motivation (Remove filter)
not on my time watch
a dial speed is a time speed
light speed is a dial speed
the universe is a time watch
the universe is a light speed
the universe is a dial speed
motivation is a speed of motivation
motivation is a time watch of motivation
the universe is a dial of a universe
the universe is a dial of motivation
a dial of motivation is a dial of a universe
a speed of motivation is a speed of a universe
Monday 6th May 2024 8:29 pm
Being Perfect!!!
You don't need to be Perfect,
You don't need to be the Best,
Just a Better version of Yourself,
Every Single Day...
Friday 8th September 2023 2:36 am
If I believe in me,
I can be anything,
I ever want to be,
Swiftly soaring through the sky,
Flying my way that high,
Gently touching horizons unseen,
If I believe in me.
Maybe dive into waters so pure,
Laugh with dolphins,
Solve mysteries unknown,
I can feel the deepest pits,
If only I believe in me.
Forgetting all my darkest fears,
Ignoring all thos...
Tuesday 1st August 2023 4:12 pm
If They Can, Then So Can You
In those moments of doubt, when challenges arise,
You're facing tasks seemingly too vast, or unwise,
Remember, my friend, that ambition's not lost,
Impossible is not out of reach, or aloft
Should your dreams feel distant, beyond your scope or touch,
Yield not disheartened to your inner-self too much.
For possibility knows no bounds, there's no wall,
You crucially possess ...
Thursday 8th June 2023 4:57 pm
Words of Appreciation
It's that time after the entire day is over and it's dark out there so feel some calmness in your surrounding. When music takes over your every sense, and you just do what you love to do after your entire day is finished.
Oh! don't get any other ideas, I'm just talking about your hobbies, not something that takes control over your soul. I'm not talking about 'Something' that deep, just your ho...
Tuesday 26th July 2022 5:41 am
It's cold outside, there he is.
Standing in the snow with the letter from his father.
Just found out it was his last letter from his father, regretting for that silly fight about christmasday.
Realizing that is was his last christmas.
Walking between those fast cars thinking and thinking.
What if I stop?
Is it all worth it?
Was it all worth it?
What should I do?
There he was, looking ...
Wednesday 10th November 2021 4:40 pm
I Will Not Bow
I am not broken
I am stronger than you can imagine
I am not giving up
I do not know the meaning of the word
I am no failure
I have come too far to give up
I am my light
Now you can watch me shine
Because life is about taking a risk
Moreover, the risk is what it is all about.
I am not alone
If you do not know what this means
Then I pity you
Thursday 15th October 2020 10:53 am
Keep In Mind
You have to move forward in the world
Because no one else will
Keep pushing yourself or time will remain still
Make efforts to get where you want to be
It’s not hard, all you have to do is believe
It won’t take just words, you need action
In life, doing nothing won’t have a reaction
All opportunities will pass by if you waste your time
You’re on a path to you futur...
Thursday 17th September 2020 8:15 pm
The Phoenix
I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me
I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me
They say
Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix
The flame…
Being refined by fire
Through it, I’ll rise higher
The flames provide the fuel
As I soar to my strength
Refined by fire
Gold purified
A faith that stands.
Tuesday 25th August 2020 9:47 am
The end of the chain
the madness is carried
from perpetrators to victims
from link to link on the chain of misery
where victims become perpetrators
and perpetrators create more victims
on and on it goes
history shows
that the chain extends
‘til the bitter end.
there is so much madness
coming from our race
sometimes I wonder
do we use the word “inhuman” in the wrong ways?
we ...
Monday 10th August 2020 8:12 pm
Cloudy Eyes
I have it all
locked up inside
my soul tries to hide
and I can’t find the reasons why
once I was whole
pure spirit, body and soul
the umbilical cord cut
and ready to go
into an unbiblical world
I didn’t know
the years passed and I passed out
locked in a cage of everyday life
I forgot there once was
a fire burning inside
suffocating ...
Saturday 25th July 2020 8:44 am
I don't mind
I don’t know where I’m coming from
and I don’t know where I’m going
if I don’t know this
what do I know then?
driven by insecurity
my mind tries to fill the void inside
searching for something that is real
getting trapped in the web
running in a wheel
make up your mind
and let the shit flow through
what’s important will stick around you
holding on to s...
