The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lust (Remove filter)

Cold Flint Makes Fire

smiles so rare for her

not a welcoming face

fear in pale grey eyes

of warmth not a trace


appearances can fool

no semblance of fire

that beneath the skin

makes the mask a liar


stumbled into tinder

my chimney smoking

horned into bonfires

deception is stoking


inner magma outed

slow magnetic glow

mechanic love only

imagination can sow



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cold flintfirelusttinderbonfiresmagmaholocaustcoalsfacade

Busted Jag

Sliding through the fog with your 

Illusions of finery

I saw the check engine light when I got in

But your cracked windshield distorted my vision

All I could see was how I felt when

Your leather interior 

Hugged and kissed 

And caressed my body

The cute dates at cute restaurants

Sangria and Seafood

Lies covered in parmesan cheese

Lying about past lives

Lying on ...

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datinglustbrokenemptinesslieswishful thinkingcarsrose colored glasses


in a wheelchair now, she's

a shadow of her history,

crippled us with lust in

the pomp of her mystery


to out-patients in my taxi,

whispers: "is it you Fred?"

of times when I loved her

immortal, not half-dead


dropped me for a broker

always cute and naughty,

oozed sex, a Lana Turner

mercenary and haughty


begs me to take her to bed,

purely for old ...

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cuteimmortalLana Turnerlustnappiesnaughtypomppoo

A Song of Frigidity and Desire

 Feeling sweet, flying high, you between caramel thighs

Latent passion, burns bright, red hot in the middle of the night

Never grappled with such emotions,  had desire with such devotion 

Thankfully,  rationality quells the ache in the waking hour, logic turns sweet sour

Forbidden thoughts tantalize, it's torment to fantasize 

Futile to take action, never to fruition comes satisfact...

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Love Bites

Love bites mark what occurred this week 
Turns out I couldn’t mask the distance between
Ending up with someone else
Added another notch in my belt
But he didn’t mean anything
Because you see 
I was after someone else
My love adventure turned out to be my worst realized dream
Caught between lovers of convenience, lust, and longing 


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Love Letter to a Stranger

~You're the feeling that makes my heart melt into a caramel abyss
I can taste the sweet demise you subject me to on the tip of my tongue
This sugary concoction flows out of your soul and seemingly by magic, or maybe alchemy, transforms into the feathers that come together like wings to lift me up beyond the natural heights of my masculine flesh
Bringing out the fleshly, carnal desires of my sou...

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Muses, Sins & Soul Ties

Is it a sin for your muse

to inspire mine,

provide momentary escapes

from loneliness, pain,

the daily grind,

give words to fantasies

of the mind,

connect soul ties.

It’s hard to believe

a God of love

would consider musing 

a crime. 

If it is, that’s not a religion

to which I subscribe.

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Blurred Lines

Echoing words through my head

Of all the sweet things that you said

Of times and memories of what we used to do 

Just a little thing to see me through


My dear, it's clear 

We aren't what we used to be

My dear, I fear

That’s the way it’s supposed to be


Blurred lines are once again made clear

It’s you with her

And me with him

That’s the way it should be in ...

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You called out to me

said you wanted me

felt for me

as I started to feel for you, too


It could be so easy

just as 1-2-3

maybe in another lifetime

I’d be with you, too


Maybe we don’t have to wait

you’ve got me now

you’ve got me here with you

I’d love you just the same


It could be so easy

just as 1-2-3

if it were another lifetime

I’d be wit...

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Bandages ripped off

feeling raw

feeling exposed

not sure where this goes


You know too much

can’t hide it anymore

you want more than to touch 

the deepest parts of me


I’m falling deeper into you

where do we go

what do we do

when I just want to be close to you

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Get Lost in the Pouring Rain

So feeble

we fumble

bodies tangling, intertwining

we get lost in the moment,

in the rush

drifting off to our own space


No time like the present

we’re looking for answers in the pouring rain


If you could get by

for one night

without looking for the answers


If you could

for one night

love me just the same


Everybody needs something

to j...

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