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Ujjal Mandal, India

A lamp can dispel
millions of darknesses
billions of ignorances
and trillions of sinners
like the burning sun

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The Winter Morning!

The Winter Morning!

Ujjal Mandal, India

The winter morning sheds thick tears, 
None but the sun comes to weep 
Her tears out as a mother does when
The child cries.

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(not so) seasonal depression

The sun was supposed to save me
Erase the dark
Outside and inside

I waited patiently
and I was determined
Trusting my everlasting assumtion
That that thing will come
Take the pain away

It would just take time

The time of waiting
Biding in the dark
The aching anticipation in the cold
All of a sudden
Seems oh so sweet

Once the alleged change appears

But nothing changes


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changecolddepressionfearfree formseasonsummersun

The Fuscous Sky!

The Fuscous Sky!

Ujjal Mandal, India

The sky looks fuscous and heavy 
When the sun hides his cheery face 
Into the cloak of clouds as like
The air loses his sweet rhythm when
Nightingale stops her healing songs. 

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The Motherly Sun

The Motherly Sun

Ujjal Mandal, India

The morning weeps 
All night. 
When the white wind 
Helps to flow her thick tears more, 
The sun with motherly 
Affection wipes her wet eyes out.

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Marooned again

The sun leaks out of the grey cloud ceiling spilling all over my body. Golden light bathes my cells.
Blanketed by solar rays I gain a new perspective on my surroundings; colours are deeper, fruit ripe. The world beyond my front door suddenly separated only be a wooden plank. 

But as quickly as it came, the curtains above me shut with swift determination. Once again my perspective shifts. 

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the sound of the sun

the sound of the sun


lying in bed

he hears the sun rise


forest full of trees

trees full of birds

birds full of song


he rises, feels for his cane

shuffles his way outside 

to the warmth of the sun

and orchestra of birds

turns towards the rays

that he cannot see

opens his ear lids and 

smiles at the morning

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Winter In The Sky

Steady beats the pulse of the sun

Wonder still leaps from its beams

Yet beneath a mask of bonhomie

That sad star is not what it seems


Watching its favourite run to waste

Hot tears escape that burning eye

Bound by nature to fry its offspring

Torch forests, put winter in the sky


What treasure this greedy satellite

Down the ages pillaged from space

Squandering ...

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winterskysunstartorch forestsgreedyhabitatsrising seas

If Only It Would Rain Today

Its been dry for far too long

The air's got parched and dusty

I'm praying hard for rain to fall

My life's been arid and musty


I see how you led me to love you

That easy flattery your smiles

I fell headlong into your arms

Tripped by those practised wiles


If only it would rain today

And wash away my tears

Is that thunder that I hear

Cleansing as it nears?


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Intervals Of Rain

Its great when the sun shines no clouds to be seen

And luck is on your side and there's no sign of pain

But life is a roller-coaster its all ups and downs

Sometimes you must shelter from intervals of rain


Intervals of rain intervals of rain

No sky stays forever dry

Intervals of rain intervals of rain

Bring tears to clear your eye


Remember the people suffering out ...

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cloudseyegraveintervals of rainsilver liningsuntears

Lockdown Birthday

Lockdown Birthday


We walked up from the river

Beneath a canopy of trees

The air was filled with birdsong

On a warm and gentle breeze

The sun was high in the June sky

The road stretched out ahead

We drank some wine together

shared cheese and new baked bread


After lunch we wandered home

The air was hot and hazy

Then we sat around and drunk beer

Refused t...

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napowrimo2017day24(85)birthdaylockdowncelebratingmaking the best of itsuncompanionship


I don't like your colour,
Can't hear your noise
You cover streets in winter,
Keep my heart there,
In grey lands.
Let rivers overflow
And my heart sinking 
Into colourless melancholy. 
I want to be
At a sunny place.
I want to feel the golden light
And warmth on my skin.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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For many years I walked in shame

With my head bowed down not looking anyone in the eyes

Shame for not being good enough

Shame for not being wanted nor loved

I sat in darkness wondering if I would ever be able to find light

Sat there wondering, if I would ever be worthy or enough

Then a voice whispered in my ear, " I am here."

The voice got louder and yelled, " I am here."


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godshamelovestrengthsunraysheartsmileyearningnot enough

Swallowed by the Shine of the Sun

Sitting in the sun
Soaking up the warmth 
Staring out into the distance 
Hoping that something will change
Every time I’m in the light

With the rustle of leaves
And birds flying by
Whistling to their mates
Signaling Spring is here
Everything finally feels right


[Feb 2020]

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splendid resplendence

in your essence I sense resplendence
could do no wrong by me, your personably impressioned defendant
your honor is what I strive for
it's why the day turns to night, sun and moon argue back and forth
fight about what's wrong and who's right, tug of war
light bends but doesn't break, shines through the prism, and is perceived in different waves

I met you once but my memory is starting to fa...

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dayLovelove poemlove poemsmoonnaturepoempoemsspiritualspiritualitysun

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