Saturday 25th July 2020 8:27 am
Observed On My Travels
There it sits nailed to its tree
So long after the event…so long
A statement of intent to make
And yet the message was lost to me
Sadly, lost within their ignorance
Here we have a living thing
It has lived longer than you or I
Vital for our survival…essential
Wounded, yet still very much alive this tree
And how one rusty nail speaks volumes
As it holds it’s now faded ...
Saturday 4th July 2020 7:45 am
Wish I Could
What would I wish for, if given the chance?
For a start, I'd wish I could dance
Wish I could learn without having to repeat
Wish I could earn my depression's defeat
Wish I could do all the things I want to do
Wish I could prove the love I have for you
Wish I could act on all these wishes
Wish I didn't have to do the dishes
Wish I could be the person you need
Wish I could resist the sin of...
Sunday 10th May 2020 10:58 am
The Spark of Understanding
Why is it thought such a fight
Living life within the light?
Purely expressed feelings actual
Emotional balance is only natural
There never was anyone else to blame
Personal responsibility to now reclaim
Life being ours to make of what we will
Thinking purely, truths, freedom until
Our future to be shaping and moulding
Parallel with our learning unfolding
The spark of...
Tuesday 7th April 2020 8:21 am
The Short-Term Memory
Taken from poetry album A Healing for Gaia.
Thursday 23rd January 2020 7:13 am
Eyes Open Wide
With purest open heart
Negativity now depart
In beauty walking
Inner voice talking
Cleansed, whole
Mind, body, soul
Harmonious living
Smiles easily giving
Complete inside
Eyes open wide
Still point that is sought
All actions, all thought
Transformation undergo
To understand, to know
Truly deeply fathom
Love in every atom…
Dean Fraser - The Quant...
Monday 7th October 2019 6:57 am
Wake up
Courtesy of 'C'
The call of Courage
Will cause you
To pull back
The covers
Of uncertainty
And lift your
Head from
A cosy cushion
At first
You may
But out of
Comfort Zone
You must
Saturday 28th September 2019 12:27 pm
Snakes & Ladders
Sometimes life is like playing a board game...
It gets so mundane
When each day
Seems the
In this
Bored game
You play
Couldn't stay long
On the square
You were on
Kept sliding away
At the edge
Waits a
And he's ready
To take
You astray
But battle's
Not finished
You can
Still win this
So in the game
You'll stay
Thursday 19th September 2019 10:45 am
Sometimes you can surprise yourself at what you can acheive when you ignore your so called limitations...
Bumblebee's body
Is way too heavy
It's wing span
Far too small
This little fella
Can't fly
But he doesn't
Know that
At all
He keeps flying...
Friday 13th September 2019 11:08 am
The Magician
We are all capable of much more than we think we are...
There are times in life
That seem all so tragic
We must remember then
To use our own magic
Are there people around you
Telling you lies?
Take up your sword
Cut all the ties
Next take your cup
Never half empty
Fill it with love
You'll always have plenty
The coins of the earth
Keep you secure
...Sunday 8th September 2019 8:28 pm
Warrior of Spirit
When you invest in yourself you're better able to be of service to others...
Cultivating patience
Mastering persistence
Strengthening of mind
Building up resistance
Turning rage
To courage
In the heat of
Pure devotion
Streaming forth
A life force
Greater than
An ocean
Evaporating uncertainty
Continuing to flourish
All within his orbit
He certai...
Sunday 1st September 2019 9:58 am
Winners & Losers
You win when you say yes
You lose when you say 'Yeah, But'
You win when you say 'I Will'
You lose when you sulk & tut
You win if you choose Now
You may lose putting it off
Till tomorrow
You win if just persist
Don't go quitting in
Pitiful sorrow
You win by being daring
Dare to be yourself
You only lose when you're past caring
Just waiting for someone else
Thursday 29th August 2019 10:31 am
Talking to Myself
As I observe, I feel I need to ask myself “Why is it that people talk without thinking first?”
I see it everywhere I venture, people creating their very own version of hell and I wonder “Why would they do that? Make their life so limited and one dimensional?”
Further pondering on the matter drew me to further observe “They ask for exactly what they don’t want, all the time, why would th...
Wednesday 21st August 2019 7:47 am
Please don’t make yourself at home
I caught a star
With my burning fist
And left my handprint on it
I crash-landed on the clouds
I bounced back
Bounced back I
Shot a star with my mouth
I juggled Pluto
I breathed on Neptune
I grew a farm on Saturn
I named all the planets that
I was first to visit
Pierced them with flags of my face
Stamped them with my fingerprints
I was the fi...
