death (Remove filter)
Death Warrant
{Death Warrant}
I have an active
warrant for my
scheduled death
that has been
killing me slowly
and painfully since
the day I was
conceived inside of
my mother's womb
And as these day's
fade into the darkest
longest hour's of the
lonely nightmares of
death lingering
around my sickened
weakened body until
I am a forgotten
chiari w...
Sunday 24th June 2018 10:59 pm
Don't Cry Over Me
{Don't Cry Over Me}
Don't cry over me
Don't feel sad for me
Don't you think that
I didn't want
to stay but I
couldn't because I
had to go because
God needed me more
Don't you think that
I didn't Iove you
because I did
and I always will
even from above now
Don't cry over me
Don't you forget that
now I'm your angel
watching over you
...Sunday 25th February 2018 3:46 pm
She Died And I Died To
{She Died And I Died To}
She was a beautiful
woman that I got
attached to very
quickly because she
would write little
poems that was like
a visionary fairytale
of what life could be
for me and her
But then my beautiful
beauty got really bad
sick as the day's
passed into the
darkest hours of the
nights my heart was
breaking into to see
her like this ...
Sunday 25th February 2018 11:24 am
What I Need
{What I Need}
What I need is to be
the same person I was
before chiari
And what I need is
to be that person who
can be able to cope
with life again
And I need to feel
calm and not so
And I need to feel
good about myself
And not so bad
about myself
And for the thing's in
my life that I am u...
Sunday 25th February 2018 2:34 am
Murderous Tears
{Murderous Tears}
These murderous tears
follows down my cheeks
wetting my shirt as I gently
wipe them away like the
way the did you by murdering
you in cold blooded murder
and it left me here like a
child that was orphaned
to survive in these darkened
cold streets that the
blood stained asphalt
surrounds my feet
But I cannot fathom
how th...
Saturday 24th February 2018 9:00 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #43 {My Sleeping ? Angel Lily}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #43} {My Sleeping ? Angel Lily}
as her
to hold
home so
for air
and then
she was
gone and
now my
gonna be
the s...
Saturday 16th December 2017 12:00 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #42 {Dear Brother}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #42} {Dear Brother}
Dear Brother,
Yet another
holiday season
is upon us
`n` it still
seems like
the very
first one
without you
by my side to
open up gift's
`n` then go
outside to
make a snowman
in the white
wintery snowy
weather`n` then
come back in
out of the cold
weather to warm
...Saturday 16th December 2017 11:43 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11{Noiseless Silence}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11} {Noiseless Silence}
The sound's
of the noiseless
silence that
ringings out
in their head's
like the
sound's off
that she's
dead `n` she
lays there in
the echoes of
hysteria `n`
the noiseless
noise covered
her lifeless
body with the
darkness as
the amplifiers
...Saturday 9th December 2017 8:40 pm
Drape The Flag Over My Casket
{Drape The Flag Over My Casket}
As I lost the war that I was facing but please deliver this message to my family and loved one's back in the states
I am sorry that I couldn't make out of this nightmare but I'll always be flying with you only from heaven above now but I do miss you and love you all and please don't cry because this military woman is finally at peace and they ...
Thursday 7th December 2017 9:00 pm
We Stand Army Strong
{We Stand Army Strong}
We stand under the American flag with us being stronger than before because we are united and Army Strong
But when thing's gets dicey outside around us we pick ourselves back up two by two while filing out of the doorway two by two with our weapons in our hands with our military brother's and sister's standing strong by our side even while we may be un...
Thursday 7th December 2017 8:38 pm
With This ? Rose
{With This ? Rose}
I will keep it with me even after it withers and died
I'll place into a book to hold our love that way until the very end of all times
Because with this ? rose is delicate to the touch so protect it with your love
Your love is forever real
As the day's is lon...
Sunday 3rd December 2017 10:26 pm
Don't Wait
{Don't Wait}
Don't wait until it's to late to tell someone how much you do love, miss them and how much you do care
Because when they are gone no matter how loud you holler, yell, scream, shout and cry they won't be able to hear you anymore
Because it's to late because they are dead and gone
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/...
Friday 1st December 2017 6:33 am
Recent Comments
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