The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I will show you paradise

Come with me and I will show you paradise,
Leave behind those who are as cold as ice,
Bring in the sun and let it shine,
Then one day soon you could be mine,
I will sing some songs to gladden your heart,
Then with little luck we will never part,
Love is happiness and happiness is love,
It will be just like a perfect hand fitting a perfect glove,
Good luck to all you lovers out there,
Who ...

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Mind the Gaps

Mind the gaps.


There are no happy ever afters,

just some gaps between the tears,

with houses packed unto their rafters

in which you can forget your fears

surrounded by those who love you

and perhaps by those that you love too.


I do hope your gaps are many; 

And that your tears are singularly few

for while our tears are two-a-penny

such gaps are quite pricele...

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Moments of joyjoytearsbetween the tearsthe gapsgapsmind the gap

The Almost Child

I remember exactly the spot

the place I sat

when she told me

I remember the cooling coffee


when I was told

I remember the uncertainty

in her voice

when she told me


I remember how I smiled

the joy I felt

when I first knew

my almost son

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I only try to write of joy

But you only read my sorrow


She came to me by chance

I suppose that's always so

We sang the bodies' lively dance

She rescued me from woe


She came to me in passion

I only knew my lonely life

We dreamt our bodies' ration

She rescued me from strife


The tear you see escape my eye

Remembers only pleasure

The gasp of breath yo...

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Those words we share

                and those we don't

The ones you use

                what do they mean?

So much is lost between the lines.

That inflexion or joy I might have heard

is mute


Those words we share

                and those we don't

The anger I feel in you

                what do your eyes show?

I can never know as I read the lines.

The thoug...

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Thoughts in a dark room

Light your way with silver blue reflections,
Square shapes give you a sense of connection
That fills a room with all the strangers' faces.
Their vision is what your retina praises.

I look accross the room and see nothing but golden spheres,
Hidden deep inside them is a regular junky's craves and fears.
He sweats, he cries and screams the sound of lust and joy,
His euphoria takes off and h...

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Seeking Joy

At an unprogrammed Quaker meeting

The spirit moved someone

To remind us to find our Joy.


After, a friend said she would

Find joy in a nice boy toy.

Or maybe it was a toy boy.

She said one is a boy

You’d like as a toy

And the other is something

A boy would like to play with.


We giggled at that,

And I was reminded of a joke

About a party where everyone


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May Collage Poem - Surprised by Joy

Good food side by side,

Poems two by two,

Just walk, walk my friend to the Joy,

From the darkness, walk now to your summer.


Hera disbelieving Zeus kicks

Him between the legs. He smiles

Surprised by joy


And my lover said to me

Walk to the door of joy

And well come me


Revisiting revenge underneath pie trucks

Like a rampant ground hog day

Funny and r...

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