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Competition closes in 58 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cure Chiari (Remove filter)

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa, 


I've been extra good this year



All I want is a cure for my

rare brain disease because

see Santa I was given this

disease before I left my

mothers womb so long

ago now



But life since that time has

been up and down daily like

a rocking roller coaster riding

throughout a non-stoppable

hurricane that is enough to

drive one ...

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Merry ChristmasCure Chiariwritinglifelovelivinghappy new yearchristmas wishesTina GloverStoriesshort stories

What I Need

{What I Need} 


What I need is to be 

the same person I was 

before chiari 



And what I need is

to be that person who

can be able to cope 

with life again


And I need to feel 

calm and not so 



And I need to feel

good about myself


And not so bad 

about myself


And for the thing's in

my life that I am u...

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awarenessCure chiarideathdiseaseslifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysupportthinking out loudTina Gloverwritingwriting short stories

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11{Noiseless Silence}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11} {Noiseless Silence}




The sound's

of the noiseless

silence that

ringings out

in their head's

like the


sound's off

that she's

dead `n` she

lays there in

the echoes of

hysteria `n` 

the noiseless

noise covered

her lifeless


body with the

darkness as

the amplifiers


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What Is Arnold Chiari Malformation Disease


Chiari malformation

Chiari malformation (kee-AH-ree mal-for-MAY-shun) is a condition in which brain tissue extends into your spinal canal. It occurs when part of your skull is abnormally small or misshapen, pressing on your brain and forcing it downward.

Chiari malformation is uncommon, but increased use of imaging tests have led to more frequent diagnoses.



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I'm About To Lose My Mind

{I'm About To Lose My Mind} 



I'm about ready

to lose my cotton

picken mind  



because the same

pain each day when

I open my eyes

is about ready to

drive this

woman totally insane 



because the throbbing,

aching, blurred 

vision, sensitivity

to light and 

​​​​​​sounds along with

the headache on top

of a bad migraine headach...

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Rare Brain Disease

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Rare Brain Disease

When you have a rare

brain disease with no cure yet

So long ago as me being

inside my mother's

womb a very bad rare

brain disease was

passed on to me while

I was inside of my mother's


Then from that time I

have found out that my

disease is called Arnold Chiari 

Malformation Disease


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cure mecure chiariCure Arnold Chiari Malformation Diseasemy real lifestoriespoempoetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverIllnessesTina Gloverearninghealthawarenesschronic illnesses

Diseased Brain

{Diseased Brain}


Some day's I wish my brain worked like other's brain's did of being normal but since I was born this way I can't help it when my thinking or writing gets messed up with backwards word's or being out of place but I do fix them if I catch them 



But if I could help it I would but sometimes I have no control over that and it's like chiari takes over my train of th...

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My Chiari Journey

{My Chiari Journey} 



 My Chiari journey hasn't been easy~peasy but it's a journey I have never had to walk alone but I have always been chiari strong as the day's are long and as my conquering journey continues on




 ©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 11/29/2017 all rights reserved

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awareness 4 chiariOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverTina Gloverpoemspoetrycure chiarilifelivingthinkingwriting

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