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Religion (Remove filter)


Here comes religion - again

with its huge pillow for your bed

creature comforts.

To go with it you may include

      television, sofa, slippers, car

      etcetera  etcetera. 

      For the ladies a kitchen that's blessed

      in the latest hue

 creature comforts


and a hint of sky to cover you by.

For the race

      a human embrace when it's over


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The iPhone of Beelzebub

I've stolen Beelzebub's iphone, now I know the numbers of his friends 

he's stuck for eternity without Facebook, oh how his hell never ends

I nicked St Peter's Kindle, now his words of wisdom are unsaid

Because I changed the password on his account, from Heaven swear words are sent

I hacked into Moses' iPad, now it's a tablet of stone

I wiped every file from the hard drive and chang...

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appleGodGoogleiphoneJesusJudasKindleReligionTinderSkyTwittterFacebookPIN numberstechnology


How can a lie

make the whole world cry,

yet they claim there is nothing to see,

where nefarious knaves

and the covetous crave

beneath covers so stealthily, free?


No thought for the plebs

as they weave dangerous webs

in a world already complex,

where the sins of the saints

have done nothing but taint,

confuse, deceive and perplex.


To forgive and forget,


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Has God Gone Crazy?

Or is She simply confused?
Unable to tell use from abuse,
Lies from the truth.
Or is He internally at war?
Torn between support and ignore,
Or merely unable to care anymore?
And yet we kill each other in their name,
Heck, maybe this was their celestial aim:
For us all to be imprisoned by their holy war games.
Maybe She let all man be free,
From the butler to his Bourgeoisie,
And our God...

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Don't You Dare

Don't you dare lie to us about Islam 

Don't you dare say ISIS is more than just a sham

The truth is Islam is all about peace and that's a fact

The truth is ISIS has no truth at all, it's all just an act


For just like Christianity, Islam has been misused

For just like Christianity, Islam has been abused

By power seeking maniacs who speak no truth at all

There’s never been ...

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