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Childhood (Remove filter)

"Diana Prince Forever!"

That's what my parents always called me with a smirk
But I wasn't
I was just different

The highlight of my week wasn't watching Knight Rider like the other boys
It was Wonder Woman
Imagining myself wearing her gold tiara and bracelets
Her lasso of truth
Spinning round and saving the world
Then going back to being normal Diana Prince

My older brother bought me Action Man
And ...

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bullyingchildhoodherowonder woman

Beyond the Plastic Pole.

The landlord called this morning

Said that she could tell I just woke up. To call her back later.


The cold was different to me, this late morning
Hazy, paired with rain
Drizzled, Murky, Heavy air that swept through the knit of my hoodie.


The branches lay next to the garage in a consecutively non-organized fashion, taken back by hand a few times

 To the old burning pile ...

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ChildhoodConnor LannesForestMemoriesNostalgiaRainWoods

Invisible Shark Syndrome

When you look at the water
From the specific position of the diving board.
It stays still with the silence of god himself, unmoving despite the world continuing.


It was noon, and the lifeguard made a joke.
"Be careful, there's a shark in the water!"


I could see all the way down past the  top of the water to the mid-blue circle spiral encompassing the 'deep bowl' of the pool.
I ...

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SharksAnxietyFearChildhoodConnor Lannes

Girl in the Spotty Dress

Little girl in the spotty frock, 

Did she love you then or not?


What did you do to make it change?

Why were you so very strange?

Why did you not do as you're told? 

Always needed an extra scold. 

Never behaved at home or school,

Always the one who acts the fool. 

Never able to conform,

Always the one full of scorn.


Still the girl in the spotty frock?


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Caravan holiday

Away from the city

The town

It's 'nice' districts

And 'not so nice'

Is where I find you

And Dad

Even though you've been gone

For over a decade.


You'd rummage round the big market

in Fleetwood

Drink tea, coffee

Toasted teacakes

From a local cafe

Staffed by friendly ladies

With time on their hands

Got up to look like maids 

In an old Victorian cou...

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They lived their lives not too far apart

Both in age as well as distance

Born to families true and strong

Their days where filled with laughter

For him she was the sister he never had, he just forgot to tell her 

At 21 they left their homes to make their way and somehow their contact faltered

Then one evening after a concert pure with joy

In a crowded station she spotted his f...

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In Formby it never ever rains

Playground all summer long my early days

Playtime was forever then and there

Crowded caravan crammed with joy

Quick splash of water on the face

Dressing quickly, combed through hair

Breakfast rushed on happy faces

Checking windows for neighbour friends 

Are they up, are they ready 

And off we charge into seaside light 

Yesterday's plans r...

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Formbychildhoodfriendsgrowing upsummerholidays

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh


You got caught out once,

sitting on the top deck of the bus

and gripping the metal bar

that ran across the top

of the seat in front.


He was bragging to his mates

and, although you couldn’t see his face,

you could see the dirty straw hair

and the muck ingrained in his neck

and you imagined him winking.


He turned round slowly,

looked ...

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bullyingthe last laughpay backchildhoodgrowing


Far away.

Beyond Hills.  Plains.  Mountain's peaks.

Across far horizons.

Way far.

Is where I'm from.

My origin.

Distant.  In time and space.

Unreachable solace-source.

Safety-craving yearns memory.

Evokes distance.

Inspires trance-thought flashback.

My homeland.

Filled with heart-sing reminiscence-provoking sights, sounds - the scent of security.

Sun-shining ...

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We are not a metaphor. 


Although, we have met before

I was a shy girl with bright blue eyes and you were a brown haired boy who played guitar on the bus

We grew up and grew together, inseparable

Unaware of what to call what we were, what we had


This was back when childhood was innocent and we still weren't sure how to kiss


Lips, mouths, necks, hands

We figured t...

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childhoodgrowing uplovemetaphoryoung love

Letting you go.

When the sun shines, and the moon glistens, I talk to you. I hear the planes up ahead and wonder if it's you. I stay up all night, just because maybe one day you'll call text, email or just appear. But the day's end, summer comes and they grow longer. I wait more and I plead God to grant me this wish. Please, please, grant me my Mother. But day after day, family sways, nobody calls and i think its...

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motherchildhoodteenagersdeath of childhoodmotherh

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