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The Call pt one

Hey hello how do you work this damn thing

I never had a problem till you walked in 

What a shame i was a better man 

Then i let curiosity take its chance but its amazing do you agree 

Is the line busy 

Dont matter you grabbed me by the throat with a rope now im waiting on you to hang up on me 

Im the same one they left hanging when it was cold out chilling on the backstreet


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Lawpolice killinghealing

Master and Commander

Master and Commander


Spreading kindness is not as easy as it should be,

Light years ahead this world of worlds,

And what’s not preserved will slip through mid-earth,


Medicated America suffers,

Morals are seldom thought of,

Our jaded youth trudges on,


We collapse on the front lines,

No one can save us,

Because we see our neighbors in turmoil and turn away,


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goodwillnew beginningshealingmoralerecovery

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