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to he who was

who is

who will be

do not hinder my growth


you are not my sun


but today

in this moment

i am 

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Halls of my Mind

I’ve been walking up and down the halls of my mind

Studying the library of our conversations

Searching through the labyrinth of your actions

[Trying to find the course of their meaning]

You left my maddened mind without answers

Knowing its potential to psycho analyze and deconstruct every moment

To find some comfort in a resolution


A scientist studying the natural disaste...

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I Am Alive

My Soul is not within me ,I am within my Soul. The essence of my being ,all of my core. I Am my Soul. Battered by Life, Strong but shattered. I Am Alive..I ask myself ;how am I alive...the realization envelopes me completely and the answers sanctified, revealed. Wrapped in the Divine knowledge Soothing,. comforting like only a mothers embrace. Designed in the image of Our Creator; I Believe A moth...

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To The Addicts Of The World

To The Addicts Of The World

Cunning baffling and powerful are the words used to describe,
The truth of what addiction is, it will take your life with a knife.
Everything you thought you were becomes lost,
All that you cherish and love, gone at what cost?

Millions of people struggle everyday and it's truly tough,
Knowing that one is too many and a thousand never enough.
Pot, heroin, me...

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addictionreal lifelostbrokendrugshopelessnessdepression


Soullessly starring into the air

As her body laid lifeless

All this time the Stifled screams

Shut away to keep them at bay, 

Any chance to show remorse

Shut down and accused of lies. 


If I could tell you one last thing

I love you would be the words to say,

Now I can't see you again

I see the truth that was buried within 

I can't help but blame a part of me

As ...

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In the beginning

In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib 

In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit 

In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created 

In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with 

In the beginning we were enough 


He wou...

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Beginningendloveheartbreakyoungsorrowfamilybrokenhusbandwifemarriagedivorceseparationbroken familybroken heartslostaloneafraid

I was young

I was young .. A simple statement that is the answer to many questions I am presented with 


Why did you get drunk, and throw up in the hall way? 

Why did you leave school, and truant all day? 

How did you get pregnant, at just seventeen? 

Why did you marry him, given what you had seen? 

Doesn't it feel silly, divorcing already? 

You're only 21, doesn't your life seem so craz...

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He left

He left 

He left behind his broken wife and his scared son

He left

He left us cold, all alone with no one 

He left


The vows, they meant nothing 

The promises, broken 

I just wish we meant something 

More than just empty words spoken 


I cried for days at a time 

My young son wiped every tear 

Leaving us was a crime 

And now, it's been 1 year 



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familybrokenheartachepainlovesadnessmemoriesmarriageaffairbetrayaldepressionlonlinessfearchangesonmotherfatherunconditional love

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