The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Guarded Walls



Quick! Hurry!


Before she sees

Build up a wall

Be careful not to fall

Its just too much to bare

Yes, I know its unfair

But I can't

I just.....

I can't! 

If I were to take a wrong turn

If I were to get burned

I don't think I could go on

See, I thought I had the one

Really, truly

She hurt me brutally

I could have sworn...

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I am being eaten alive

By the earth

The fire

And you

With terrifying speed

And abject reason

You have grown through me





My noble intentions


Left to burn

As I breathe my last

I can do no more


I never loved you



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Falling apart

You were supposed to be my knight in shining armour

You were supposed to prove them all wrong

Cause back then you were young, and dumb, and stupid

But now you are old enough

To know that you can’t be out here breaking hearts

I guess that’s where we fell apart

I was too busy trying to protect us

And you just didn’t care at all

Making me look foolish over and over again


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heartbreakplatonic friendsfuck yougrew strongerfoolishalonelove poetry

Let me Bleed

Blue sea below stormy skies
No one sees bleeding eyes,
Or the pain and the heartache
That keeps me awake My dreams, all are shattered
My head truely battered 
This pain that I feel.....
Is surely unreal. Surely unreal. Pierced my armour 
Down goes my shield
Broken defences
Just let me bleed
Just let me bleed One day you'll regret
The things that you've left.....

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Snow Flake

You come and you go

astressed with the trade winds

Tiny ghost dancer

flows to my head

clear and timed

tastes of sparkling ciders melt in my eye

attempting to leave no trace

I hold the proof of our a-cult

reforming love 

vitalizing movements seize life

breath exits as I consumed you

as glass inherits my soul 

timed and clear

breakable in an extraterrestrial se...

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Talk to me like I talk to you:

Openly with heart-felt truth.

I don't want lies; they'll bring demise,

And we'll fall apart in our hearts and minds.


A promise is what promise was.

Promise is built upon our trust.

It's what we've made, but it has caved,

And the hurt I feel won't wash away.


Love me not, yet love still I

All you are though love has died.

Your lo...

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