The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

alone (Remove filter)


Because I can no longer kiss you

no longer feel your skin

beneath my fingers

or hear you in the night

Because I can no longer call you

no longer sound your name

beneath my breath

or hear you whisper soft

Because I could not stop time passing

could not return time's sand

beneath its glass

or heal the wounds of time

Because I could not hold you here

could yet y...

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Digital Distraction

I watch them engrossed in their hand held devices,
The only thought I have is what's the point, What's the point of talking when there's no listening,
Communication is lost to an electronic device.

Likes only feed an ego that should not grow, Comments from strangers that do not stay but go.
Posting and waiting for the above,
This what their life has become.

I watch them slip away into a ...

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Common Interests

There is a room where these people go, 

All share something in common, 

They sit there, pondering, 

'Why is this happening to me?' 


They could spend hours, days, weeks, months or even years in this room, 

These people are not together, 

In fact they are all alone, 

What do they have in common? 

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I never lied I never cheated 
Never put my hands on it 
Her cat the only thing I’m beating 
I told you I loved you 
I showed you the meaning 


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Take a Penny, Leave a Scar.

I'm just a number,
Put me in the back.
One of these days,
I swear I'll fucking snap.

Always keeping it in,
Forever pushing it down.
One day I'll strike this match
And burn this place to the ground.

Empathy is a curse,
A color I wear well.
I'm sick of always wondering
How other people feel.

I don't take care of myself,
I just bury my own bone.
I'm always there for everyone
But ...

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No Take Backs.

Who am I to you?
Do you want me to stick around?
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
But you still don't hear a sound.

Hang me from your promises
As I choke on your words.
You said you want me forever
But you cut my heart in thirds.

Where the fuck were you
When I needed you the most?
My world was crashing down
You turned into a ghost.

You left me all alone
And I've been lost he...

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When a promise was a lie

Everything I wished for, everything I dreamed of, in my grasp. 

The dream became my nightmare. Torturing me by showing me what I want and need in life. Turning into something ugly and twisted. I have become a shell of what I spent years building myself up to be. 

It’s like I’ve crawled through the dirt and mud to get to the ladder, I climbed so I high I could feel the sun on my face and the ...

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They see me

Without a word

Through the sea white mist

Slow silent slip away

They see me

An empty vessel

Adrift from my moorings

Fading to the horizon

To move, like night, from sea to sea

They see me

Haze distanced

Lost to all and love

Hull down, alone

Eternally to drift

To tide or current whim

Sometime becalmed


Sometime storm blasted


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You took my skeleton out of my body and molded my spine to stand straight.

With your skilled hands you took me apart and put me back together, like you had done so many times. 

In one piece, after so many years - you taught me what it was like to stand alon

You sculpted my wings in perfect likeness of yours. 

With each feather, you gave me hope and confidence. 

I was an angel -...

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My Fault Again

He made our argument physical again tonight

Every time I think it's the last

Leaving him isn't an option

Plus, where would I go?


My heart can't take the cruel words or pain

Eventually, I'll learn how to cope.

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sadaloneangryrelationshipargumentconfusedlonelymental healthtired

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