Sleep (Remove filter)
Dark Lullaby
As this first night knows me
as my soul becomes its dream
I understand my small being
is one with time's vast scream.
Even now I know between
my heart's first aspen flutter
and its last soft ashen beat
endless dark passions must clutter
my every empty lonely night
and bear down to hold my mind;
only this one moment knows a calm:
a velvet dark - a fusty smell - fi...
Thursday 10th October 2019 4:23 pm
Will you be mind?
My time
Is not mine
But our time
You’ve made your bed in my dreams
I lie in it
this isn’t me
I would part with my skin
If it weren’t attached
And never look back
Each night when I close my eyes for sleep
I see you in my head
Your feet poke out one side of your bed
And oh,
It makes me giddy for you
And so,
I end up crawling in bes...
Thursday 15th August 2019 9:13 am
It was a strange
waking -
perhaps the wraith of a memory of a dream
lay with me,
offering some
hazed contentment
a waking
the pillow
beside me
Thursday 4th April 2019 3:17 pm
Is it a Curse .. or God's Grace
To live alone heart and place
Suffering what I always face
Hopeless to be myself again
Are these changes good for me
To be lonely always or not to be
To live away of what I see
I lost my hope and brain
Sadly to wake up and sleep
Painful to feel yourself cheap
Living alone hurts in deep
I wish to know why, but i...
Wednesday 13th March 2019 8:00 am
Black Starlit Dream
In the frost sharp moonless night
the stars light the air
with a quiet and mystic brilliance
much closer than of yore
as a still quiet
the world below
Through the cold crystal dark night
a ghost drifts the grass
silent echo of a whispered flight
tree high above my eye
its soft locus
the land below
Through an ice star argent glea...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 3:47 pm
A poet's sleepless night
I find myself yawning again and again,
But I can't sleep, which is a real pain.
I lie on my left side, then on my right,
But, for me, there is no sleep in sight.
Next, I turn and lie flat on my back,
But, of any sleep, there is still a lack.
I lie there, looking up at the ceiling:
Pretty drained, is how I am feeling.
I wish my system would just slow down,
But, through my mind, th...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 8:24 am
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