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Love's Servant

As I was laying in the desert,

I desperately longed for the sea

and its waves to crash over me.

How could it slip over my head

that water can dry one out too?


There in the desert,

my throat was empty.

Constricting and relaxing around nothing.

Desperately trying to salvage 

the little droplets of water,

it could claw out of my mouth

to satisfy my needy self.

Salt burned my eyes then,

as it does now

in this vast body of water.


As I lay in the sea,

my throat filled to the brim,

some water inevitably spills from my lips.

I long for that moment

when air will infiltrate me.

Pushing and claiming its way inside,

forcing the water out, a tide.


Now in the sea,

my body drifting to the water’s beat,

My head dips dangerously 

below the surface.

Salt versus salt.

I wonder how come,

I am dehydrated once again?

My body plump and plummeting.


Is it Love’s will,

for Their disciples to be so cruelly killed?

No, not cruelty,

we are simply getting what we are due.

Not punishment,

but consequences

of the actions of the ones

who have lost their senses.

For Us,

who are lured in by Love’s sirenic calls.

For Us,

who continuously ignore its sharpened claws.

For Us,

who inevitably always find ourselves,

slain by Love’s tender hands, lovingly held.

Yet, even now,

as I lay with an enormous gape in my chest,

A feeling akin to home making there nest,

I long to nurture my heart

until its rhythm has developed once more.

Patiently waiting to be heard.

So that it may again create a lovely song

by the grace of its Muse.


The cycle continues to go on

as I endlessly long

for the desert and

for the sea.

Continuing to serve

my Master,

my Muse,

my Heart,

my dearest Love,

in life and in the Heavens above.



◄ The Devil's Face (Resembles Me?)

A Living Corpse ►


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