Sunday 11th August 2019 4:17 pm
Inspiration in a Rose
Dean Fraser (
Taken from Audio-Book A HEALING FOR GAIA.
Sunday 28th July 2019 8:47 am
I like bridges and piers, in a parallel World I’m a civil engineer
in this World I am mostly civil and mostly sincere
I like architecture, in a parallel World I designed Big Ben
In this World I just sketch buildings with my pen
I like trains, in a parallel World I drive them across the USA
In this World no leaves on the track is for all I pray
I like trees, in a parallel World I ha...
Monday 22nd July 2019 8:35 am
Eyes Open Wide
With purest open heart
Negativity now depart
In beauty walking
Inner voice talking
Cleansed, whole
Mind, body, soul
Harmonious living
Smiles easily giving
Complete inside
Eyes open wide
Still point that is sought
All actions all thought
Transformation undergo
To understand, to know
Truly deeply fathom
Love in every atom…
Dean Fraser - The Quantu...
Saturday 20th July 2019 8:17 am
Hello my beautiful morningstar
My pleasure that i hold dear to myself
Who's beauty I hold to my self
I am the devil and i have deal to make before you waste your beauty here
Walk this green earth ignorant to pains existence or swim in your emotions and lose yourself like an ordinary human?
Does it not intrest you in what you could truely become a love a pillar of light in the dark
...Sunday 23rd June 2019 6:11 am
Chasing wonders,
With a pen and a paper,
An empty sheet,
A piece of oblivion.
Staring blankly,
Eyes lost in the wilderness,
Once with a blink,
A whimper towards nothing.
Looking around,
Inside a four-cornered room,
Pastel purples,
In between the white curtains.
Running strokes on the paper,
A pen and ink,
Breaking the bars of this cage.
Tuesday 4th June 2019 9:52 am
A Letter
Kind, brilliant, bright
Strong and gentle
Understand how to see and feel
Appreciate the beauty that is
Cherish it
In its incredible, ever changing, unpredictability
Monday 13th May 2019 4:19 am
I, Capricorn
Don't try to stop me
You can't and I won't
Stopping at nothing
I'll get what I want
Failure is not an option
That I choose to accept
You cannot deter me
While I still have breath
My vision is clear
My desires are true
Unwavering passion
Will guide me through
Stopping at nothing
I'll get what I want
Don't try to stop me
You can't and I won't
I will ...
Sunday 17th March 2019 12:19 am
The day she found herself
Breaking all the shackles
Throwing away all the chains
that were holding her
she finally got rid of the pain
She drew strength
just from within
that was the day she found herself
and realized chasing dreams was not a sin
Pleasing everyone
was not her wish anymore
focusing on herself
became her aim of soul
It was very taxing
To identify her tr...
Monday 31st December 2018 7:36 am
For a poem about motivation
I find myself lacking real inspiration.
After a period of procrastination
It’s become a source of great frustration.
Is this real artistic creation
Or just intellectual masturbation?
But following quiet contemplation
I had a sudden revelation:
What I am lacking is
The title.
Saturday 3rd November 2018 8:15 am
Letter to You
Letter to you,
Words of wisdom,
If I may.
Don’t fall for the irony
That my reflection
Lacks a map of my life.
My beautiful child,
Let me remind you,
That every time you smile,
Every drop of laughter
That you place in this world,
Means something,
To someone,
Let’s remember
That people do
Amazing things each day.
Now not to di...
Thursday 29th March 2018 3:25 pm
Shouty Face
I think that you are quite unique,
From ear to ear, then down to feet
Sat atop your mind you speak,
Sometimes funny, sometimes sweet
Lots of people seem the same,
They live their lives and play their games
Now and then they use their brains
But not too often, ain't that insane?
You are you and that's what matters
So ignore, the chitter chatter
Small minded t...
Thursday 22nd March 2018 2:13 am
Alchemy accumulations occult objects
obviscation oral affinitiess
articulate articulate
honerous horticulture
fallow ground
hallowed articulating implements
scaring the face
chrurning the deep richness pulled to the skin layers of detritus
masticated long passed
ego masturbated
harrowing seed bed preped
rain sun evenly scaled
else scalded or overasp...
Monday 5th February 2018 6:56 pm
Yeah, you goofed up a lot
A lot more than you recall
Beam with your smile
Glow! Show! Give a try!
But now you
Mistakes take long to set up
Not that you have given up
Rise with your arms open
wrap!!scrap !! Rectify!
