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freedom (Remove filter)


Because I can no longer kiss you

no longer feel your skin

beneath my fingers

or hear you in the night

Because I can no longer call you

no longer sound your name

beneath my breath

or hear you whisper soft

Because I could not stop time passing

could not return time's sand

beneath its glass

or heal the wounds of time

Because I could not hold you here

could yet y...

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Bending reality

Your own mind is yours to keep,
as long as you don't decide to follow the sheep,
Start bending all reality, this will give you your own normality,
Dance in your own style and you will stand out a mile,
Sing songs where ever you go and put on your own one man show,
Do what you want, will make you full of glee,
Then you will find you will be absolutely free,
Freedom is a state of mind and thi...

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MINDdancingfreedomcontentmentparadiseheart and soulgoalenjoying your life no matter what.

Hello All You Heroes

My knowledge of life is second to none,
When almost everyone in this world their wits have gone,
Stupidity is their game and genius is my name,
No-one can hold a candle to me,
Because against all odds my mind is totally free,
I sing songs when I want to this stops me from feeling blue,
I am always there for a laugh and a joke and a bottle of coke,
I think quickly on my feet,
A more fantast...

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freedomgeniusIntellectual manloveparadiseheroes.


An open book she had been
In her mind remained nothing
Maybe he couldn't guess anything
When she kept secrets from him
The lost look in her eyes
The stolen smile on the curve of her lips
It's not a love long forgotten
It's a love rediscovered once again
The moment she allowed the shackles to break
And run wild head on into her dreams
Many wont understand but who cares anyway
It's her wo...

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Others create self-serving expectations

That they thrust upon you with no hesitation.

Always remember you have two choices,

To heed or ignore the many voices.

Most define themselves by what others say,

Resigned to play the games people play.

Sooner or later they will awaken,

Realizing that they’ve been mistaken.

Then a rebirth for all to see.

Some will rejoice, some will...

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we all go through very similar 

tough patches in our life. yet everyone around us thinks we have it better than them.

that our problems are not as serious as theirs.

that is where the problem starts. because we are scared to speak up. 

we think we will be judged. rather than listened to. or being related to.

we have to come together as a community. we must love. share kindness. shar...

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Maybe you mean the whole world for one

A disgusting creature to another

Putting away those nasty souls

I try to search for a silver lining

There are a few who judge me by my weight

Some who see the weight of my heart

If called a mistake or a disappointment

Don't let these little things get to you

I gaze longingly out to the field

Lush green grass which I hoped reflected ...

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White Stick

Summer shower arrives quenching an unknown thirst,

Droplets of release freeing from the worst,

The stubborn blinds slowly drawn back wide,

No longer recognise why there was reason to hide,


Music hits harder, eyes squinted to the new sun,

Munitions of self harm loaded in a holstered gun,

Absent friends, "were they there all along?"

Chemical parole serving right from wrong,


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Obsessed With You

I'm addicted to, all the

Things you do. The way

You look at me, make me

Breathe. I can face this now,

With you I now know how.

Your words enlighten me,

Your eyes, they help me see,

I've never felt this free.


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addicted to youfreefreedomloveunconditional lovelusthappysafehopestrengthgroundedenlightenedpoetrylove poemsromanticromancelove poetry

What Is Freedom?

Insidious, drip, drip, drip,
until normality
is life in a cage
of words and looks.
Like a dog that stands there docile,
the rope untied.

Some words do hurt,
do stick.
The most powerful,
worm into the mind,
unnoticed, unchallenged,
apparently innocuous,
sugar coated lies
on the nature of reality.

But a mind awakened
in the vast realms
of consciousness,

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