The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

heartache (Remove filter)

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What I'm Feeling

The dejection
of disappointment.
The bitterness
from betrayal.
The misery
of mourning.
The sadness
from shattering.
The agony
of anxiety.
The dolor
from depression.
The torture
of trauma.
The heaviness
from heartache.

Backdated 1/10/19

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Violet Violence

I loved you like I loved storms. I was fascinated by every strike of lightning and each gust of wind, the sheer power of it, the wind I mistook for passion and the ferocity I believed was simply something to pass with the movement of clouds.
Little did I know the damage caused to my being every second I caught myself standing in its wake.

I loved you far more than you deserved. I loved you a...

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domestic abuseDomestic violenceheartachenarcissistic abusepainpast hurtspousal abuseviolence

Missed Something

I've tried to write this

Fifty times over

Each time I get closer

But somehow still miss


I miss something

In what I want you to know

I miss something

In saying I don't want to let go


If this is goodbye

Then say it now

I'll give up the fight

I'll let you walk out


And forever

I'll miss



I've loved you like no other

I've never held...

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missingbreakuppainlongingloveheartachesongsong lyrics


A perfect match - strike anywhere.

A perfect love - what happened there?

I walked away without a care,

but turned and tripped on your last stare.

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heartacheHeartbreakloverelationship breakup

I loved you

I loved you 

From the moment I saw you

Black beanie 


Cigarette hanging from the side of your mouth

Dripping in hurt and cynicism


My imperfect reflection


We spent days in bed

Hid from the world

Made our own


You were the light in my darkness

The first to really see me

The first to truly love me

What you gave me I'd never had before


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divorceheartacheLove lost

she stood still

sometimes i wonder how we got to this point

a point where you wonder whats the best

a point where you want to restart and forget

because i thought we're doing our best

giving all the love we have left

but look at us now, 

one has left and doesnt have any regrets

and the other one stood still, full of questions.

shes waiting, waiting and reassuring him that she believes.


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poempoetryloveenglish poempoetbrokenheartache

Dear Ezra Bebot,

The first time I saw you, your mouth held no words.
I would take you out and watch you marvel at the birds.

Your awkward waddle would bring me smiles.
There was peace in my life holding you as we walked for miles.

The screaming, the crying, the testing,
The laughing, the hugging, the learning.

As I helped you grow, and loved every moment.
Even the ones that involved your excrement.


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Step sonstep-sonchildfatherfather's lovebreakupheartachebroken heartdepressionlosslovingend of relationshipseparation

Letting go

Let me tell you this 

a secret lies within oneself,

many dare to dismiss.  


Loving one who is broken, 

Creates complication 

And bliss. 


A problem to handle,

That is not ones own. 

A secret to help bury, 

Yet not to hold on ones own. 


The truth is set free,

When their true self is recognized 

By the one who had the power, 

All along on the ...

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LoveheartacheChaos Life Judgement mental healthLetting Go

Battlegrounds of the Heart

And all at once

We revisted the site

Where the wounded lie


We examined their injuries

Doing our best to determine

If they were fatal


It requires a detached rationale

It laughs in the face of pure emotion

For life is smarter than you think


Forever your opponent

Even when pretending

To be a friend


For life brought me you

Star crossed

And ...

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