thinking out loud (Remove filter)
Til Morning Light
{Til Morning Light}
I've doubted my
happiness along
awaiting for my newer
sins til morning light
and as I rewrite all
of my stories and
compete with my
never-ending ends
that seems to never
be ending for me daily
and I don't have time
for no imposters
because I will only
fade away at the
rumbling watery
morning light while
rewriting all my new
...Saturday 3rd November 2018 10:58 pm
Love isn't easy to do
Love can be a nightmare
that follows you
throughout your life
Love can rip your heart
apart if you trust in
someone who says or
claims that they love you
when in fact they don't
or never did
Love is a tangible
unmistakable hurtful
lie of your life
Love can leave one down
in the dumps when
someone rips your
...Saturday 29th September 2018 4:06 pm
?The Fire In Your Eye's?
{?The Fire In Your Eye's?}
The fire in your
eyes covered my
soul devouring it
to the lasting drops
of it like good old
mountain spring
water on a hot
summers day
And as the fire grew
intense in my soul
for you and as the
day's washed away
into the longing
hours of the
lonely nights
while every
second of the
night made me
Thursday 28th June 2018 8:21 pm
He Tried To Destroy Her
{He Tried To Destroy Her}
He tried to destroy her by his sneaky little secrets and little lies that he kept hidden deep down until that dark day she found out about all of his hidden dark secrets that's when her world came unglued
because she gave her all to this man and then return only thing she ever got was just his lies and dishonesty and secrets and his cheating ways t...
Friday 23rd March 2018 2:57 am
The Darkness From Within A Gothic Soul
{The Darkness From Within A Gothic Soul}
The darkness within us
is feeding us constant
painful death cries that
sometimes sound's so bitter
sweet to our ears as they slowly
bleed red-white-blue while
being covered in blackish
gothic tattoos
But as the silent lies makes
us want to continue to cry out
in that gothic tattooed pain as we
merely t...
Wednesday 28th February 2018 2:24 am
She Knows
{She Knows}
She knows she's sexy,
She knows how
to get your
motor running
and keep it
humming, She's
always sexy,
even on her
worse day's
when she thinks
she looks her
worse and
still she is my
of sexy
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 26,2018
...Tuesday 27th February 2018 4:10 am
To The Past
{To The Past}
Here's to my
past for the
one's who
thought they
knew me well
I can actually
say to you that
you can kiss my
ass and please
go straight to
hell for the
last and final
damn time
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 26,2018
Tuesday 27th February 2018 3:40 am
This Hard Cold Piece Of Steel
{This Hard Cold Piece Of Steel}
This hard
cold piece
of steel gives
my heart
that you
cold never
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting on February 26,2018
Tuesday 27th February 2018 2:38 am
Don't Cry Over Me
{Don't Cry Over Me}
Don't cry over me
Don't feel sad for me
Don't you think that
I didn't want
to stay but I
couldn't because I
had to go because
God needed me more
Don't you think that
I didn't Iove you
because I did
and I always will
even from above now
Don't cry over me
Don't you forget that
now I'm your angel
watching over you
...Sunday 25th February 2018 3:46 pm
She Died And I Died To
{She Died And I Died To}
She was a beautiful
woman that I got
attached to very
quickly because she
would write little
poems that was like
a visionary fairytale
of what life could be
for me and her
But then my beautiful
beauty got really bad
sick as the day's
passed into the
darkest hours of the
nights my heart was
breaking into to see
her like this ...
Sunday 25th February 2018 11:24 am
What I Need
{What I Need}
What I need is to be
the same person I was
before chiari
And what I need is
to be that person who
can be able to cope
with life again
And I need to feel
calm and not so
And I need to feel
good about myself
And not so bad
about myself
And for the thing's in
my life that I am u...
