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refusal is slow


i'll be honest,
I refuse to love you. 
my chest sits in knots 
even in this revelation
the would-be butterflies remain trampled
and God knows they fly all around him
im not sure they even had the chance
to cocoon, your slime-gripped words
of small flames devoured their bloom.
No. Yes. No, im not bitter. Im selfish. 
I'm greedy with want, a desire-is-me factory of production
I hold ...

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sad poemsHeartbreakbetrayalpoetrypoetrelatablerelationshipshealing

Can You Just Not

For YOU it's fine

You can talk all the time

To this person and that

The old man and his cat

The farmer and his lama

You're good with the drama

These are the conventions

The inventions

Of a society that shrieks

That you're 'bleat-


If you write.

They are SO full of spite-


With their complaints,

Your character they'll taint

'Your writing i...

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A smile

a smile is a heavenly thing

especifically on her face

not bothering anyone 

she keeps them in place.


while his having no clue

glancing on her bliss comforts his heart

despite she being in blue

she never lets him to go apart.


from all those scenarios come in front

creates the will to make his pledge

they will be together as it was dreamt

dedicating his hea...

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My rym

I had a glimpse of the shine,

couldn't recognize was it the right time.

after those stars were sigh,

Got brighter as you came by.


The glow rays of your warmth and light,

embraced them upon your sight.

wishpering the peace needed for my nights,

to step up again and fly those heights.


the rivers of your love continues to flow,

made me stronger with the presence y...

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My angel

Some people believe there is a one, 

The one who points your way to the sun.

 A person they believe makes them complete,

 The one who will support when facing defeat.


You are my angel, my one and only,

 My forever love, 

so we'll never be lonely. 

You've brought to my life all your love and care.


It made me see when I realized how rare It is to meet your angel, or...

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Close My Eyes

Sad at a bar.   sitting on the deck.  watching 

boats drift by; 

finished my grouper sandwich; sipping on my lemon water

wondering -- 

So close to your lips, how did I get so far away in your mind?

I told you a long time ago, you would never have to yell          but

I do.

Today was a break,

          after a break,

                     after a break.                C...

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Winter, is here. Am I?

This is inspiration from the ice breeze, and cold realisation with my love. 


Has it always been this cold?

I don't remember shivering so often. Nor my back cramping in pain.

Something is changing. Something is different. 

As weather patterns come and go, so do you.


How can it be that the amount of love I need, doesn't need me.

Doesn't come to me. Blows over my skin, ...

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Climateloverelationshipsdramasex lessweatherintimate

Few Seconds at a time

It did indeed

Yes, you slipped away like a bottle of wine

And Taylor was right… you were never mine

Promised to another, but I took the risk

A knife that cuts deep, but you were a brick

You gave me what I needed, a few seconds at a time

But another had your whole, and that made me cry

Tears of joy a few seconds at a time

But as you fleed away, I had a hole inside

You we...

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Behind the Silent Wall

Day by day you built the dam that kept my tears at bay. Behind that silent wall my waters raged and swelled against where I did not wish to dwell. I may take the shape of what you truly desire to see, but you are mistaken for within that shape I have no form. I have always flowed free! You cannot shape that which has none, begone wall, begone! 

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Men Confusion

My world has come to an end.

Co-dependent like a child to a Dad

Losing my sexuality through men-o-pause

Obliterate me with your gaze

but don’t try to command my soul

the one I thought was the one

is the only love who’s been the truth

but I have fucked him over with my ego.


I let myself go but you were just the same

The dark haired, mum fuck that you have

Not reco...

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men and womenrelationshipssexfeminine

Till the end of the line

I have entered this new chapter of my life,

But it feels like the past is not so far behind.

I wish you were here to see the person who I have become today,

I wish you were here to tell me that it was going to be okay.


From seeing each other almost everyday,

To not having spoken to each other for over a year seems like hell.

I wish you were here to get me out of this mess,


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Do We Loose Attraction From The One We Love?

Yesterday I was looking at my flaws in mirror.

I realised.

At times, I don't feel like talking to the person I say I love.

At times, I won't wish to spend time with him.

At times, I won't wish to look at his sparkling eyes.

I felt, I lost attraction.

I felt, maybe it was one another crush to which I gave the name of love.

Then I noticed that there are times when we won't like ...

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love poetryloverelationshipsrelationship issuesfailed relationshipattraction

Do We Loose Attraction From The One We Love?

Yesterday I was looking at my flaws in mirror.

I realised.

At times, I don't feel like talking to the person I say I love.

At times, I won't wish to spend time with him.

At times, I won't wish to look at his sparkling eyes.

I felt, I lost attraction.

I felt, maybe it was one another crush to which I gave the name of love.

Then I noticed that there are times when we won't like ...

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love poetryloverelationshipsrelationship issuesfailed relationshipattraction

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