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Climate Change and us (Updated version of a poem posted on 24 September 2020)

Climate Change and us


The planet turns, the planet turns;

The adults fiddle while Rome burns.

And children yet to be conceived

Have every right to feel aggrieved.


And us? We plunder wealth from mines

And join the back of frantic lines

In shirtsleeved January sales,

Pursued by ever-warming gales.


Exhausts and power stations spout

Unheeded warnings all ab...

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climate change

The Day The Seeds Fell


The blue sky yawned

And out they came

As the mortal hoard 

Looked for blame


It's us! It's them!

It's God's fair hand

His silence broken

To make a stand!


Some cowered. Some ran

Some stood in awe

As tears of seeds

Filled Earth's floor


For exactly 6 hours

The seeds were sown

For the 7th

Time stood alone


Leaves stopped in flutter


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climate changeEarthGodhumanitylife


in this empty stadium I'm being chased

pursued by something I struggle to see,

I smell a hunter's breath alien and rank

if there was one nearby I'd climb a tree


its dusk now and the circuits are endless

he surmounts hurdles with an easy glee

his dark vest sports no national colours

night falls, I need the floodlights to see


its been like this now for several years


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olympicsvirusvaccinationjabglobal warmingclimate change


a cough as dead leaves drop

detached with soft faint sigh

last breath of lonely martyrs

murmur of breeze in the sky


gravity's heavier as we age

ancient oaks sad blue eyes

saplings thrust like a lance

a loving that knows no lies


do remember me, I'm here,

did you forget I found you?

like a lost fawn, dappled in

shadowed glades and dew


scoured every ...

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treesloveforestfireclimate changediversitysun.roots

Do We Do Nothing?


Do we do nothing

But stare at the sky?


Do we do nothing

But avert our eyes?


Do we do nothing

But stifle our cries?


Do we do nothing

But conform to lies?


Or, could we become

All we can be?


And settle the wake 

Of this turbulent sea?


And rise above waves

And rise above fear

And shout at the sun:

"Look! we are here!"


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EarthHopeLifeLoveclimate change

My name is Silence

I used to range unchallenged on this hill

keeping mankind under my surveillance.

I watched as you discovered

the wonder of the wheel


and ways to traffic goods along the rivers.

You harnessed blameless power from water mills

but we became estranged.

My name is Silence.


Once I was your day-to-day companion:

the backing to your birdsong at the daybreak

and as t...

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airportleeds bradford airport expansionclimate change

Extinct Possibility

Like angels pinhead dancing,
we have truly lost our way,
to live the fat anointed life
for fossils, we will pay,
radiation will not go away,
as oceans flood the bay.

Thus, the Machiavellians
enjoy their little rants,
and the paid-off scientists
are bribed with oil grants,
pretending they cannot decide
if CO 2 will raise the tide,
boost the climate worldwide.

For political advantag...

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climate changeMachiavelli

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