The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


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How can a lie

make the whole world cry,

yet they claim there is nothing to see,

where nefarious knaves

and the covetous crave

beneath covers so stealthily, free?


No thought for the plebs

as they weave dangerous webs

in a world already complex,

where the sins of the saints

have done nothing but taint,

confuse, deceive and perplex.


To forgive and forget,

is to aid and abet

the demons, content in their ways,

as they deftly defile

and sneeringly smile

at the lies from our earliest days.


To be taught as a child,

there is one who beguiles;

a one that is two and then three,

is a criminal act

and insidious pact

to enslave the ones who were free.


Our children were taught

not to give a clear thought

as to how it was all s’posed to work,

so they trustingly took

from the ones who forsook

and replied with barely a smirk.


They were used and abused,

bewildered, confused,

then cast aside on their quest,

told to get on with life

under threat of the knife,

for the Robed Ones always knew best.


And the tears and the cries

from damp bloodshot eyes,

can be seen again and again

as the torment goes on,

from The Father to Son,

leaving streaks of soul numbing pain.


So when will it end;

when can children depend

on the adults they were once taught to trust?

When will all the lies,

causing deep hidden cries,

be brought to the men who are just?


Let them rattle the cage

with a long concealed rage

and ask those monsters to tell,

how an innocent child

can be fiercely defiled

and yet kneel ‘neath the chime of their bell?


Then once and for all

watch them stumble and fall

as down to the cells they are led,

with long restless nights,

shallow sleep and no rights;

watch them cowering deep in their beds.


Let the bells peal out loud

as we look ‘neath the shrouds

and tally the terrible toll,

of the heart-wrenching cries

of so many sad eyes,

as The Lie is revealed to us all.



Written by Darren Scanlon, 18th June 2014.

Revised 16th June 2015.

©2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved. 





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