The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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This One Is For Every Friendship Lost

It’s hard to look at pictures of me from high school

You’re in all of the stories

The prom after-party, beside me in chorus

And now we don’t speak.

But if you called

I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up the phone

Drive anywhere you needed me

But we don’t need each other anymore, do we?

You could say that I missed too much

You and he are no longer together

You were so many ...

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old friendsex friendslost contactfriendshipHighschoolSorting thoughtsbest friendhigh school friendshurtsadnessangerbecause im feeling bitter.where were you

Cause I remember

Do you remember when we were kids

and time was just a staircase we couldn’t wait to get to the top of

A bunch of spoiled kids with lives of pure bliss

impatient, immature, imperfect moments of the past in place

Pictures of a camera, all frozen in such haste


Do you remember when we would play hide and seek

I would hide all of me and you would come and find 

see me and stil...

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loss of friendshipfriendship

Onyx Eyes

She smiled from the window sill,
A heart so weighed by sorrow.
She admired the night with onyx eyes,
Ever waiting for tomorrow.

She sung upon the sill so still,
Gazing from star to star.
And wasted wishes every night,
For those who lived so far.

Ever selfless yet wanting more,
She’d wish upon their health and love.
She’d live for hope like never before,
For the voices up above.


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poemslong distance lovefriendshipsadnessunconditional love


after For M by Mikko Harvey


I didn't expect you to leave

red paint on my heart. 

Have you ever spoken

without the timbre of your gaze

turning words into molasses?

Well, if not, I think you should try. 

Follow my lead:

Emotion tied to twisted words and Pokemon is an odd combination.

I hope you know the melody of my laughter will be found in those words.


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You Are Everything

You are the one bright star in a cloudy night sky,

You are the distant beacon on a stormy dark sea,

You are the twinkle that flickers in my eye,

You are everything to me.


You are the single flower that grows through the weeds,

You are the last autumn leaf that clings to the tree,

You are the one strong shoot amid barren seeds,

You are everything to me.


You are the...

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The color yellow looks different when I look through your eyes,

As if the fields are made of emeralds decorated in butterflies,

And then I see pollen fly and descend to the wind’s singing

And embed themselves into beds’ sheets’ linen.


The coursing of dance mimics a river current

And I involuntarily admire your freckles and the rose of your cheeks like they’re sunbu...

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joynaturelovefriendshipfamilypoem from collegepoly amorous lie who cares it's brokenflowers optimism happiness

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