memory (Remove filter)
Lodged In The Mind
A dip in the sand caught a pool of sea,
When the tide came in and went out again.
The pool of sea caught a ray of sun,
And it seemed like a star had been caught on Earth,
But a moment later all was gone.
A child ran forward to see what it was,
That shone so brightly from out of the dirt.
Little feet,
Kicking up sand,
Ran themselves through a dip in the ground.
And it seemed like the je...
Monday 7th December 2020 12:42 pm
In the deserted island of my mind,
cotton candy memories float by,
followed by fog and bomber planes,
raining shrapnel of a painful past
and Nostradamus future.
I am tempted to retreat,
among the trees,
where no one can find me.
Give up my majestic seat
on the sandy shores of time.
Boldly I remain,
sheltered in plain sight,
like a hermit crab,
...Sunday 6th December 2020 6:57 pm
Memories In The Now
Your smile, your laughter was the light during the nighttime
Your touch, The way your fingers would caress my soul
Your voice , like soft melodies playing in my mind
Your time, if you had to say, it was well spent
Your life, was a gift; a small brown box draped in red ribbon
our memories are embedded in my heart
I can feel it as if it were now.
In memory of Chris...
Wednesday 11th November 2020 1:58 pm
First love
The mornings we spent laughing
with eggs and bacon
and cups of sweet tea
because we didn’t really
like coffee yet
and with flour on our faces
because we were making pancakes
and you decided to start a fight
These are some
of the warmest places
in my heart
It´s so sad
I can´t remember
what kind of tea you liked
Tuesday 29th September 2020 11:19 pm
Nothing is more permanent than memory
Cast-iron files of pain locked in your head
The mind gets drawn back to errors and loss
Magnetised by things you should have said
Torturer is chief is villainous hindsight
Squatting by the guillotine with a smirk
Chewing over all those might-have-beens
In lost chances where grief and loss lurk
Even in dreams we face the angry ...
Monday 13th July 2020 11:14 am
In the ruins
Of my temple
My fireplace
Once in control
My warmest kiss
In the arms of
My arsonist
To face new growth
Beyond pardon
The path across
Burning demons
Saturday 13th June 2020 1:22 pm
My Mother's Kitchen
My Mother’s Kitchen
I’m in my mother’s kitchen
It’s a Monday afternoon
The oven’s heated up the air
The buns will be out soon
Everywhere there’s an aroma
Of cinnamon and spice
An apple pie sits on the table
I’m waiting for a slice
A black-leaded coal fire
Does it’s best to dominate
The heat and the smells
That the baking permeates
An old fridge hums...
Tuesday 28th April 2020 2:50 pm
Geezer's Lament
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair. *
She’s so sweet and loving.
I’m good looking for a man of my age,
with handsome gray hair – what there is of it –
that girls like to pat like they pat a pet dog.
I can’t wag my tail like a dog,
but I can flash a sweet smile.
My wrinkles portray character
and the wisdom that comes with age.
Skin cancers between wrinkles
betray my time ...
Thursday 2nd April 2020 9:42 pm
Remember Me
Darkest days
Be my brightest night
When I felt that sun glow touch
Emanate from your soft smile
Coldest wind be the
Torture of my skin
While your love seals me in
The violet of the dawning sky
The scarlet of the new sunrise
Is all I feel when you’re nearby…
Wait no…
This is but a memory…
Grab my heart and never let go
Do you remember that ...
Monday 17th February 2020 9:06 am
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