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Walking without the floor is oh such bore, as if it’s not walking at all.

But standing on stage is not either the place, without you first seeing the wall. 

And the waves wash right in with such a great spin, but would’nt without crest or the trough.

If you look and see two, remember that’s you, and actually, it’s just one, as in all.

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Be Kind To You

Be kind to yourself.

We all make supposed "mistakes" which are not really.

…it is called growing as people.

forgive and move on.


Be kind to yourself.

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Understanding Begins With Ourselves

So many feel the need to fight

Living life with no inner light

Why do so many appal

Simple fact that Love is all                         

My desire all lost souls see

Potential for all they can be

Life make of what we will

Finding our own truths until

Our future to be shaping, moulding

Parallel with our learning unfolding

Emotional balance only natural

Energy, happ...

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Entering into today’s day and age, we take turns turning the page.

Let us begin,
as were taken back to a time— lined with the new heights of always measuring up to ones expectations.
Ascendant signs are all "GO".
birthmarks placed on the face of the earth; add attachment to the earthly plane, and embody rebirth.
the fabric of the universe tucks us away—as our materialization is made—from a ...

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hourglass years erode our dust whirling into rottenness
when spirits learn to trust, they're armored whole with righteousness
attend the suffering hearts, seeking, we are not alone
childlike, our simplicity, until our hearts turned to stone
drifted by our wastefulness, a reason for us to mourn
the heart is remade by trust, yet still, so much needs reborn
true, the angel conflict won that cer...

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spiritualitytrusting God's love

The Spark Of Understanding

Why is it thought such a fight

Living life within the light?

Purely expressed feelings actual

Emotional balance is only natural

There never was anyone else to blame

Personal responsibility to now reclaim

Life being ours to make of what we will

Thinking purely, truths, freedom until

Our future to be shaping and moulding

Parallel with our learning unfolding

The spark of...

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All The Things (Happy World Poetry Day!)

It being absolutely essential

To live our life to our potential

Drifting along, getting on by

Lazy ways to truth deny

Living this way being soul treason

Finding excuses, rhyme or reason

Looking away from where we should be

Closing our minds to our liberty

My reality took a while to sink in

Inner voice screaming, making a din

To be a poet my path to take

The safe li...

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Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.

A pinned-up faction icon that sta...

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alignmentcrushearthgeometrygodhollywoodhoroscopeslovelovedloversnaturepoempoetrysacredspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayzodiac

Taking Off The Jacket

A comfort zone is like an old jacket

Worn it for too many years

It doesn’t quite fit anymore and definitely looks tired

Shabby and worn out

Carrying on being worn because it’s comfortable

Now is always the best time to leave comfort traps


Stretching horizons

Stretching ourselves

Waking as the sun rises on a new place today

The thrill of travel




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Where To Look?

Pondering the question…

How to be inspired?

Meditating, dreaming

Mind works overtime looking for the answer

Information meltdown time


Taking a quiet moment…looking around seeing anew


It’s in every life goes on….and yet here we have nature

Nature still manifesting as the ultimate expression of art in motion

What could be more inspiring?



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Our bodies borrowed from the universe

Made of stardust

Everywhere and nowhere at once

Souls having a human experience

Moving ego aside to freedom

Inspiration guiding our actions

Through universal connections

How often the truth hides

Right there in plain site

Seek and we find

I am the seasons

Life to renew

I am divine

And so are you



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To Dream Of Greatness

I like seaside piers; in a parallel world I’m a Victorian engineer
In this world I am mostly polite and mostly sincere

I like architecture: in a parallel world I designed Carnegie Hall

In this world I just sketch buildings, taking in it all

I like trains; in a parallel world I drive them to Kathmandu

In this world no leaves or snow on the track will do

I like trees; in a parallel w...

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Elvis passing on, just about remember the day

Failed to move me much in any particular way

John in New York on the street he died

I confess, when I heard the news, I cried


Liverpool airport eventually after John they named

In remembrance of our very own son they proclaimed

A statue of the man they commissioned Tom Murphy to craft

To greet all travellers, I think John woul...

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