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An encounter with the past

I remember being told to,
'You can do nothing'.
A memory that came like a flood,
Only this morning.
I pass by several faces,
That I've been seeing for years.
But today I saw one,
That reminded me of the days of tears.
When the people I relied on,
Pointed fingers at me.
When I was mocked and laughed at,
And what I really was, no one could see.
The times when people told me,
I didn't fi...

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Believe in Yourselftrusting God's lovefaithpastpeopletoxic friendships


Decide the world's fate/nothing changes but the year/so who made YOU God?

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Alien Eyes

Alien Eyes

I see you there

Watching me now

Even facing away

You eyes reverse

Back of your head

How do you do that?

Are you an alien?

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We lose each other once in a while
We find ourselves in others
most of the time
We may meet some, fresh living and brand new
Forget about the ones we lost, completing one another

Or, on the contrary, at times
We meet again - how different
Forget about the new ones
And turn our faces to the bits of ourselves
we have missed in each other

We live through people
I live through you all

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once shoes went to cobblers

new valves a radio renewed

cut-throat razors stropping

nappies boiled then brewed


now artefacts come and go

we exploit them every day

serve a purpose then gone

discards, just thrown away


are us people any different?

used and then tossed aside

minds or bodies plundered

left weeping, hollow, dried


poets call it romantic l...

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binneddiscrdsartefactspeopledisposable livesworn-outscrap

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