Longing (Remove filter)
The Cruelest Moon
There you were again
last night
Always dressed so well
exactly the clothes I’d choose for you
precisely the right smile
My dreams aren’t long enough
the scene shoots by
too soon
You come, you go
I long for you to stay a while
but you’ll never stay for long
Your wild mind, your hungry heart
yawn and snarl
before you turn and go
leaving me alone
Back into the night
you shuffle of...
Monday 18th December 2023 10:37 am
An Eyelash Breadth Between Us
Lit monochrome by the moon
we dance across silver sands
The waves scrawl
like these scribbled lines
written by my yearning hand
All this turbulent energy
flung into the swirling air
Conducted by my pulsing heart
This fool, who thinks he has control
of all you do to me
A wanton wind whips up the spray
and all I want to do
is turn the beat inside my chest into
sentences sho...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 8:14 pm
To Love Is To Die
A love so fierce,
has taken ahold of me,
that ‘I’ is no more.
My form, my soul,
is now entangled with hers.
Where do I end and where does she begin?
I now only exist,
as an extension of her.
When my name leaves mouths,
I pray for it to always
be accompanied by hers.
Whenever she is in my vicinity,
it feels as if I could ascend into infinity.
To love her,
...Sunday 17th September 2023 12:36 pm
Hearts Of Hers
Heart of mine
Won't you stand at my side?
Stop your traitorous speeding,
So that my cheeks may stop heating.
What is it about her,
That her whole being allures
What is it about her,
That has me needing more
Who gazes at me as if I
Am the one who in the east rises
Who sees me wholly,
Not for who I pretend to be.
Who has replaced my blood,
as my life's elixer,
Wednesday 9th August 2023 3:29 pm
It runs in my family
I thought I was lucky
That the gene had skipped me
But I was wrong
It's not a substance I cannot give up
It's you I am addicted to
Years went by
And the fire that once raged
Was nothing but a barely glowing ember
I thought I was done
That I was in the clear
But I found you again
And the feeling is creeping back in
The weight on my heart
I feel it with every bre...
Friday 30th June 2023 8:08 pm
Love's Servant
As I was laying in the desert,
I desperately longed for the sea
and its waves to crash over me.
How could it slip over my head
that water can dry one out too?
There in the desert,
my throat was empty.
Constricting and relaxing around nothing.
Desperately trying to salvage
the little droplets of water,
it could claw out of my mouth
to satisfy my needy self.
...Friday 16th June 2023 9:14 am
Words Hidden Beneath Ink
A delicate touch on my skin.
How long has it been
since someone softly caressed me?
A touch so unknown,
yet Comfort finds their home.
As you trace the ink on my skin,
your eyes rake down my body,
drinking all of me in,
as if you have not drunk a drop of water
for as long as you’ve been.
Your fingers on me,
feel like the first sunbeams that grace a leaf,
after a...
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 12:02 pm
Waiting For My Nobody
Tired souls sigh together,
lovers have given up on getting better,
but I will continue to stay with the withered tree until the end of times.
We have exchanged the word 'forever'
and thus I will patiently wait untill we are back together.
I will wait for you, my Nobody,
until my body cannot anymore.
Until my body decays
and my bones slip into Mother's embrace.
Even then...
Monday 27th March 2023 6:38 am
I Love Myself (Unfortunately)
I love myself.
Not in the way one would think.
I truly am in love with myself.
For there is no one in this whole wide world
That could understand me,
See me,
Hear me,
Apart from me.
Therefore it is only myself that I can love
And it is only myself that can love I,
Whose song differs from the other whales.
I love myself.
Not out of free will,
But out of...
Sunday 5th March 2023 10:31 am
Return To Me
Cold and dark
here I lay
waiting for you at bay.
The orange pearl is sinking into the seas.
Thousands of sand grains surround me,
yet I still feel so lonely.
I have given my heart to you
and now it’s sinking slowly in the seas.
I will wait for eternity
may the seas direct you back to me.
Saturday 28th January 2023 11:20 am
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