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Willpower and Discipline
Willpower and discipline,
have long been two of the
most despised words in the
english language to me.
What character flaw prevents
the willpower and discipline
necessary to be the person
I imagine myself capable of being?
A half-lived life is heartbreaking.
There is no acceptable excuse,
not age or disability.
Even people with no limbs
live empowered lives
built on willp...
Saturday 12th October 2019 3:29 am
The way I write…
I brainstorm twenty titles
words or phrases
that sound good to me
that subconsciously
already feel like parts of me
then I refine them
and refine them
pile them up around my feet
And when I’m in the mood to write
I’ll either start writing
(with aim or aimlessly)
until I get stuck
then I grab a title
work it in the lock
release whatever’s hidden
(and it feels good...
Wednesday 9th October 2019 2:25 pm
As I walked
through the garden dew
'tween clipped box and shapely yew,
'tween hard hornbeam and
'tween friends
a perfect peace descends
As I walked
from the round green room
past dusky shade and roses' bloom,
past shapely hedge and
past huge urns
the garden quiet returns
As I walked
in the lakeside glory
to the enchanted terrace torri,
to the ...
Thursday 30th May 2019 12:33 pm
15 minutes of Sonnet 25
It’s not love they play it’s another game
Where what matters is who can count the most
Playing duck and dive, surfers search for fame
Notching names upon digital bedposts
Their followers adore them with their likes
Each character praised as if from God
If their own petard hoists them onto spikes
Then surely, it’s the crowd that has turned odd.
Their ledger marking...
Saturday 27th April 2019 8:52 am
Open Mike Night
One night a week I go out for a beer
To visit with friends and seek out good cheer
Its open mike, tho I do not play
I do sing along and cheer away.
There's always the regulars, there's Jeff and there's John
And sometimes Bobby will be around
Newbies are cool and always a treat
But the show that can't ever be beat...
Malcolm! They always save him til the end
With his keyb...
Wednesday 10th April 2019 9:04 pm
68 Grafton St 1977
We took acid
Saw things
We stumbled across
Hull university
With reds and yellows
Blues and glowing
Things floating
In our heads
So funny
We laughed
And called and yelled
And danced
And pretended
We were famous
And we went home
We became a football team
And kicked the ball in
The living room
Where we did
Saturday 9th February 2019 6:15 pm
Against Wind
Make it easy. Do it simple.
Just pray for God, to bless.
Love colleagues, & friends.
Surely, you gain a higher success,
Do it now, don't delay it.
Do it again, day by day.
Get that job, reach the top.
Not impossible, just try.
Do advise, every friend.
Shiny future, comes at end.
Do your best. Now, get rid.
Of any weakness, at any wind.
Monday 4th February 2019 4:20 pm
The Theater
The Theater
Today, we're together
Tomorrow, we're apart
As Cinema .. as the Theater,
An End for the Start
Thanks to God for Life
To work .. earn and learn
Pray .. to keep Survive
Happiness to reach and Yearn
Surely, you're assigned
For a role to achieve a goal
Unless you've that mind
You need to heal your soul
Saturday 2nd February 2019 5:56 pm
Writer's Block
When you get writer's block
go for a walk
find a friend
have a talk
blow bubbles
spin a top
count stars
watch birds flock
whatever you do
don't stare
at a blank page
as the clock
goes tick-tock.
Thursday 3rd January 2019 12:58 pm
Recent Comments
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on Climate Emergency!
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