nothing deters

and alters

his determination

with solid action


remain indecisive


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Love with fragrance



Love with fragrance

Friday,7th December 2018


Love has a universal appeal

you may always feel real

the true spirit behind

and feel its kindness


who shall make it worth?

before life is taken over by the death

you have a lot more to breathe in

and its real aspect to be seen


did you ever smelt its fragrance?

and taken a chance

to go deep at ...

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Unsure of

Nice one...Unsure of

Friday,7th December 2018


I am unsure of the poetry

I am also unsure of an almighty

then what purpose lies before me?

Am I bonded creature and not free?


This idea has often struck me

I have probed enough to see

the reason behind

and earnestly find out


Even though, no one has seen the divine power

but always felt its shower


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Store nothing

Store nothing

Friday,7th December 2018


Believe and live

allow others and love

happily stay and drive

these are the things to be revived


the smile is your asset

so don't let

it to slip away

make it worthwhile in your way


what costs smile?

nothing for a while

attain the status of divine power

just by showing the kind gesture


why go for un...

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Real poetry

Magic in poetry

Wednesday,5th December 2018


People call it a dry subject

everything revolves around imagery objects

basically, it gives you an impression

that how skillfully you have composed with ornamentation


the poetry is heart and soul

for many persons or an individual

who readily wants to deal

and make it feel real


you can never enjoy

until it h...

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Oh! father

Oh, father 

Wednesday,5th December 2018


It is a heartfelt story 

when told to anybody

your vent comes out

and purity is reflected about 


Any parent 

whether rich or poor at present 

they shall always try to take care

and caution you everywhere 


it is natural

that you may feel it unreal

take affront to repeated advice

and escape each time after ...

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I shall come back

I shall come back

Wednesday,5th December 2018


I shall come back

and stake

the same life again

with no more pain


Nothing was fulfilled

as days went on unfilled

the desires remained not restricted

new aspects were daily added


but everything took at back seat

I had no time to greet

even my closest friends

and came to the unexpected end


I w...

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More thirst

More thirst

Wednesday,5th December 2018


Life should have more thirst

to achieve it at first

and then strive for more

and continuously explore


Life shall stay dead

if messages are not read

that adventure is the only option

to go ahead and build the relation


Think of the sun

who runs

for the life of others

without taking the self-care



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