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Anger (Remove filter)


Forgiveness is my best friend

she gives such relief


Finding my best friend

can be such a challange

She often hides in the corners of my mind

plays hide and seek with my heart


It's so hard to let go

and let her do her magic

It's easier to sit in the dark closet

holding onto anger


Anger is black and painful

it takes from my soul

It lies and ch...

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Who Cares?

(spoken wordy angsty teenagery type poem; a work in progress)

I just need a friend
someone to turn to,
but what's the point in a friend if that friend isn't you?
Yiu see, i've got my demons
but you've got yours too.

You've got problems with the scale and you hair smells stale from all the cigarettes you smoke to curb the cravings
anf your stomach growls, begs, pleads.
But no amount of ...

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eating disorderteen yearsmental healthAngerself harmSelf Image

Fires Of Anger

Fires of anger

Consume my soul, burn me up

A self induced hell

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Dear Donald Trump

I don't often post on this poetry blog but I feel so strongly about this subject, I had to share it.


Dear Donald Trump


Dear Donald Trump, the thought of you as the next Leader

of the Free World makes me want to hurl. 

Has America lost her mind


to even consider a racist, sexist buffoon

who hasn’t the sense to spend a sliver of his tax-free billions

on decent hair...

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AngerDonald TrumpPolitics

I Need to Grieve











Need to grieve,
but this makes
everyone else sad.

But I need
to let it out.
And instead
I get frustrated
and a little mad.

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Riding on red

Baby, oh cry "red red" baby!

Red stare, double dare me, baby.

You look angry maybe,

that frown like a red cloak across your gaze

with your silver tongue

words like shining bullets

cutting me down with your mad arms.

What mad, bad arms you have!

What a mad, bad glare you have!

All the better to come swinging at me

with those meaty limbs like axes.

Oh, please baby I'...

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angerdangergameslovelove makingmanipulationred ridinghoodsexthreat

Tips for my Daughter, How not to get raped, pt1

There is a time to please, to appease, to apologise

For the tease, for existence

To apologise for the breasts, and the audacity

To want ownership, to be landed gentry of the manger

To pray less than politely for a lack of invitation from

The testosterone laden entitlement

When you trust him, the deceit still sits

In that firm space between gender specifications and stereot...

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poetryconfessional poetryfeminismparentingloveanger

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