rain (Remove filter)
A Run In The Park In The Rain
we met in roundhay park,
she was walking her hound,
fettered with a muzzle, the
dog barely made a sound
that was half a life-time ago,
long defunct that labrador,
I'm the one on a short lead,
I rarely talk, let alone roar
personality's behind bars,
independence gone west,
castrated, house-trained,
where obedience is best
a daily run in the garden,
...Thursday 3rd December 2020 10:45 am
Don’t Walk In Anger
I twist in the night, in anger.
I wake in the morning, in anger.
I know the dreams are just dreams
but the aching is tangible,
it’s at the forefront that I can’t shake.
It’s too early to feel this way, with holes punctured through the heart.
A feeling that I’ve been used as target practice.
Congratulations, you’ve won…
You’ve robbed me yet again from waking with the deli...
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 4:18 am
A November Haunting
A November Haunting
Has come and gone
Leaving us with its
Vicious little demons
The howling wind
Screaming down the chimney
Like a banshee
Brittle twigs
Whipping along the windows
tiny scratching claws
of desperation
A wolf howl
Through the eaves
The cloying damp touch
Of dead leaves
Ice cold drizzle
Down th...
Wednesday 18th November 2020 2:50 pm
Love Left Rusting In The Rain
It boded well in summer
Blue skies and endless sun
When love adds sheen to
Bright days of endless fun
Seasons change like people
Happiness replaced by pain
Dark skies hiding sunshine
Love left rusting in the rain
Whispers like soft breezes
Promises of undying bonds
Magic painting hot dry air
Like fairies waving wands
Easy to envisage our bliss
Thursday 5th November 2020 10:59 am
Rain Doesn't Matter Now
We were full of ourselves in those days
Life was a treasurehouse of pleasure
We had our fill of the world's offerings
And took its ripened fruit at our leisure
Rain doesn't matter now you're gone
Nothing seems important anymore
We madly moaned about the weather
The God-given gale onto the shore
But our love took it all for granted
Selfishness was the order of t...
Tuesday 15th September 2020 10:46 am
Half-Fallen Rain
he could not make her out
at close quarters but afar
smiling yes but acting no
near, yet distant as a star
like rain falling half-way
a tide trapped out at sea
an infant sapling stunted
a blossom without a bee
brows furled with doubt
mouth unstable not still
eye contact fraying, lost
signals iced by inner chill
curious blend, rare alloy
what el...
Sunday 6th September 2020 11:35 am
Rocking And Rolling And Wringing Wet
We were ambling in leathers down Florida Mall
When the sky caved and showed us its power
Like lightning it dropped, pure cats and dogs
What hip street cats call a power shower
Rocking and rolling and wringing wet
All conventions shot out of the window
The beat of Nature kicked in from nowhere
Man, can you dig that wind blow!
A summer storm cools down the street
...Monday 31st August 2020 10:42 am
If Only It Would Rain Today
Its been dry for far too long
The air's got parched and dusty
I'm praying hard for rain to fall
My life's been arid and musty
I see how you led me to love you
That easy flattery your smiles
I fell headlong into your arms
Tripped by those practised wiles
If only it would rain today
And wash away my tears
Is that thunder that I hear
Cleansing as it nears?
...Monday 10th August 2020 10:44 am
When we were Gypsies
Don't stop when the music stops
Even when the fever drops
The castanets have ceased to play
The romance in your eyes I see
Could I take you away with me?
I'll take you through the rain
Where the light remains
The only rhythm of the day
Where the sound of the patter
Which really doesn't matter
It's insane that the rain
Could make me feel this way
Sunday 12th July 2020 12:06 pm
It’s Raining Cats And Dogs
It’s raining it’s pouring
Storm clouds warring
The heavens have opened
About to get drenched.
Splish splash, drip drop
Spit splat, plip plop
Tipping it down
Bucketing down
Falling from the gods,
It's raining stair rods.
Spitting, drizzle
Sunny shower
Teaming deluge
April shower
Raining cats and dogs,
Nice weather for ducks and frogs
Friday 3rd July 2020 7:15 am
Eye Of The Storm
Eye Of The Storm
The black clouds gather
Heavy rain drops splat
There is iron on your tongue
The bitter taste of storm
Head thick with thunder
White light splits the sky
The trailing crack rattles windows
A cat cowers beneath a bush
Shivering in its fear
The deluge follows
Straight javelins of rain
You lift your head back
As the heavens empty
Water fi...
Saturday 27th June 2020 2:48 pm
Arrows of Rain
On the empty wall of my room
I think I'll put a picture of the rain. --
Hitting the ground,
And getting up to ankles,
The rain will be wetting my socks
And trousers from below;
Then my eyes will follow
...tick, tick, tick...
Everything in the picture,
Until catching a black brolly,
And the shiny enamel shoes...
Saturday 27th June 2020 7:47 am
Dew Drops Remain
Only dew drops now remain
atop blades from the torrential rain.
The lightning strikes
lessen in succession.
But the dew remembers
from where it came.
Friday 19th June 2020 2:30 pm
Rain and Balloon
Raindrops are laughing,
Like cherry
Onto the garden
I am alone
Floating on,
A little cooling the warmth
Of summer morning;
As if flying
Big sky balloons
Of birthday party ...
Monday 15th June 2020 3:11 pm
It Rained Today
It Rained Today
It rained today
Breaking the strangling heat
But it wasn’t a cleansing rain
It didn’t dilute the colour of our skin
Or wash away the blood on our streets
It just soaked
The lonely man erecting barricades
So that McCars could McQueue for McBurgers
As consumerism kicked back in
And the deluge began
The air felt clearer though
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 12:03 pm
I don't like your colour,
Can't hear your noise
You cover streets in winter,
Keep my heart there,
In grey lands.
Let rivers overflow
And my heart sinking
Into colourless melancholy.
I want to be
At a sunny place.
I want to feel the golden light
And warmth on my skin.
©️ By Magical whispers
Wednesday 11th March 2020 9:02 am
Meet Me In The Rain
Meet me in the rain
So I can explain
The sun’s gone
And it’s been too long
I look at your pictures on the wall
I shouldn’t keep them up for too long
I miss the sound of you down the hall
So I avoid the sound of you at all
It’s as if the flood gates of heaven opened up from God’s weeping
Deep down I know it wasn’t you I should be keeping
Thursday 20th February 2020 4:00 am
Get Lost in the Pouring Rain
So feeble
we fumble
bodies tangling, intertwining
we get lost in the moment,
in the rush
drifting off to our own space
No time like the present
we’re looking for answers in the pouring rain
If you could get by
for one night
without looking for the answers
If you could
for one night
love me just the same
Everybody needs something
to j...
Thursday 2nd January 2020 4:43 am
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