Sunday 25th February 2018 2:34 am
Starry Skies
{Starry Skies}
Rose's are red,
Violet's are blue,
the night starry
skies are shining
through you just
like when I gaze
into your starry
twinkling burning
fiery eyes that is
intoxicating to resist
that always lights up
my life
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer October 3,2016 but posting here on February 23,2018
Saturday 24th February 2018 1:36 am
Sometimes I look into
a mirror to see my face
so I don't look so crazy
asI talk to myself
And sometimes when I
am missing you I will
hold my dead phone
against my face so I
don'tlook so crazy as
I pretend to talk to
myself while wishing
the whole time that
it is you
And this only
happens when I
feel so alone
Saturday 24th February 2018 1:11 am
He loves me,
He loves me not,
I love him,
He loves me not,
I fought for us,
He didn't,
I chased him,
He didn't chase me,
I saw the sparks in his eyes,
I saw the way he looked at her,
I watched his body movement,
I watched him kiss her all of the time,
I've wrote a thousand songs for him,
I have sang a thousand songs for him,
I shipped a thousand feeling's to him,
But he...
Friday 23rd February 2018 4:02 pm
To Hear Your Name
{To Hear Your Name}
To hear your name
it's just like another
dulling sword that
has pierced straight
through my heart
ooh-ooh the pain
To hear your name
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer August 11,2016 but posting here on February 23,2018
Friday 23rd February 2018 3:39 pm
The Darkness
{The Darkness}
Your whole
aura is
giving off
that deep
down darkness
that we all
fear to love
but you are
making yours
to resist
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 21,2018
Wednesday 21st February 2018 10:18 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #50 (Havana)
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #50 (Havana)
My heart is hurting because I left something extra special behind in beautiful Havana
He was a tall tan skinned man that was a tall glass of water that kept thrusting for him day and night and I think I am about ready to lose my mind because of that man in Havana
And as I need and want Havana to appe...
Thursday 8th February 2018 9:50 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #39 {Alone With My Unknowns}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #39} {Alone With My Unknowns}
Face to face
in the
shadows if
I hold on
to you
I might
not be so
lost into it
can't we create
enough light to
force it to retreat
but you are a
part of it too
the steady ocean
in your eyes
frozen when I
wasn't looking
`n` I lay her...
Friday 15th December 2017 6:52 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #38 {She Love's The Cold}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #38} {She Love's The Cold}
I love the cold
it chills me
to the bone
it makes me
feel whole
in this
world of
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written on April 15,2016 but posting here on 12/15/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 15th December 2017 6:35 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #34 {You'll Never Understand}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #34}{You'll Never Understand}
You'll never
understand me
if you would
already know
my story but
I find myself
having to explain
it to you a billion
times but
apparently you'll
never hear my
silence `n` never
understand my
words if you
cannot find
away to
Thursday 14th December 2017 2:27 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #14 {My Story}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #14} {My Story}
The word's of
dream's from
that certain
person has been
written on the
walls inked
down `n` linked
straight to my
soul that gives
me that courage
`n` strengths to
fight `n` my
battle because
I'll always
survive if it
takes the last
breaths in me
Saturday 9th December 2017 11:44 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #13 {No Southern Belle's Or Gentleman Far As My Can See}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #13} {No Southern Belle's Or Gentleman Far As My Can See}
If this is the
main street
where southern
belle's `n`
gentleman are born
at please stand
them up in a
line for the
world to feel
pity for the
trashy redneck's
`n` hillbillies
which means
you too
Because I
don't se...
Saturday 9th December 2017 10:18 pm
She's Trying
{She's Trying}
She's trying to forget:
She's trying truly to
force herself to
forget about the
between them
She's trying so hard
to forget his voice
She's trying to forget
how he made her laugh
even though she felt like
she's was dying on
the inside
She's trying to forget
all the beautiful
Wednesday 6th December 2017 3:59 pm
She Misses Him Badly
{She Misses Him Badly}
They shared something
so beautiful and something
so deep and true but that
was so truthful lustful love
affair ended to soon because
he didn't believe her so she
went on her way no matter
how much she cared or loved
him and so much she wanted
to stay but she knew that
they would only hurt each
other in the end and they
did bec...
Wednesday 6th December 2017 7:33 am
Black ? Sheep
{Black ? Sheep}
As the black ? sheep is an outcast in your eyes
But if that black ? sheep gets the chance they will be the one's leading the pack
Because they can only with stand so much hurt and pain until one day they will strike you without warning they will deploy a decoy to get you to believe them and having you hooked like reading a old romantic book...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 6:23 pm
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