But now you
Only you know whats your craft
The world is needy of that draft
So with your skill
Kindle!! Follow!! Magnify
but now you
Saturday 9th September 2017 8:56 am
making moves
Don't forget the reason why they fought
Don't forget the lesson that was taught
Buried so deep into the earth
We call them layers of our foundations
The past to our future and the taint of our present
Our ancestors, falling forefathers and delicate mothers
Making moves to the hills
Making mountain from valley
Making home where we go
We are making moves for th...
Sunday 18th June 2017 3:26 pm
And be Eumoirous!!
When it rains in the run
Your dream dampens
Shout it loud, to those clouds…
It’s time for your neo-sun
And be Eumoirous
Fleeting are the charms
Don’t walk the norms
Empty the fear-filled casks
“Today”, your era embarks
And be Eumoirous
Self-doubts are brutally canny,
Defiantly, end their tyranny
Question the answers, now
Tell them you won’t bow
Tuesday 14th February 2017 4:52 am
Advice to a poet
Take your time
Don't just try to rhyme
Put meaning into every line
No, it doesn't have to come out right
Just write
It's fine
Every piece reviewed and refused can later be renewed
Break it down and then stick it together with crazy glue
Don't mind if they call you crazy - you
You are an idealist in the realist eyes
But they fail to realize
Reality is dynamic
Tuesday 7th February 2017 4:12 am
Keep on Movies
Action pack
Thiller like Mike Jack
PG-13 Comedy - Captain Jack
Eyes on the sparrow
Keep on movies
Neglecting duties
The horror
The drama
No worry
It's Sci-fi
No hurry
Keep on movies
A mystery adventure of the first world war
History keeps on moving
But you keep on movies
Hours of our lives in front of a screen
Taste not, ...
Tuesday 31st January 2017 11:54 pm
At Least
No matter how harsh the road might be
At least I walk upon it
No matter how harsh the last day was
At least the next day greets me
No matter how dark the day might be
At least there is still day
No matter how deluded, horrible,
Sadistic or rude people are
At least there are still people
No matter how they might make me feel
At least I can still feel
No ma...
Tuesday 19th April 2016 10:25 pm
My Inspiration: My Daughter
Never thought I'd be a single mom
It hit me like a bomb
Never thought I'd be all alone
Watching my very own clone
Some days are harder than most
Some days I have to fight not to choke
The stress
The weight
On my shoulders
But I have to say it all goes away when I hold her
When she looks at me
So happily
Its like I have a little piece of heaven
And those probl...
Sunday 25th October 2015 2:28 am
As I Continue
I'm not weak
I can't accept defeat
Its like a foreign language to me
Stand up strong
Tall and face them all
Defy gravity
Never a victim of depravity
Your smirks
Your sneers
Pssh all I hear are cheers
Moving along
Like a song
A step at a time
Never out of line
Just ebbing with the flow
As I continue to grow.
Sunday 25th October 2015 2:23 am
Day In/Day Out
The time of labor start once one clocks in
as the money is important for survival.
Better to have it than being flat broke.
Despite what those on the outside peeping in may say,
this man right here isn't flipping patties for nothing.
For he longs to return to his life back home,
which ran smooth like molasses
then snapped in half like a pair of glasses.
As the infallible re...
Monday 13th April 2015 5:10 am
Why do we worry so much about tomorrow;
When we can do so much today.
Why do we cry for those who are leaving;
Forgetting the ones who stay.
Why do we long for that which we cannot have;
Without appreciating what we already possess.
We live life in a rush and often miss out so much,
We dwell on dreams and mistakes;
And live the present in a haze.
Take a pause and feel th...
Tuesday 24th February 2015 7:30 pm
Gone Till April
Hope I make the most of my gifts.
I'd be damned if I stayed the same person I was a year ago
Willing to work for mine, fuck a handout.
Whether it be a full-time nine to five or freelance, I'm gunning
for the top where I oughta be.
Not a rapper, just a brother presenting a gift for the world to see
possibly change someone's life.
All I want is for my family and my girlfriend t...
Tuesday 27th January 2015 3:49 am
Above, Beyond
The morning, crisp and broken by the curfew
Of rising larks and pigeons in the choir,
Its breaching sun is bursting through the grass dew
And thinning out the misty dawn's perspire.
Many rest upon their linen sheets around
And you, the only currently arise,
Solo is your ally when breaking the ground;
Undistracted, undisturbed - your alibis.
Your muscles twitch uncertain of their purpose,
Friday 27th June 2014 2:21 pm
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