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Nothing means more

When facing death's door...

Then family

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They say that change is a part of life,


If everything were to stay the same,


I will be bored out of life,

But there are always some things,

That I want,

For eternity,

Like my love for chocolates, maybe,

Or my stupid childish desires and wishes,

Gazing at stars all night,

Or feeling the warmth of sun,

On me, as I let my imaginations run wild,


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world changeschangespeople's reactionfriendsfriendshipfamilyloveloved onesreal lifelife realitypracticalalwaysforeveralways and forever

Low Winter Son

I kick away the leaves
uncover the carved stones
And reading your names again
I let those feelings flood in

The two of you rest together
laid deep beneath the earth
There’s a tree that grows above you
and here’s me, treading my own winter

Life was in wealth, awhile
but I’ve been chasing that warmth 
for three decades now
I’m tired and my body aches

There will be fireworks tonight

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Walking into the light

The morning sun silvered the poplar leaves

Somewhere others lay in the cut clay 


And I smelt the sea’s dead things

As I walked. 

Kelp, razor shells, crabs, limpets

School friends swam and laughed in sandy craters

And there I was walking

By Goat's Water, the Old Man looking down

As he had for all my life 

And all those other lives before

The smell of wet bra...

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Remembrance Daythe sommefamilyLake DistrictUlverston

The Hidden Essence

At the time I was somewhat cold,     

A child doing as it was told,   

Sitting in the hut Dad just built,     

Not so solid, a bit of tilt,    

The rain dripping onto my head,  

Family there, us being fed,     

Avoiding spiders seen about,     

Waiting until we could run out,    

Back inside into our home warm,  

Before drizzle turned into storm,     

Yet now all I...

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The Hidden Essence

At the time I was somewhat cold,     

A child doing as it was told,   

Sitting in the hut Dad just built,     

Not so solid, a bit of tilt,    

The rain dripping onto my head,  

Family there, us being fed,     

Avoiding spiders seen about,     

Waiting until we could run out,    

Back inside into our home warm,  

Before drizzle turned into storm,     

Yet now all I...

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I Swear I Won't Mourn You 


I swear I won't mourn you 


I won't miss the days 

Of snuggling up to you 

Of you kissing away my fears

Of the long phone calls talking about our days

They never happened anyway


I won't miss the time you visited

And baked my favorite dish

And watched the kids while I went for a run

And folded my laundry tightly

It never happened anyway


I won't mi...

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The Vagabond

she is the vagabond

who wanders with the winds

forever adrift 

a prisoner to her sins


by dawn she appears

nextdoor, or nearby 

she’ll pay you no mind

nor lift you an eye


now, offer her aid

let her stay for a while

she’ll throw you a laugh

or feign you a smile 


but soon as you stop

and question her ways

her grin disappears

her eyes fill wi...

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A loss of life & words

I lost my Brother, and my poetry went with him

Words replaced by a bottomless hollow

Knowing he has not one more tomorrow 


The words I needed drifted away

Hiding from the light of day

Wallowing in a sea of grey 

The sea, which drowns us all

When someone dear passes away


He liked a drink, and liked a fag

But was the best brother I could have had

'A good looki...

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The Flickering Of A Candle

There was such a tenderness 

In the beating of her heart

But, such a terrible wailing 

To go unheard 

Her hand lay open & empty 

Her eyes

Mostly closed

A smile could occasionally flicker

Like the flame of a candle 

Dancing before it becomes smoke.


On that last night 

When the rain poured

And the moon hid

Her hand slowly closed

Her cheeks dimpled with ...

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We Are Legion

These words that I speak

These words I now write

These flat voweled phrases

These poems I indite 


This love of things dark

This love of things light

This fondness for nature 

This ease with the night 


These moments of joy

These moments of fear

These hands clenched in fists

These thoughts holding clear


This taste for fine wine

This taste for che...

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Phantom Hands

Grief casts complex shadows
over the wilting body
You feel the fingers grasping
as sirens rise again
This fatalistic ritual
an energy made negative
and stomach knotted up
by such unhelpful thoughts

Pain rips at your sails
thunderous and wild
is it the body breaking down
a message poorly translated
The shrieking of absence
cuts deep into the gut
those hands twist and grip
the cycle...

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health anxietyanxietyhealthfamilypain


Gracious as her title
God Blessed the earth with this noble warrior by name
Like oxygen to survive she is vital
Unique lady unlike any other
For Jane we are blessed Bright mother
Her heart dances and sings
Fine cut like a diamond
As golden as her rings
This lady is flamboyant as true as her beauty
She oozes style
Eyes sparkling like stars I see her soul in her smile
She cares and loves

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Language Barrier

I’m screaming at the top of my lungs

But she can’t hear me.

I might as well be yelling in French or Spanish because

She just doesn’t understand me

When I tell her I can’t do this.


She doesn’t get it when I tell her

I don’t know—

Je ne sais pas,

Yo no sé

—how I’m going to see this through.


It’s like my brain es en fuego from all

Of the información being ...

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understandingfamilyoverwhelmedteenage bullshit

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